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Club Drugs (Ecstasy & Methamphetamine) Can Cause Permanent Brain Damage

Bludda said:
I doubt anyone (who's pilled more than a handle of times) can say they've never got a pill which at least didn't have some meth or speed in it.

maybe in the US. here in middle europe the pills are quite different. if i look at local pill reports most pills contain only mdma, good pills more, bad pills maybe something like 20-50mg; other pills contain no active ingredients, few mda or m-CPP , and very few contain something else some amphetamine, 2C-B or maybe meth. i think i read that there were some pills with meth going around 1.5 years ago, but it's not common at all.
meth is generally very hard to come by even if you look for it. it took me 2 years to find some and even then it was so weak that i went to sleep 2 hours after my first line. all there is is plain amphetamine.
everything we do alters our brains; they are being continuously remodeled and restructured. i would like to see evidence as to whether the changes caused by methamphetamine have clinically-significant effect.
Crazeee said:
Where are club drugs used?
Club drugs are usually used at parties that are geared to young adults, and often attracht people ranging from 16 to 29 years old. There are many different names for these parties. Sometimes the party is called a 'rave,' sometimes a 'trance,' or they could even be used at the dance club down the street.

I just found this part great. For club drugs to be possibly used in a club? Ridiculous!
maybe in the US. here in middle europe the pills are quite different. if i look at local pill reports most pills contain only mdma, good pills more, bad pills maybe something like 20-50mg; other pills contain no active ingredients, few mda or m-CPP , and very few contain something else some amphetamine, 2C-B or maybe meth. i think i read that there were some pills with meth going around 1.5 years ago, but it's not common at all.
meth is generally very hard to come by even if you look for it. it took me 2 years to find some and even then it was so weak that i went to sleep 2 hours after my first line. all there is is plain amphetamine.

Its not much different here on the east coast of the us.. ive looked up lab results and have *never* seen amphetamine found in a roll, only methamphetamine. thats pretty much the only adulterant that prolly one in every 4 stamps contains. Theres also caffeine, but i have never read of mcpp or any piperazine inside of a roll in my area. Lately there has been alot of MDA, but thats hardly an adulterant (assuming you are looking for rolls with pure MDXX, not pure MDMA, and some people prefer MDA)

Oh and no RC's, ive heard a few stories but its pretty rare that you would get 2c-x in your rolls around here. For some reason 2c's never really caught on nearly as much as they have in europe (particularly 2c-b and 2c-i)
Black said:
maybe in the US. here in middle europe the pills are quite different. if i look at local pill reports most pills contain only mdma, good pills more, bad pills maybe something like 20-50mg; other pills contain no active ingredients, few mda or m-CPP , and very few contain something else some amphetamine, 2C-B or maybe meth. i think i read that there were some pills with meth going around 1.5 years ago, but it's not common at all.
meth is generally very hard to come by even if you look for it. it took me 2 years to find some and even then it was so weak that i went to sleep 2 hours after my first line. all there is is plain amphetamine.

I'm actually in Australia dudes, though I haven't been on the pill scene for some time, back when I was it was easy to find 'crap pills' if you were unlucky enough not to have a decent connection. Obviously, when you are into 'em, you make sure you get the best quality you possibly can - but how many people actually do this?

For a while, a lot of us only knew to get pills from a dodgy dude in one of the pool halls, needless to say the pills (in hindsight) were shit - but often people don't know better or go out of their way to educate themselves about what they're taking. For instance, I reckon there's a fair few idiot kids out there getting off tap only on what they think is ecstacy.

I suppose the point is moot though, because the people who are gonna be damaging their brains on this shit are the people who will be taking it regularly, and hence probably have better connections.

Anyone wanna hug? I 've got some chewy! :) :) :) :) :) :)
Meth is bad for your brain??? Geez, who would've thought. Now pass me the crackie. What a pointless article.
All drugs make your brain different

Including the ones that "Mother gives you" so to speak.

Sometimes, this is pretty definitely damage. Like the effect of major tranquilizers, whatta they call it...extrapyramidal side effects? And, some people who've used meth or X in such massive quantities so as to bypass all the brains feedback mechanisms that allow it to repair or protect itself.

But, sometimes, drugs will make you a bit 'different.' Possibly, less fit to slave your life away in meaningless yuppie drudgery? Some might consider that damage, I don't necessarily.
stonerfromohio said:
Ive noticed from reading drugs in the media everyday since i've been a member (over a year ago) and I noticed that every single bad thing said about drugs is torn a part from users on this site.

Well, they make it so damn easy to tear apart!

Number of times the phrase "traumatic brain injury" is used in the article: 6
Number of times explanations or evidence is given of the similarity between traumatic brain injury and use of "methamphetamines": 0

It's hard to believe that the brain injuries caused by toxic substances and by physical shock would really be similar in anything but the crudest way; if they look similar, it's probably an indication that your tools or study methods aren't very good. It's a bit like saying old age and obesity are similar - after all, they're both bad for the heart, aren't they?

While we're at it, the author doesn't seem to understand the difference between MDMA and methamphetamine, and does anyone who's into trance music actually call their parties a "trance"??
london runner said:
i think its pretty clear that drugs make you dumb

There was this mathematician, quite eminent, who took Benzedrine all the time. He made a bet that he could give up amphetamines for a month, and he did.

While he was off them, his mathematical inspiration evaporated, and his output dropped to nothing. Right after the month was over he resumed taking them.
london runner said:
i think its pretty clear that drugs make you dumb

That's a moronic statement. Do you even know what a drug is?

Some drugs do in fact damage and others only damage our little brain and body IF we abuse the drug. You can abuse water in the sense of too much of a good thing. You can overdose and shut your organs down with vitamins. Blah blah. Do some research kid.

Modafinil increases cognition in an "average IQ" ranged human.

Ritalin excites and increases your thinking processes on the first pass with new material.

Those are two quick examples. There are many more available.
college_dropout said:
Meth is very much a club drug in Australia.

Really? Youve got me interested.

I didnt know many people in Australia did meth. I knew they did amphetamines but not methamphetamines.

What is the quality like?
Is it mostly crystal or powder?
Do most people smoke, snort, or eat it?
Are there a lot of meth lab busts?
Are there a lot of meth busts, period?
Meth is definitely not good for the system. It's fucking damaging if you abuse it. The stimulation is like pure stress for the body. I didn't do that much speed but the more I took, at a point the hangover became really bad. Now if I do any of that shit, I feel really depress, paranoiac, etc. the day after use. It takes about three days to feel normal. It's like my system can't take as much as it could.

I have to agree though that article lacks credibility.
People go through tons of these studies to prove what?? inconclusive results everytime, and these drugs are illegal. Yet alcohol has been proven time and time again to toxic. It is classified as a fucking poison for christ sake. Yet we sell it as if its normal. I will never understand
TALLY said:
Really? Youve got me interested.

I didnt know many people in Australia did meth. I knew they did amphetamines but not methamphetamines.

What is the quality like?
Is it mostly crystal or powder?
Do most people smoke, snort, or eat it?
Are there a lot of meth lab busts?
Are there a lot of meth busts, period?
Meth use in Australia exceeds ecstasy. Most ecstasy users are meth users too, they're our two most popular "club drugs". Meth is to us what coke is for you guys in US/Europe. Coke is too expensive (and of such crap quality on average) and too short lived for most clubbers budgets so that's why meth has really flourished over here. It's a lot easier for local gangs (biker gangs etc) to set up a meth lab than to try their hand at importing cocaine from all the way over in Columbia. But most clubbers don't end up with physical addiction problems though because meth is still too expensive to do week long speed runs unless you're really desperate and don't care about the quality of your life or finances.

Amphetamines are impossible to find (unless you have them prescribed). When someone refers to amphetamines usually they're confusing it with powdered meth which is the most popular for clubbers. Powdered meth is around $200 per gram (unless buying in bulk), which in my experience is almost always of smokeable quality, and good quality crystal is usually $300 to $350. People who pay the extra for ice will only ever smoke it. I'm fairly confident the most common route of administration is to just snort it but a huge number of people will smoke it at raves and those types of events. It's funny going into some of the poorly ventilated bathrooms at these places and it's just a thick cloud of chemicals wafting through the air.

You always hear of meth lab busts every now and then but it never has any impact on the price or supplies, at least not in densely populated cities.
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