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Club Drugs (Ecstasy & Methamphetamine) Can Cause Permanent Brain Damage

jerkoff27 said:
People go through tons of these studies to prove what?? inconclusive results everytime, and these drugs are illegal. Yet alcohol has been proven time and time again to toxic. It is classified as a fucking poison for christ sake. Yet we sell it as if its normal. I will never understand

I recall a person, perhaps he was in the DEA. His reasoning for the legality of alcohol/cigarettes was due to the fact "we" can't stop people from using those two drugs.

That cracked me up.

And, I think you may know this but I'll type it anyways: In the good ole USA, the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) simply has too much money and power to remove these.
I can agree with stonerfromohio, drugs, ecstasy mostly have completely changed me from who I used to be, soon my friends where all "dude, are you okay? is something wrong with you, you look soo.....so different" Pale, eyes spaced, dazed look, taking long amounts of time to answer questions, loosing train of thought every other thought. its ridiculous
^When I first got into the club/rave scene in Australia i found that the pills I got were allway good even when baught at clubs the connectionsi had were just general onse not too special allways had good drugs but i visit the scene after not going for a couple of years and im getting offered shards at the door. Also kids are taking more pills these days than they were.

I mean most id ever drop was 2 in a night now im hearing a normal night out is 5 pills couple points of shard.

I think drugs fuck you up full stop be it legal or illigal, maybee illigal ones fuck you up faster.

My concolusion to this stay shit yeah of coarse meth is bad for your brain dose it causes irriversable damage, i dunno look at the dude a your club whos been there for 10+ years those dudes with no teeth are generally pretty fucked up, sure they can live in society but i guess would this be normal.

Dont forget these scientists are compareing ravers ect.... well i guess that our brains against the control 'rats mice those monkeys that like useing lipstick" to "normal" people so you gtta take that into account. bottom line is when ure fucked ure fucked deal with it or jump off a bridge.
DemonSeed said:
Meth is definitely not good for the system. It's fucking damaging if you abuse it. The stimulation is like pure stress for the body. I didn't do that much speed but the more I took, at a point the hangover became really bad. Now if I do any of that shit, I feel really depress, paranoiac, etc. the day after use. It takes about three days to feel normal. It's like my system can't take as much as it could.

I have to agree though that article lacks credibility.

It's almost like it's two different drugs.

Take 20 - 25 mg, orally...it's a pep pill. Sure there are side effects but it's not enough to make you high. And, if you're tired enough, you can sleep.

But, take 200, 300, 400 mg via smoking, it's a hard drug buzz, it's a tweak...with all the rough effects on your body they say it has.
Calling bullshit on bullshit stories is not the same thing as claiming that the drug is perfectly harmless.

IMO, nonsense claims about drugs increase harm because people will (falsely) start to think that other warnings about drugs are nonsense as well.
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bikki_muncher69 said:
I think drugs fuck you up full stop be it legal or illigal, maybee illigal ones fuck you up faster.
This may sound nitpicky, but what do you mean when you say "drugs." Do you feel taking antibiotics for strep throat is "messing you up" for example? Or ibuprofen for a bad headache? Just curious.
FractalStructure said:
Everyone, read THIS

The last sentence clearly says:
“Abuse of methamphetamine is very dangerous.”

^this is the conclusion. meth and X dont work the same way and I see zero proof of anything at all.

I've known meth was neurotoxic, but nobody knows exactly how damaging (if it turns out even being neurotoxic, which im sure it is to some degree but much less than the propaganda wants us to believe) MDMA truly is and where the line of recreation/neurotoxicity lies.

This is simply propaganda, they're throwing in the name "ecstasy" simply because it has MA in its' structure

How are you sure that it's much LESS than the popagandists want you to believe? Maybe lowering the overall use of the brain in most of the population is a good thing. Maybe giving toddlers substances that may be neurotoxic is not necessarily a bad thing to keeping up a status quo.

Maybe it's worse. Maybe that's the point.

Maybe someone/some people will eventually find hard scientific refutation in either direction. Until then...we get our news from these reports??? Shitty options...
bikki_muncher69 said:
^When I first got into the club/rave scene in Australia i found that the pills I got were allway good even when baught at clubs the connectionsi had were just general onse not too special allways had good drugs but i visit the scene after not going for a couple of years and im getting offered shards at the door. Also kids are taking more pills these days than they were.

I mean most id ever drop was 2 in a night now im hearing a normal night out is 5 pills couple points of shard.

I think drugs fuck you up full stop be it legal or illigal, maybee illigal ones fuck you up faster.

My concolusion to this stay shit yeah of coarse meth is bad for your brain dose it causes irriversable damage, i dunno look at the dude a your club whos been there for 10+ years those dudes with no teeth are generally pretty fucked up, sure they can live in society but i guess would this be normal.

Dont forget these scientists are compareing ravers ect.... well i guess that our brains against the control 'rats mice those monkeys that like useing lipstick" to "normal" people so you gtta take that into account. bottom line is when ure fucked ure fucked deal with it or jump off a bridge.

If the pills are weak then their five is the same as, or less than, your two. Now that it's more common, it's very possible the substances are more diluted. Basic economics.
college_dropout said:
When someone refers to amphetamines usually they're confusing it with powdered meth which is the most popular for clubbers. Powdered meth is around $200 per gram (unless buying in bulk), which in my experience is almost always of smokeable quality, and good quality crystal is usually $300 to $350. People who pay the extra for ice will only ever smoke it. I'm fairly confident the most common route of administration is to just snort it but a huge number of people will smoke it at raves and those types of events. It's funny going into some of the poorly ventilated bathrooms at these places and it's just a thick cloud of chemicals wafting through the air.

You got that pretty right, only were I'm from (SE QLD) most people IV it unless its shards (A lot still IV shards). Barely anybody snorts it.
certified_bomb said:
You got that pretty right, only were I'm from (SE QLD) most people IV it unless its shards (A lot still IV shards). Barely anybody snorts it.
I'm in Melb & was really only looking at it from a clubbers perspective. To my knowledge IVing in clubs isn't too common, even in the feralest of feral rave clubs Melb has to offer. Only know a couple of people who have ever IV'd ice, they're the type of people I made a point of never seeing again (y'know the feral creatures whose muscles are hanging from their bones). Yuck.
TALLY said:
Really? Youve got me interested.

I didnt know many people in Australia did meth. I knew they did amphetamines but not methamphetamines.

What is the quality like?
Is it mostly crystal or powder?
Do most people smoke, snort, or eat it?
Are there a lot of meth lab busts?
Are there a lot of meth busts, period?

no one does amphetamine here, its all meth whatever form its in..
when its in unfinishedn wet form you basically shoot or eat it. stats show a lot of people shoot it ans sao do clubbing and vebsdue toilets with needle drop boxes. ice (crystalized more pure meth) is twice as expensive and normally smoked, but in QLD a lot of people like to shoot it up. a lot of people take speed, then take pills at the club.
Also we dont have "powered meth" here. It's base (can be 2% or 15% pure), or ice (15-70/80%(rare!))
Most people who IV use base because they like the rush of the impurities... boofing high purity meth/ice all day seems to make people go schizo much quicker.

ecstasy power/crystal or pills is cheaper than meth over here.
Honestly this doesn't exactly surprise me. I'm not a scientist or heavy researcher, and this isn't a brilliant article, but I've used assortments of many drugs and know a good deal about them. Anyway, I'm 20 and I practically have problems as if I were like 40. Also I sometimes can't think straight and just have this dumb feeling and it's hard for me to say what I intend to. My memory suffers as well. All I mean to say there is a possbile connection between drugs and some of the health problems that I have.
FractalStructure said:
wow methamphetamine is neurotoxic... didnt know that 8(
i pay attention to the use of the term "club drug"..

The researchers determined that both methamphetamine use and traumatic brain injuries causes the same type of damage to the cell structures and protein fluctuations in the brain. Over 30,000 different proteins are found in the human brain. Methamphetamine use and traumatic brain injuries alter about 12 percent of these proteins.

so basically, in a club setting, methamphetamine horribly damages the brain, but if you get desoxyn or adderall prescribed (adderall just lacking a methyl group compared to dexmethamphetamine)
its fine, so safe that they actually give it to toddlers.

They haven't actually mentioned medicinal or prescribed use of the drug in the article. So no, the results of the study are certainly not saying that and the article writer has not actually said that either.

Certainly, the (superficial) focus on "club drugs" in the article probably was done with the intention of demonising recreational use while hoping that no one actually reads the ingredients on their pill bottles in order to make said connections (that drugs are no less inherently damaging just because they are prescribed or legal).
I hate how no one considers alcohol as dangerous and addictive. look how many people are addicited to drinking and how many people die each year from drunk driving?
pahzed said:
I can agree with stonerfromohio, drugs, ecstasy mostly have completely changed me from who I used to be, soon my friends where all "dude, are you okay? is something wrong with you, you look soo.....so different" Pale, eyes spaced, dazed look, taking long amounts of time to answer questions, loosing train of thought every other thought. its ridiculous

Ecstasy may have caused you some damage, but it is a mistake to say drugs cause brain damage as if all recreational drugs are the same.

I don't think there is any evidence at all that opiates cause brain damage. I have used them frequently for several years with no sign of brain damage. I heavily used/abused a wide variety of psychedelics for a couple of years, again no lasting harm.

Assuming that just because one drug causes damage means that another does too is the reason this article was so easy to dismiss as meaningless.
FractalStructure said:
so basically, in a club setting, methamphetamine horribly damages the brain, but if you get desoxyn or adderall prescribed (adderall just lacking a methyl group compared to dexmethamphetamine)
its fine, so safe that they actually give it to toddlers.

^Excellent point..!!

Where I live in the western united states meth is all over and cheap about 100$ for 3.5 grams and I know lots of people who have abused it for years. Almost all the people who have done it too much all say it has very real permanent damage physical and mental.

All drugs have side affects some are a lot worse then others. Usually people only use Ecstasy one a week or so but a lot of people do methamphetamine everyday for years and decades. The human body is good at repairing it’s self when you abuse it once week it has time to recover but when you abuse it everyday for years it has no time to recover and you are accumulating damage.