Chicago Heroin v Fuck Dormin

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my two main dealers (both black) were reliable. when they said an hour, it was usually 40 min. I had one call me ten minutes later cuz he said he'd serve me someone else's dope cuz he liked me better lol. also they wouldn't mind chattin and Shootin the shit (I get talkative when I'm high) so I'd pick em up on the block, they'd serve me, we park someplace safe, I do my shot, they ask how it is, if it was good I told them and if it wasn't I'd tell em, then drive em to their crib and drop them off. usually theyd toss me a few extra (on top of the extras from my purchase) just cuz I treated them like human beings. if they were out I didn't bitch, text them merry Christmas and shit like that, talk about sports when I pick em up, etc. one of them actually let me meet his baby mama and said if he was in school (he went to st Louis university which is a good school and he lived in the hood) he would have her make the sale so I'd be alright 24/7. real good dude. was happy when I told him I was going to rehab and getting clean. said I was "a smart muthafucka wastin my life with that shit". he used to text me and ask if I'm doing alright and if I was still clean. he's one in a million lol.
^ Never thought about it being a southern thing, but I guess it is.

It is just such a common part of the vernacular here, hell it's in just about every rap song.
^^yea i mean im sure traps exist everywhere

but im pretty sure its more common down south

n yea its def common vernacular round here as welll

honestly maybe even too widely used, i work with a fair amount of young kids just outta highschool and one time i heard a kid i work with refer to his friends house (who still lives with his parents) as 'the trap house' n i was like dude he lives with his parents n sells a little bit of weed n pills its hardly a trap house its more like im slanging outta my rents place
^Up north, they usually just call it "The spot", but I've heard it a few times, usually in reference to a house being exclusively to deal drugs out of....

that's funny that some kid called his friends parents house "the trap"!....white suburban gangsters! lol
every trap house i been to was awful. burnt spoons, broken lighters, syringe caps, empty bags, buttons, foil, cigs all over, cottons on the floor (not a single Micron!), condoms, etc. I felt so dirty just being there I couldn't even bring myself to do a shot in there.
Hey, could someone from Chicago please tell me whether or not I should trust somebody from Chicago to get me heroin that doesn't know what "blows" means?

I never knew what "blows" meant. First time I got them, thought it was coke. Did an Uma Thurman. Woke up on the floor of the bathroom about 6 or 8 hours later, covered in vomit. Many many years ago. Threw away the rest. These days, I WISH the "blows" were of that sort of quality...

Another good term: "gear". British. Used in trainspotting alot....

Miss you guys. Anyone getting anything decent lately? Not me...and I actually have a number with decent "gear".
watch out with gear used for slang as gear is used for steroids as well. don't wanna get some dried testosterone powder.
Ah yeah! You're not the only one your dope dealer made wait! Glad you can relate! lol.....

yesterday i copped for the first time in about a month or so. called my guy. he was riding around with his friends (literally) - told him I didn't want any crap (was so pissed last time I copped, I got a jab of awful!) - and then I called him when I was getting close. I can hear them in the background:

"she says she's at ____ ave on the e-way"
"so where should we go your place?"
"no way man"

he comes back and tells me to go to "the usual". so i do. they're not there. neither are his crew. it was super freaking hot. Cops everywhere - I drove around a bit and counted 5 blue & whites and one undercover. Even saw beat cops walking one of the blocks. About 15 minutes later I pull up and a guy in a 4 door sedan has his hood up and is obviously pretending to add fluids. I recognize him from when I met my guy before late at night (not a big chicago time). I nod at him, park across the street. He walks up - I open the window and say:
he's silent, still checking me out. he totally recognizes the car.
"aren't you friends with *street name*"
looks at me crazily
i know street name's real name, so i say "you know: *real name*"
"oh yeah, you gwen?"
"what you tryin' to do"
and he knows. he has it ready. where' s my guy? so he goes back to the car, putzes around a bit, and comes back round the drivers side. hands me the stuff. I hand him the money. and then i ask, "what's your name?"
he thinks for a minute. he's so not a drug dealer.
"uh. fiesta. yeah. call me fiesta!"
"ooh. i like that", I say. "SPICY!"
and he lets down his tough guy guard and laughs. "he told me you were real cool gwen"
"that's right." i said as i drove away.

and i'm not thrilled with this shit either. WTF? Anyone else not getting the good stuff lately or is it just me? Do they care that I might OD or something so they're giving me the bottom of the barrel cut with bullshit?

gwen, chicagoan.
watch out with gear used for slang as gear is used for steroids as well. don't wanna get some dried testosterone powder.

interesting. cheers. (another english term). will keep that in mind. i just use "dope". i'm a dope head. i usually ask for "d" except when on the corners. it's a given you want dope unless you want a rock. "give me three and a rock" or somesuch. "go across the street, they have rocks"...well then, motherf**ker, I'm gonna need some change.

just saw this...
don't alcoholics get sick if they don't get alcohol and can die if they are die-hard? i was watching my other favorite show (besides intervention), dr. drew non-celebrity wanna be celeb rehab - and the junkie got no meds but the boozer got a bunch of librium and she was seizing?

he said "her addiction will kill her, yours wont" - meaning that the junkie could go cold turkey, it would suck, but he wouldn't die...

I kind of have a theory that nobody is actually an alcoholic. I think that they would be drug addicts if they tried the right drug that suited them. I've been a heavy drinker at times, but the euphoria is lacking, especially if you are an alcoholic that drinks alone. So I think they are just drinking to numb themselves from reality when they would probably love a certain drug that would actually make them feel good in the process of escaping reality.

I just remembered my favorite intervention character. It was Ryan. He was a weirdo OxyContin addict who acted so childish. He would be withdrawing and his mom would give him money for oxy and they showed him running all sick up to his connects house, then all of them shooting up and this one girl had blood all over her arms, yet they were saying that wasn't that bad for her. They showed an update on him or maybe did another whole episode and he had finally graduated to dope and was caught boosting cars or something to feed his habit. He was just so weird that it was hard not to laugh, so I can see why he's got a hard time going through life with how odd he is.

there was another guy. skinny little 20 something dude living in florida or some retirement area. his GRANDMA let him live there, gave him money for heroin and xanax and she'd drive him to the freaking dealer. amazing. and he'd be shooting up and either smoking or snorting the xanax - which is just a waste. he was on something like 4mgs (2 bars) and 50 bucks of dope a couple of times a day.

i'm gonna ramble.
there was another intervention with a chubby girl who lived with her sister in a suburban subdivision and she IV'ed up to 500 bucks worth of dope a day, would get dt's after 3 hours and drove 2 HOURS (!) to get to her dealer. she took "johns" who came to the house to fuck her and charged them something over a hundred bucks. and then her boyfriend would come over at night with 300 bucks... he figured it was better to know how much she was doing. if only he knew! well, if he watched the show, he'd find out... crazy.

i've been a dopehead for a while and a benzo babe for nearly 10 years (yikes!) but never had to prostitute myself and can live off of 20 bucks a day if i need to. or i'll go without. i can deal. sort of. i like to take 2mg of a sub when i need it. hard to get, though. my pill guy says he can't get them but "man. can i get you the best dope if you call me way in advance so i can get it and mark it up" . no thanks old dude.

actually he's an old super cool black guy who lives in subsidized elderly person high rise and specializes in crack and pills. he even has parking. but you go, he gives you a miller high life and a glass and wants to chat for a while about the ladies at white castle...then you talk turkey and he encourages you to smoke the crack right there.. a sweetie. looks like easy reader from electric company, impeccably dressed and always has an awesome soul mix cd on. i'd visit this guy more than once every couple of weeks if i could. he's just awesome. i should bring him something for christmas!

rambling, sorta high (sorry)
i stopped by my old main guy for the first time in a month or 2 just to see what was good and touch base with him and this dope doesnt look good at all..ive been doin raw laitly so im sure these bags are gonna knock me out but its will prolly be from the dorm and not the dope
just saw this...
don't alcoholics get sick if they don't get alcohol and can die if they are die-hard? i was watching my other favorite show (besides intervention), dr. drew non-celebrity wanna be celeb rehab - and the junkie got no meds but the boozer got a bunch of librium and she was seizing?

he said "her addiction will kill her, yours wont" - meaning that the junkie could go cold turkey, it would suck, but he wouldn't die...

there was another guy. skinny little 20 something dude living in florida or some retirement area. his GRANDMA let him live there, gave him money for heroin and xanax and she'd drive him to the freaking dealer. amazing. and he'd be shooting up and either smoking or snorting the xanax - which is just a waste. he was on something like 4mgs (2 bars) and 50 bucks of dope a couple of times a day.

i'm gonna ramble.
there was another intervention with a chubby girl who lived with her sister in a suburban subdivision and she IV'ed up to 500 bucks worth of dope a day, would get dt's after 3 hours and drove 2 HOURS (!) to get to her dealer. she took "johns" who came to the house to fuck her and charged them something over a hundred bucks. and then her boyfriend would come over at night with 300 bucks... he figured it was better to know how much she was doing. if only he knew! well, if he watched the show, he'd find out... crazy.

i've been a dopehead for a while and a benzo babe for nearly 10 years (yikes!) but never had to prostitute myself and can live off of 20 bucks a day if i need to. or i'll go without. i can deal. sort of. i like to take 2mg of a sub when i need it. hard to get, though. my pill guy says he can't get them but "man. can i get you the best dope if you call me way in advance so i can get it and mark it up" . no thanks old dude.

actually he's an old super cool black guy who lives in subsidized elderly person high rise and specializes in crack and pills. he even has parking. but you go, he gives you a miller high life and a glass and wants to chat for a while about the ladies at white castle...then you talk turkey and he encourages you to smoke the crack right there.. a sweetie. looks like easy reader from electric company, impeccably dressed and always has an awesome soul mix cd on. i'd visit this guy more than once every couple of weeks if i could. he's just awesome. i should bring him something for christmas!

rambling, sorta high (sorry)

when i went into detox four months ago it was denied by my insurance company. their exact words were "heroin withdrawl will make you feel like you want to die, but you won't. where as benzo and alcohol withdrawl could actually kill you because there is the possibility of having a fatal seizure."

due to the extreme rising number of people getting addicted to heroin all insurance companies are basically saying they don't give a shit about any of them, pretty fucked up if you ask me. i spent four days in a detox center and it cost my rents just over 4k, now that made me feel like an asshole. however, insurance did cover 90% of my outpatient partial hospital and intensive outpatient programs tho which was decent. it still ended up costing us $40 something dollars per day mon-fri for six weeks. fuck insurance companies.

anyway....noddin right now. feelin good still smokin on the fire indica blueberry ohh yeah. basically having my last run with the blows till i get the vivatrol (naltrexone) injection next month.
BlueHues wrote: He died from xanax and heroin....If you're asking for the relevance of that detail....His ex that gave it to him is a complete psycho....she gave the dope dealer up to the cops...She's the one who gave him the xanax, and I pretty much think he would have been fine from the dope itself...It was one of my connects too....

I thought you meant the two prescription bottles were still full, so that's why I asked.

I have always taken shitloads of benzos. 10 years. Discovered heroin about two years ago? Do both. Never had a problem except for extreme fuckedupedness at times. Tongue gets too big for mouth, start slurring. Is it really THAT dangerous?
^it's more than dangerous, it's lethal, especially to those uneduacted. you're adding 2 CNS depressants to the mix which = 1x4, not 1x2. a good majority of methadone overdoses are related with a benzo, xanax in particular.

having tolerance to either can help, but each time you push the boundaries you're rolling a dice. stay safe. it's best to take at the very least half of your usual dose when initially doing so.

have a search around the site for much info.
^All science aside, 7 out of the eight people I know that died from opiates were mixing them with benzos! It's not a guaranteed death sentence, but it's not a safe mix, especially without a tolerance!
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