Hopeless Clean but miserable

Hey Poppydog, I just read through your first post.. didn't have time for the rest. Sounds like you are in desperate need of some real excitement and adventure in your life. Our body and minds crave it- not just the idea of it, but on a physical level we need those exterior stimuli to provoke reactions within. It's why people love and hate roller coasters- it provokes extreme fear which is uncomfortable, but it is then followed by a rush of excitement and relief. It's why many people say to themself while on the ride "never again" and as soon as they get off "can't wait for the next".

Most enjoyable things involve tedious, tiring, boring, frightening, and even dangerous elements. For example, just running itself isn't really pleasurable, especially not when you are just starting out on a run usually. The enjoyable part for me, and many I talk to, is pushing past that voice inside saying "just quit its not worth it, it's too hard, too much work", as well as the health, by physical and mental, benefits it brings. Hiking is very similar- for the majority of the hike I'm saying "fuck i'm out of shape, I smoked way too much when I was younger, who wants to climb a hill/mountain just to climb it anyways?' But at the first stop where there is a good view that really shows how far I've come, a wave of satisfaction washes over me and inspires me to keep going.

Life is a rollercoaster, you have to chase after those moments that scare the shit out of you, you have to charge toward them like you have no other choice. And when you get through it, you'll have the pleasure of knowing you grew as a person and the excitement of overcomming a challenge. For most of us on this forum, the problem is that drugs became that excitement and we start chasing the high rather than the challenges that will force us to grow and better ourselves.

So much of it is perspective as well, at least for me. I used to hate nearly every aspect of life because I had such a terrible attitude and lack of appreciation or gratitude. The thought of "having" to work for the majority of my life was a huge burden. After recovering from an injury that I thought would have left me unable to do a lot of the kind work I do, I know find a much greater appreciation just for my ability to do things like work. It's not that it all changed, but now I tend to catch myself when I start complaining in my head, and remind myself that I could still be in jail/prison or disabled. I know that mindset won't make sense to everyone, but I think gratitude and mental awareness can go quite a long way.
Yeah yo, save those $ and travel. Travel as much as you can, that's our purpose here to see all the corners of Earth before we, you know.
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Hey all you internet strangers. Thanks for your comments. I wont address them all one by one but I read them all and appreciate them.

Re refusing to ask for help/advice: I'd say that's pride. Perhaps fear too. I understand the posture of keeping your problems and weakness to yourself. It seems like the tough, stoic thing to do and i did it for years but it de-humanizes you, because the reality is that we do have problems too big for us, and we are weak, no matter how hard we try to pretend we are not. The presence of destructive coping mechanisms like drugs etc etc kind of gives the game away...

Someone mentioned something about demanding that my belief system takes care of my problems. Which is an interesting contrast to the raft of other suggestions to travel, take meds, do ECT, etc etc which are pragmatic proposals but essentially totally unmoored from and at odds with my faith in Christ. The bible says in romans 8 all of creation groans as in the pains of childbirth in eager expectation of the revealing of the sons of God, and we too who have the 1st fruits of the spirit groan inwardly as we long for the day when all things will be set right. Elsewhere Paul says 'this light and momentary suffering is not worth comparing to the glory which will be revealed in us.'

So, i hate the suffering. I want it to stop asap. I want back inside the garden, inside God's presence where there are pleasures forever more including everything good about oxy and speed etc. I want to get back to where the real pleasure and joy and intoxication that we were made for is. Heaven is like living inside a meth factory, except better. In heaven my brain will become a meth factory producing its own dopamine in quantities that actually satisfy and make me happy and cause me to praise and thank God for his goodness.
So every day i pray it comes soon. And every day im conscious that those who don't ask for God's mercy, repenting and trusting in the lamb of God slain for the sin of the world will not just miss out on heaven but will receive justice for their sins in hell:(

So, suffering sucks, its more than i can bear but its less than i deserve. God says its doing something good, and will work out for the best for me. Who am i to argue? He's a dictator dont ya know? The only benevolent dictator the world has ever known.
@Poppydog Holy shit man, you far gone..
Someone mentioned something about demanding that my belief system takes care of my problems. Which is an interesting contrast to the raft of other suggestions to travel, take meds, do ECT, etc etc which are pragmatic proposals but essentially totally unmoored from and at odds with my faith in Christ. The bible says in romans 8 all of creation groans as in the pains of childbirth in eager expectation of the revealing of the sons of God, and we too who have the 1st fruits of the spirit groan inwardly as we long for the day when all things will be set right. Elsewhere Paul says 'this light and momentary suffering is not worth comparing to the glory which will be revealed in us.'

So, i hate the suffering. I want it to stop asap. I want back inside the garden, inside God's presence where there are pleasures forever more including everything good about oxy and speed etc. I want to get back to where the real pleasure and joy and intoxication that we were made for is. Heaven is like living inside a meth factory, except better. In heaven my brain will become a meth factory producing its own dopamine in quantities that actually satisfy and make me happy and cause me to praise and thank God for his goodness.
So every day i pray it comes soon. And every day im conscious that those who don't ask for God's mercy, repenting and trusting in the lamb of God slain for the sin of the world will not just miss out on heaven but will receive justice for their sins in hell:(

So, suffering sucks, its more than i can bear but its less than i deserve. God says its doing something good, and will work out for the best for me. Who am i to argue? He's a dictator dont ya know? The only benevolent dictator the world has ever known.
Considering all this, why the fuck are you complaining here? Suck it up, and rejoice in the prospect of you being eternally in your imagined heavenly meth-farm with your imagined benevolent judging dictator-god. ;)

Naah, ..take it easy, i'm only half joking. See you in hell buddy.
Sorry you are feeling this way and I definitely hear what you are saying. I am 43 and have been googling opioids for depression as that's the only time I can handle life and not want to off myself. I am off everything for now and completely miserable and as you say cannot handle small things like housework, cooking, etc. I don't know what to do so don't have any answers sorry. I hope things improve for you.