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Cocaine Cocaine Comedown & Addiction


Jul 31, 2005
we all know that coke come down is crazy:anxiety,paranoia,tension etc. how do you calm dalm down?
P.S. Other than benzos...
I really can't think of anything besides benzos, I tried klonopin after a ton of a coke a few days ago and it was great. Uh, more coke, like just a little bump to feel normal and then try going to sleep.
As mentioned above, I simply cannot imagine taking any stimulants without having benzos on hand. If I have opiates, then they are a nice addition - but benzos are simply as necessary as the stimulant itself!

That being said, Phenylalanine, Magnesium and 5-HTP might help, and in my case, L-Dopa almost completely eliminates the comedown.
Set and setting - just as important for the comedown as it is for the peak/high. Have your bedroom/livingroom clean, tidy, warmly lit with lights.

Have hot chocolate(or tea or whatever hot drink) ready for you to relax. Have good chill music playing. Have a computer game going if you are so inclined.

If you are having a house party, kick any annoying fuckers out :D.. nothing worse than listening to some cokehead that you don't even like much blather on at 5am about all their personal problems....


2 drinks of alocohol and a xanax. The rest is just waiting out the very time limited coke comedown - it shouldn't last more than 60 minutes tops.
I just chill out, smoke some pot.. snuggle up in my bed. hahaha. Most people dont like smoking pot before during or after cocaine use due to the high probability of feeling all paranoid and whatnot. Just wait till your totally down, and just smoke a little and relax.
uacvax said:
l-tyrosine and alcohol or ghb

L-tyrosine will keep u up though.....better to take the morning after.....

Anyways in addition to what others have suggested......

Saline nasal spray....It washes out most of the left over coke in ur nose....helps u sleep better
^ I used to always try to figure out when the best time to smoke weed while doing coke was. I tried so many different scenarios. Before, several different times during, and after. All my results were unsuccessful! My ex did it once after. She hated it, and never smoked again any time she'd do coke. I was in denial, I wanted to make my weed work with the coke. It just wouldn't... I wish I would have just left the weed pipe down and enjoyed the coke high. I won't do coke anymore as it is too expensive for me. :(

Anyways, back to topic; I liked using alcohol and good chill music. Also, sometimes Ambien was nice if I just wanted to knock myself out and go right to sleep.
I really dislike smoking pot on coke, makes me feel awful, but it depends on the individual. I just usually pop 15-20mg of melatonin shortly after my last line and I'm out in 30-60 minutes before I hit the come-down full force. I'm sure benzos work even better.
Benzos are the ultimate comedown... If you want to spice it up and make it even more relaxing smoke a nice blunt or take some bong rips
coming from a total self confessed addict i know that all i can say is drinking plenty of juices and mineral waters for the days after helped, gabapentin, codiene, the basic fact is theres no way really but to accept its gonna hurt....you know that fact deep down. Ibuprofen also, 800mg with a 1.5 litres a day evian...valium or my favourite klonopin too. Rolling a huge joint and laughing at what you did to yourself....cocaine is indeed a bitch to come down from but there is nothing that doesnt sway me from preferring coke hangovers to alcohol ones. Coca no es una droga, es un comida....as the S.A. people rightly state. Don't understand the illegality, i think that the fact of its being made by non pharmaceutical people sometimes using benzine or methanol.Therein lies the real hangover.Impurities.
to be honest, thje comedown is not bad with brew/smoke and klonopin

infact i take it as part of the expirience, sometimes its almost enjoyable, especially if its good yay :)
I just hate cocaine comedowns , well i usually sleep and don't have a comedown in the strict sence of the word , but the next day i will be horribly depressed and have a hangover which i never have with just alcohol
You don't even have a comedown if you take a strong opiate, or benzos when you don't feel any effect from the coke anymore.

The best thing to do:
Coke, then when you don't feel the effects of coke anymore, you take a strong Opiate, then when you don't feel the effects of the Opiate anymore, you take Benzos....
I don't wait until the comedown to start clearing my nostrils. All that time it's burning away at your nasal membranes. I tend to have minor sinus problems for a few weeks after having done coke.

It also helps with the drips, and when you flush all the cocaine particles down, you take down the entire line instead of line minus all the particles stuck to your nose etc