Chicago Heroin v Hugs not Drugs

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Yeaah we'll see what happens.. I was finally able to take a shit today.. oh the life of an opiate user.. so not glamorous sometimes.
try coffee ib the morning anddrinking lots of water between that
Yeah, I usually just take a break the night before (stop doing dope early in the evening) and then by early affternoon the next day im able to relieve myself of that baby thats in my intestines.

Well, its been a good 4 days or so, ive been ridiculously high the entire time.. but im down to my last 25 blows.. gonna be in a nod all day tomorrow, then with a little bit of luck, ill start the taper the following day *finger crossed*.

Still high as hell right now, bout to go to sleep after i watch a few episodes of Oz, I love this series.. If you liked The Wire or The Sopranos, you'll automatically like Oz.

OZ was a god show back ion the day cause all the bad guys on the show are the guys who played cops on like real life tvshows and the guys whp play copsalways play the sickest characters

Oz is decent, but I love the Wire. You only do two you go you come out.
yeah the wire>>>>>>>>>>>OZ

Yeah i have never been able to taper with dope. The temptation to just load one last fat shot becomes overwhelming within a day or two. But ymmv.

tapering works best if you smoke it and give your nose a coup;le days off
fuck, that post above was started at like 1130-`12ish and i just now posted it..thats beause i was super high after i popped 2.5 mg of xanax aND about half a blunt to wash it down with
fuck, that post above was started at like 1130-`12ish and i just now posted it..thats beause i was super high after i popped 2.5 mg of xanax aND about half a blunt to wash it down with

I live vicariously through you guys in chi-town. I'm in a fucking wasteland for drugs (there isnt any). I've only found H here one time and pills are sparse and just prices are fucking insane around here. I cant wait to visit chi-town this summer. You gonna be back in town later this summer chink?
It was tl;dr chink i just read the first 2 sentences of each paragraph basically cause i know how you like to ramble in your posts lol. Yall get some fucked up prices on weed in chitown man. Ima haveta bring my own when i visit my sister this summer. After living in cali and now montana there isnt anyway im paying those prices again fuck that. My sister lives in oak park from what i can tell on google maps its not too far from where i need to hit up for some quality dope. I may check it out just to say i copped in chitown. Its one of my fav things to do when i visit a new city is to try and find the underbelly and see how things operate. Its a weird fascination but its something i do in every city.

somehow, when one of my dope guys jumped in the back seat at some point this winter, he dropped a ziplocked bud. now i don't know if it was a dub or a sawbuck sized bud but i opened it up and literally had to put it into an empty pill bottle and hide it in the garage so the smell wouldn't wake up the neighborhood. very green and i smoked some (not a big pot gal) and man it got me high....

so there is good pot (was gonna say dope - cos that's what we called it in high school LOL) on the corners... you just gotta know where the weed is.
i had one guy who used to meet me in "da hood" on a side street. there'd be like 4 or 5 of them in a 4 door sedan, the driver would pop the trunk and start fucking with the window washing fluid and then another one would walk to the passenger side window and give me the dope and I'd give him the money.

But that act's gotta get old pretty fast especially with the same cops driving around and around....

Thats smart,atleast,it seems like you have a reason for being there.
I'm gonna post and dampen the mood because most of us post when we are high and it's all fun and games until... Everyone on here talks about getting a good phone connect because WS is just too sketchy. My first six mos. here in chi I copped on the WS and it was always very easy and reliable and I had like at least five corners too choose from the past few months have been a wasteland because the heat is now just unbearable. It's beyond hot and if and when you see d boys you got about a two minute window to complete your business and get out before the rollers come by so...
I switched to a phone connect who has absolute fire and pick up jabs except that's perfect until like all and every phone connect ever the day comes where you get the dreaded I'm out and I'll call you in a few hours. We all know how that goes. So you're sick and you gotta go back to the WS. Anyways I'm two days in to clean after a nice bender and it's hard to think of positives when you feel lifeless and exhausted and bedridden. Sure I love dope but like I heard a junkie in a documentary say its like your mothers hug when you got it and your daddy smackin you when you don't. The roller coaster and highs and lows really beat me down.
well work fucked me over again today. stayed late. don't feel like going to cop when it starts to get dark out. aside from boys closing up shop, wonder if it even matters for police tho. just feels sketchier, plus i don't feel like dealing with crackeheads and what not wandering around after dark.
and tomorrow night i got an obligation with my kid, so that's out. i done some shit in my time under the influence with him around, driving in the car, etc., but i ain't taking him to cop, that's for sure.
a friend of mine (5-0) told me a story about a call he got. works in Maywood. white guy with 2 kids was walking around the streets. he rolls up, tells guy to put the kids on a park bench and walk over to the squadrol. guys starts with the usual, officer this isn't what it looks like....etc. Tells the guy this is your lucky day, get back on the train and go home. guy listens, doesn't go to jail, kids don't to DCFS.
My point? guess I'll have to set my sights on Thursday. Get outta work a little early.
Good to see Gwen back.
Hope OG is feeling ok.
yea good call hate when i see mfers bring kids into the mix.. i will never forget the time bitch all cracked out brought her 2 kids into a '' crack house'' well not really but a house where everyone was smoking rocks and doing dope, them kids were like 8 and 9 yrs old too.. they def. knew wht was up.. it was so fcking sad
hey cicero congrats on the clean time. i'm still half in, half out myself. wish i had the desire or acceptance to be 100% clean and happy, but man it takes some work to get there.
i want to be clean and sober, just get a little high once in a while. which don't really make sense except in my crazy mind.
so keep working at it man. i know it's totally worth it. i have plenty of examples all around me.
you too serotonin. i don't know if youre local, but keep it up man. uh, that didn't sound right....
Im a St Louis boy but your guys scene is closer to ours than anyone else as everyone seems to not know about caps or dormin. Our open air market is a bit different as there are a few neighborhoods due to us being a lot smaller than you guys. Its kinda like, roll through a hood you wont see shit, but go one block down and you gotta fight em off it seems as there's only o three reasons for a whiteboy to be in the hood... Rocks, boi, bitches.
yea good call hate when i see mfers bring kids into the mix.. i will never forget the time bitch all cracked out brought her 2 kids into a '' crack house'' well not really but a house where everyone was smoking rocks and doing dope, them kids were like 8 and 9 yrs old too.. they def. knew wht was up.. it was so fcking sad

Anyone who fucks with kids like that should be shot.
I agree. It's sad. One time I was at a McDonald's on the west side banging my shit and I look at the car next to me and there are 2 people banging dope with a newborn baby and 2 other kids in the backseat that looked about 6 or 7. The older ones had to know what was up. I was so disgusted idk how you could bring your kids to cop and then shoot up right in front of them in a shady ass area. Some people don't deserve kids at all.
Lol can't wait til Chinky's trust fund runs out... I'll be he starts slangin dope and gets popped and locked up.

10 months clean, this thread is pretty sad too - a lot of y'all need to get off this shit.

Like, how many times have we convinced ourselves that we can do 500 worth of dope and jump off? It ain't happening!

Anyway, I'm just glad to be off that shit and doing right, in school, and making good money for myself.
I was.wondering were u were at,good for u for gettin clean,so are you gonna talk down to all of us dopers,does that make you feel better about yourself?
Lol can't wait til Chinky's trust fund runs out... I'll be he starts slangin dope and gets popped and locked up.

10 months clean, this thread is pretty sad too - a lot of y'all need to get off this shit.

Like, how many times have we convinced ourselves that we can do 500 worth of dope and jump off? It ain't happening!

Anyway, I'm just glad to be off that shit and doing right, in school, and making good money for myself.

Dont let that halo choke you.
Lol can't wait til Chinky's trust fund runs out... I'll be he starts slangin dope and gets popped and locked up.

10 months clean, this thread is pretty sad too - a lot of y'all need to get off this shit.

Like, how many times have we convinced ourselves that we can do 500 worth of dope and jump off? It ain't happening!

Anyway, I'm just glad to be off that shit and doing right, in school, and making good money for myself.

you know whats worse than being a junky? being the dude who quit and now thinks he is better than said people. go fuck yourself, dude.
yea theres no need to talk smack to others. or come across like an asshole like that... you know how hard it is to kick this shit.. also just woundering how did you finally quit? did you get lockup or something. or checked yourself into rehab?

well after reading your old post dude you aint fcking clean bro... your prob. worse off then most dope users.. good luck kicking that dome ... mouth off after your really clean like some of us on here

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yea theres no need to talk smack to others. or come across like an asshole like that... you know how hard it is to kick this shit.. also just woundering how did you finally quit? did you get lockup or something. or checked yourself into rehab?

well after reading your old post dude you aint fcking clean bro... your prob. worse off then most dope users.. good luck kicking that dome ... mouth off after your really clean like some of us on here


Haha. He's on methadone?

Yeah.. you're good to go man! Nobody ever had trouble getting off methadone!... :\ Idiot.
This shit is sad. We all glorify dope and of course when you're high it's all good but it my 12 years of using I can't say I've met one user who would say that doing dope has improved their life. I'm the worst of all users because for five years it's just subs and runs and I've basically burnt the effectiveness of the subs by going back and forth a thousand times and it's scary being sick wondering if I take it too soon will I go into PCWD which is no fun and scarier is the times I'll try to justify in my head that really maybe I should just keep going because that's what it's done I'm 31 been to rehab three times, been on subs, methadone, aa , three near fatal OD s and I still continually relapse. Maybe I'm weak willed but this shit is no joke and can really mess up your life.
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