Cleantime/Sobriety Countdown

Almost 6 months, clean date from opiates October 8, 2014. 6 years and I'm only now starting to recover memories from the last 3 years before quitting. I have to admit I broke my brain out of the gate and seem to have only been getting chunks of it back. In retrospect I thought I was fine on that I was only hiding toe worst of me, now I realize I hid the best of me and the worst seems to have worked itself out.

The only thing I miss about daily use is now I poo three times a day instead of once a month. I have to admit I hate going poop. I have my ups and down but it's far better than how I was on, depressed/checked out/just didn't care.

Don't get me wrong the temptation is still there, so strong that when my wife and I were packing up to move I opened my desk drawers to find my collection of sharps, tournies, and spoons (and the 2 8mg diluaded I hid away incase of emergency) turned to my wife and simply said "I can't". That was a little less than a month ago. I'm a big believer in moderation and told myself when I quit that it was okay every once in awhile but honestly I am just hiding from the drugs. Acting like they aren't there and don't exist because I can't deal with it. Hell I still smell like withdrawal every once in awhile. I guess you could say I am a big wimp who ran away from the problem instead of solving it.
Clean off opiates for 20 days today.
Quite the mind battle but I'm willing to win.

Clean off opiates for 20 days today.
Quite the mind battle but I'm willing to win.

Congrats!!!!! Fuck getting high. Feels good to get your strength back huh? I struggled since November, but been clean awhile now, cleaned the house of needles even.
One year sober today, it was hard, but I made it with help from family, my dog, and good friends, best luck luck to everyone fighting the good fight, it gets easier but also gets harder, paradoxical but true
15 days opiate free. I know I should be proud of myself (everyone else is), but I'm having a really hard time with depression & anxiety.
Been almost a year since I last touched a drug. I sometimes cannot believe how far I have come along and I am truly blessed to have the support of my family. I hope each and everyone of you have a support system fro fsmily, relatives, and friends. For everyone in recovery, please don't give up. I'm here if anyone wants/needs to talk.
Congrats!!!!! Fuck getting high. Feels good to get your strength back huh? I struggled since November, but been clean awhile now, cleaned the house of needles even.

15 days opiate free. I know I should be proud of myself (everyone else is), but I'm having a really hard time with depression & anxiety.

Got rid of my rigs the day I was serious about quitting. It was so hard, I even threw out my pill crusher.
But man I'm 25 days clean and yeah It's getting better physically but the cravings, depression & anxiety are the worst though.

^I imagine that this site could be pretty triggering for you but congratulations on the 25 years and thanks for posting that.<3
Hang in there, also don't feel bad about going to a Dr for some help if you need it. Take Care
Fucking hell it's been blood out of a stone with fucking doctors for me recently, annd they are in part the ones to blame for me being in this situation.

Luckily I'm pissing it so far, this is nothing compared to some I've done. I'm leaving the house daily even ffs!
I'm not sober from psychedelics and weed, but I have been sober from opiates for 1 year on April 26th. Never felt better, this is the best time of my life right now. Psychedelics and weed are drugs that, for me, enrich my life. I've eliminated the ones that don't. :)
Only at 3 days (almost) in withdrawal. 25 years old using for 8 years and going back and forth between accepting my fate as a drug addict or having a life for myself. The hard part is battling that you can't have it both ways. (99.9% of people atleast)

Im trying so fucking hard to make my dad proud and my mother (rip) proud and my brothers proud but idk how much I have left.
25 years clean and sober. Came on this site to do some research as I had to take some Dilaudid due to a recent sinus operation. Doc gave me 10 days worth but I only used 3.
I wish I could smoke some pot sometimes but it would just take me back to where I used to be. I live in Vancouver BC and it would be easy to get legally. I drank constant and used any drug that came my way. Tons of LSD, coke, speed, whatever. I think if you can control your life and drink and do drugs thats cool. I can't.

Wow and a fellow Vancouverite too hello there, very inspiring. I'm gonna look at this everytime the cravings are very strong.
SWIM was Sober for nearly 7 months untill SWIM had a little slip which intern lead to swim being right back in it and using alot more. SWIM WISHES to start HIS life again with out Crystal meth its such a lonely life. For SWIM anyway. SWIM has a small amount left am thinking I will just change my ROA from now on cause SWIM soes believe the pipe is what gets you. SWIM finds himself filling another bowl just cause. Any tips on how to stay Clean this time would be much appreciated. And your storeys to inspire SWIM . SWIM wants sobriety again.
Longest I've gone sober is 62 days. Other than that, I've used all sorts of drugs consistently since I was 16. I really want to break out of this cycle, but it's very hard in my current situation.
Currently 19 days. Longest over the last 7 years has only been about a month so really hoping to surpass that and never look back.