Chapter II: The Abyss is Eternal !

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Ya I live a pretty successful life with professional people. Still like to party but not involved with hippie festivals and the dope boy on the corner has no idea what dmt is.
It's a fucking trap.
This dude is 100% a cop trying to get some dumb fuck sell him drugs.
I'm pretty sure Cox and various others have already PM'd him
"Hey man! I can help you with you problem."
Thinking they'll make good bux by ripping overprice but truly it's the five oy
When you die DMT releases in the brain. So I guess the subforum was appropriate, in theory, since the cost is death?

Sorry, that was a little insensitive. Guy sounds like he needs to learn to darkweb. Or find shit on his own.

Reminds me of that girl recently who was looking to hookup with a BL guy for coke or whatever.. and then went on to proclaim grasscity as the better place..and were all rude pathetic junkies.. yeah dude.

Too bad for her at least half the regulars here are gay or just dont give a fuck.
Bullshit. Been clinically dead.
I know, you do.

I talk with my hands but when i drink i flail, lol.

I used to look for trouble but the past 4 years ive been better about.. Not getting in trouble.
It's not that I'm looking for trouble man, the trouble finds me and always starts annoying me or something and then shit just ends up in me fucking getting arrested. I don't know.
I can hold it together if needed, but the liquor usually is whispering in my ear to stir things up.

I can get playful but some people take offense to it. If you know me you know i'm just goofing around tho.
Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. You kinda should try to keep it serious but this little thing in your head wants to throw some spices to the mix. Make it spicy, better that way.
Man, I'm starting to get kinda bored with being so fucking healthy and responsible at the moment. I don't even eat refined sugar ffs. I guess I do smoke cigarettes, so I got that going in the unhealthy dept. I'm long overdue for some blow or some acid or maybe some mdma. I needs mah THC too. I bought pants today and it was the highlight of my week. Someone should just wheel me out to a field and shoot me. I think I'm just gonna get my website done and then it's time for a blow out. Maybe I'll go to Amsterdam for a week just to get fucked up and see my cousin and some old friends.
Man, I'm starting to get kinda bored with being so fucking healthy and responsible at the moment. I don't even eat refined sugar ffs. I guess I do smoke cigarettes, so I got that going in the unhealthy dept. I'm long overdue for some blow or some acid or maybe some mdma. I needs mah THC too. I bought pants today and it was the highlight of my week. Someone should just wheel me out to a field and shoot me. I think I'm just gonna get my website done and then it's time for a blow out. Maybe I'll go to Amsterdam for a week just to get fucked up and see my cousin and some old friends.
BK my invite to my small but beatiful house is still here.
BK my invite to my small but beatiful house is still here.

That's very kind. I'm actually thinking of next Summer for Finland. Hopefully all of this Covid bullshit has died down by then. I have a buddy who's a drummer in a psychobilly band and they tour Europe each summer and hit Finland, the friends I have in Vantaa are mutual friends (we all went to school together in Beijing). Perhaps we can do a link up then.
Man, I pinched my sativa weed plant, just to see if the buds are thickening up on the main stem and holy fuck, I've washed my hands twice and it STILL SMELLS. If the smell is anything to go by, this is going to be some fire ass weed. It's so close yet so far til I'm smoking it :rolleyes:. Probably still 3 weeks til harvest and 3 weeks for drying/curing. A month and half.... *crys in lack of THC*
I can't imagine not having THC

it would be totally awful. Every time I go without it, I don't feel well at all.
I can't imagine not having THC

it would be totally awful. Every time I go without it, I don't feel well at all.

Honestly, this past year I have smoked the least weed since I was 13. So, the least weed in the past 17 years, kinda crazy, has always been my staple. I can bear it most days, but some days I really just want to get high.
^^^ Its hard to be a juggler ^^^
enjoying the rain and fixin to liten to it on the tin porch tin roof
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