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CD Social/ Information booth -I used to do drugs ver. I still do, but I use to too

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Opiates dont generally work on me without high doses (120mg morphine IR on a 0 tolerance will give a light buzz), but i must say 600mg tramadol does leave me feeling pretty damn nice. But it seems whenever I smoke weed on tramadol, it feels like the world is shaking and I'm in an earthquake haha.

But man, 400mg should always be anyone's max daily limit for tramadol. Anything more will start to greatly increase your seizure threshold. If you are prone to them anyways you should be extra careful. Be safe man!

And OMG Guys!!!

The girls i work with gave me an early Birthday present today! A giant Pink Whip!!

It even had a bow on it


After that i had to play with it some...




I know...im a really weird stoner chick...I hate guns, but i love whips, knives and bow and arrows!
WHAT?! Benzo's to treat marijuana addiction? You say you live in Canada, eh? I might have to go get to know my French-Canadian relatives north of the border....

Nope, I live in Finland. They give you benzos for anxiety/insomnia as something to cope with possible withdrawals, but it really depends on the doctor. Some docs are the just-tough-it-up type while others grossly exaggerate the dangers of cannabis.

EDIT: Btw nekointheclouds, your signature pointing to the photography contest is over so it's kinda outdated, I wanted to participate since I remember I have atleast one cool tree themed pic I've taken :(
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Those first two action shots of whippage are pretty badass. The only weird part is that you're in like a random parking lot on the side of the road, lol.

If I were to drive by that I wouldn't know what to think.

Nope, I live in Finland. They give you benzos for anxiety/insomnia as something to cope with possible withdrawals, but it really depends on the doctor. Some docs are the just-tough-it-up type while others grossly exaggerate the dangers of cannabis.

Damn... Sounds just like the US to me, minus the whole free public healthcare thing.
sounds like a regular stoner chick to me, yo.

use that whip to keep these fuckers in line. It's about time someone brought some force to this squad.



I'll stick to my mac, gotta keep the complaints list short somehow.

Also, I'd like to get a 12 pack, anyone down for a lil robbery?
Hahaha..Yeah, thats the parking lot for the store i work at.

And actually, I work at a western wear store, and we carry these whips, they are normally for horse training. I just fell in love with the pink one for my own strange reasons.

And yes I can assure you my coworkers all think im a crazy hipster.
Every team needs a weak link. I'll be the getaway driver.

LOLOL. I can just imagine Chainer and I busting in a bank followed by a cloud of smoke, Chainer with his scary bandana and me with my pink whip.

But fear not! You see the cloud of pot smoke following us was sooo thick that the whole staff because giggly and hungry. They all left for an early lunch and We saftly rob the bank!
some sorta stoner Fantastic 3, I like the sounds of this. Can our getaway car be the van from Scooby-doo? Please?
So I've been a daily smoker for at least 10 years now.
It's funny I've noticed a few things about my ganja intake over the years.

It's weird, it's like if I haven't smoked in the last 8 hours or so I get easily agitated and confrontational.
Like for example I'll be at work all night and towards the end of my shift I just get very annoyed with just about anything, like I'll be driving home from work and I'll get a little road rage and just speed because I want to get home.

But then this is when it happens, I get home and start to relax and reach for my pipe. I hit it a few times and this passive mood just falls on me. I feel like a dick for getting agitated and stuff and becoming confrontational with the littlest things.
I think to myself like damn why did you have to curse that lady out who was doing the speed limit in the fast lane lol or why did you give that person a bad look when he told you to have a nice night or something. It could be anything like that but if I was high I would just be all cool with everything.

I just feel like the green helps me to be more laid back and sympathetic with anything.

Anyone else notice this after long term use?
Just felt like sharing and this seemed like the right place to do it
^ Oh yeah.

All the time.

Its pretty much the main reason its so hard for me to not smoke
Oh yeah, if I don't smoke for 2-4 days, I start to get pissy about things I'd normally blow off.

Gotta remember, when you are high, you tend to give many less fucks.
^ Lol fuck I couldn't have said it any better
Carry on, gents

Just got back from the club. Got a gram of LA Confidential (I) honey bud among other things. Apparently they just take LA confidential, dip it in hash oil, and roll it in kief. Listed at like 45% THC, < 2% CBD.

Just took first hit. Not complaining :)
I hate coughing all the time, i really need to invest in a vaporizer......

As I get pretty bomb weed/extracts, I normally don't cough anymore.

I'd recommend getting a titanium skillet like I have pictured in the "my bongs will turn you on" thread Chainer begun, and get yourself some quality extracts. If they don't exist in your neck of the woods, buy ounces of top shelf weed and make it yourself. %)

Cigarettes are the biggest source of smoking related coughing though, if you smoke cigarettes, it'd be wise to quit them before investing the money into a vaporizer IMO. :)

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Just got back from the club. Got a gram of LA Confidential (I) honey bud among other things. Apparently they just take LA confidential, dip it in hash oil, and roll it in kief. Listed at like 45% THC, < 2% CBD.

Just took first hit. Not complaining :)

You people with access to clubs are spoiled =D!
Another classic how to by the Captain!

How to vaporize cannabis with a glass wand.
Take 2!

I'm not claiming this to be a real "vaporizer" of course, it's just an alternative to bringing a flame to the weed itself. It's very nice. Hoes call me Santa recommended i try this shit out so I did, and I gotta say, I am impressed. I will never again buy a lighter! Well... lighters may come in handy for smoking hash out of my ash catcher... I haven't tried the wand with hash yet. I'll have to do that too.
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Another classic how to by the Captain!

How to vaporize cannabis with a glass wand.
Take 2!

I'm not claiming this to be a real "vaporizer" of course, it's just an alternative to bringing a flame to the weed itself. It's very nice. Hoes call me Santa recommended i try this shit out so I did, and I gotta say, I am impressed. I will never again buy a lighter! Well... lighters may come in handy for smoking hash out of my ash catcher... I haven't tried the wand with hash yet. I'll have to do that too.

Hehe I might be as famous as Folley %)=D

I suggest spinning the wand and moving it around in the bowl to get the flowers burning well. When a good part is burning, I like to take the wand out to let oxygen get in there and the whole bowl lits up.

I hope you will be very careful with that torch, especially since it's so thin, I wouldn't want to be hearing stories like that. Take care! :D
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