Chicago Heroin v Hugs not Drugs

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Rehab,only three times fourthstreet? I hear you though,its a bitch kicking this shit for good,well good luck man.
Don't beat yourself up too bad man. 2 inpatients and a year long outpatient (under drugcourt so threat of prison) is what it took me and I only shot dope for 3 years! Though I started shooting dope with people similar to you who've been using for 8+ years. So I picked up where they were at and got their connects and their prices :/ since I can't say prices, I could get jabs cheaper than it was to fill my 4 cylinder pickups tank. Its good to be completely clean and I don't look down on any of you, for I'm still a junkie, always will, even when clean. Ain't gonna lie, heroin was my bestfriend, lover, brother, child, employer, teacher, my life, and I do miss it. But just for today, I'm gonna stay clean (I know its cliche). I'm always here for others trying to get and stay clean.
Lol can't wait til Chinky's trust fund runs out... I'll be he starts slangin dope and gets popped and locked up.

10 months clean, this thread is pretty sad too - a lot of y'all need to get off this shit.

Like, how many times have we convinced ourselves that we can do 500 worth of dope and jump off? It ain't happening!

Anyway, I'm just glad to be off that shit and doing right, in school, and making good money for myself.

You seem to be the drug addict version of a 'dry drunk,' or 'clean but not in recovery.' I'm not by any means saying you should be going to meetings if you wish to be in recovery, but you should have a better outlook on life now that you are clean.

If this is your attitude when you are off heroin then I'm sure you are a pleasure to be around when you are strung out. :!
Well, so much for quitting, hahah.. you all know how it goes.. Ive copped twice since I blew had that week of just going hard on 5 jabs.. One of my connects finally got raided after running a steady business for at LEAST 6-7 years (that I know of) and my other main connect was switching numbers and wasnt answering.. so iwent to one of my backups who fell off HARD. I did an entire jab and caught a little nod for maybe 30 minutes, i was pissed. Anyway, linked up with my new main connect and got a jab of some great shit.. noddin hard with 6 blows left. But yeah, I had 2-3 days periods.. and my WDs aren't severe at all really, just runny nose, sneezing, waking up drenched in sweat, but no RLS which in my opinion is the WORST WD symptom (aside from the lack of motivation/"Depression" for lack of a better word being a close 2nd).. I also came up on 3 8mg Subutex which don't have that GOD awful orange taste/smell so I have those stashed which are always a great thing to have a little stash of just in case or if you want a break.. So glad I could find those for a good price, its been a minute since Ive been able to get any, but its one of those things thats like a safety net, just leaves you at ease knowing you've got bupe, a good amount of bupe at that.

And Newphone, congrats on being clean, but don't be a fucking douchebag judgemental asshole. In the grand scheme of things 10 months isn't shit.. And I remember you were on here ripping and robbing people, even begging on the street.. so don't try and preach to anybody.. How many years were you a complete lowly addict? Well, you don't even have ONE year clean under your belt.. and if you're on methadone.. I think the real test is if you can stay clean after weaning off (if you even can).

But yeah, after all that, you're not in a position to preach and give advice on what people should be doing in their lives.. we all know what we SHOULD be doing/not doing.. no need for someone on their high horse to try and tell us.. Whatever though, hope it made you feel a little better about yourself. I'm not even being defensive, I just find it ironic you're trying to preach to anybody.. I'm sure there are plenty of addicts who are more successful/have accomplished more in their lives using than you have in your brief 10 months "clean". Its fine to let us know you're clean, hell, it might even inspire/motivate some individuals.. but save that preaching/holier than thou attitude, AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!

Edit: I didn't count my blows until after I had done almost half of 'em, but it turns out my dude's runner hooked me up with an extra blow (15) in my jab.. Dunno if she did it by mistake or not, but fuck yeah.. Nodding hard as fuck, 10 blows down.. 5 to go.
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Anyone ever hear anything from our old buddy the rock monster? I remember him bragging about how great it was being on methadone and he would only use once a month or so, but switched from smoking tar to shooting it. I wonder how that is working out for him? I hope he really did clean his act up.
I talk to Rock Monster about once a month on the phone. Hes doin allright got a job and a lil side hustle.
Tried the spot like I planned, empty, absolutely nobody around. Spent 10-15 seconds there, walked back to the car and watched 2 marked cars turn the corner and drive down the next block east. Looks like they still riding those boys hard on the WS.
Got some time after work tomorrow, but copping on Friday has always given me a superstitious feeling, like bad luck. Like amature night
Fucking phone. Anyways like amature night or whatever. Got time saturday afternoon too, wondering what the heats gonna be like on the holiday weekend. Not expecting any answers here, just talking out loud.
Fucking mayor, shut down the schools, red line and the street corners.
Oh well. I got a lead on other spots, but I already know those are hot neighborhoods.
Damn on the way home from the methadone clinic this morning we took a lil ride through the WS and the d boys were starting early this morning. It was 6 AM and I saw like 5 spots within 10 mins. Usually when it's that early we have to cruise for a while before we can find anything but today it was poppin out there. :)) anyone else go that early ever??
Hustla - that's good to hear. But I'm on the opposite schedule, going after work, 5p, and my experience by that time, cpd has hassled everyone enuf that its hit or miss.
It's like that 80s cocaine commercial - I do coke to work more, to make more money, to buy more coke, etc. WS is a lil too far outta the way in the morning before I get to work. But I gotta get to work to make that $.
Hope its not too hot tonight.
Hustla - that's good to hear. But I'm on the opposite schedule, going after work, 5p, and my experience by that time, cpd has hassled everyone enuf that its hit or miss.
It's like that 80s cocaine commercial - I do coke to work more, to make more money, to buy more coke, etc. WS is a lil too far outta the way in the morning before I get to work. But I gotta get to work to make that $.
Hope its not too hot tonight.
Yeah be careful. My old WS spots are so burnt. It's like literally cops everywhere where before its used to be a free for all. You could go to like five different corners and have you're choice. Now it's usually dead since they run em off and but one corner that's pretty average/shitty seems to be the only one still mostly running. My phone guy is phenomenal but really you can only call him for bigger orders and sometimes you just need a few. Anyways I'm back to five days on subs and I'm feeling so much better than day one two and three. It really sucks bouncing back and forth because before years ago I could go on a run and take half a sub and feel actually pretty good. Now it takes about four days on 8 mg a day after runs before I come out of the fog.
I've always had a phone connect. It has its advantages which we all know. But sometimes I'll be waiting for these guys to come for awhile. Part of the reason I wait is because I usually pay extra for them to drive out of the hood a little ways. Sometimes it takes way too long to buy dope. I always try to go when its not rush hour. God damn heroin highway is always packed after 4.
If you cop on the street are you in and out?? I kinda wanna cruise through the WS just to see what it's like. I was lucky enough to get a few phone connects through friends so I never had to cop.
Yeah when you cop on the west side you're in and out. At most you're waiting for like.. maybe 3-4 minutes tops because the d boy has to run to his stash spot, grab the blows, and come back.. and for some reason they can keep it a little ways down instead of near them on the block, but usually its order, dope boy walks to stash spot like half way down the block, comes back, served, out in a minute or so. Its still a free for all out west, just more heat because i think there is a lot of political pressure to reduce the violence and they think a good way to do that is shut down the hottest open air drug markets.

Luckily my phone connect has been having real good dope lately, but some of my backups are slacking so next time my main guy and main back up don't answer, I'm saying fuck my other 2 back ups and hitting my favorite dubs spot.

Done 5 blows and im pretty high. gonna do these last 3 and get my nod going then unfortunately I'll be taking the weekend off, but at least I have plenty of subutex to make it easier.

I've always had a phone connect. It has its advantages which we all know. But sometimes I'll be waiting for these guys to come for awhile. Part of the reason I wait is because I usually pay extra for them to drive out of the hood a little ways. Sometimes it takes way too long to buy dope. I always try to go when its not rush hour. God damn heroin highway is always packed after 4.
If you cop on the street are you in and out?? I kinda wanna cruise through the WS just to see what it's like. I was lucky enough to get a few phone connects through friends so I never had to cop.

Yeah I prefer a phone connect but we can't call ours at 6 AM...he just won't answer. Lol.. Coppin on the street is hit and miss. Today was quick but if you go at a time where it's really hot and CPD is busting up spots you could be driving around for a while which I don't like to do. The longer I'm driving in circles the more nervous I get and I don't particularly like the "I'm-nervous-so-I-have-to-shit" feeling. Haha. :)
Well then, since I gotta go back to work tomorrow and based on that info, I think I'll take a early morning detour and see what's up.
Sounds like somethings gotta be open. I got a few spots to check, just a matter of having enough time if the first one doesn't work out.
And yeah, I know the nervous feeling. Like when you got it, walk back to the car or turn the corner, and bam, there's the fuzz rolling, looking right at ya.
Even if I didn't pick up and run into a car, sometimes my stomach does a flip or two.
Had to reply. Is that 50 posts? Sorry. Post-whore, just once.
6am is early, gonna be more like 6:30-7am for me.
Although, I guess there won't be much traffic in my way....:)
My old dealer here in stl would call me at 630-7 to see if I was on my way so he would be ready for me at our spot. Pull up, he's already there, grab dope, roll over to the elementary school and shoot dope while watching kids get off the bus. Safest spot foe a white boy in that hood as that time and place it wasn't odd to be white since the school has an even mixture
Ive never done my dope till I got home,even if I was sick,its risky enough scoreing it,plus I like to do mine at home.
Ive never done my dope till I got home,even if I was sick,its risky enough scoreing it,plus I like to do mine at home.

Now that I'm on methadone I wait til I get home because I'm not sick but before the methadone I would shoot up while driving back home on 290. Those were the good ol days back when I had decent veins. Haha.
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