Can we have a thread here to discuss the current lounge rules?

Not to mention I did not start one of my serious business fucking owl threads questioning changes to The Lounge.
You no what. Forget it.

All I can say to that is I'm a product of my environment, and that environment being The Lounge.

I'm done arguing. I wish you best of luck with The Lounge, just remember you will never be able to tame that beast completely.

Guido Edit: I'm a fucking scumbag. Its been made clear to me, so fucking clear.
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I'm going to say it because everyone is saying what on there mind so I'm going to say what on my fucking mind. You know whose fucking fault this is? It's the fault of every jaded, elitist old school clique pussy footing nancy fucking noob fag that bitched to the staff about the fucking "sinful" owl pics and fucking played out memes that were "damaging the well being of the site", and the ultimate kick in the balls "trollish behavior"! If they kept there fucking mouths shut and put people on ignore we wouldnt be here right now. They also need to move on. The fucking Lounge has been inherited by a new generation of Bluelighters. Drugs change, people change, members change, posting habits changes, everything changes, fucking PLUR died in the nineties. Get the fuck over it, you don't like it leave. And not for nothing but a lot of us Bluelighters in The Lounge have been embracing new members and us "post whores" who have been deemed with having "trollish behavior" is a crock of shit. Fuck it. We keep shit interesting and its not like we are posting shock images or being fucking serious when we insult another Bluelighter. Its lighthearted and in a playful manner. For every fucking person you say is leaving another joins and is accepted into the fold that is the Lounge.

I'm sorry for rambling, I'm high, fucking bullshit like this drives me to fucking use.
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Maybe I should be crucified by the Bluelight staff and die for everyones sins and trollish behavior. Maybe that would solve problems. And then maybe rise again from the grave week later like Raptor Jesus. Theres a fucking meme for you.
ClubbinGuido said:
Maybe I should be crucified by the Bluelight staff and die for everyones sins and trollish behavior. Maybe that would solve problems. And then maybe rise again from the grave week later like Raptor Jesus. Theres a fucking meme for you.
I'll stab a virgin in the heart with a shot of dope, from your epic rigs every year to commemorate your sacrifice.
For the record, although I think CG might have gone a little overboard in the past, his posting habits do not justify the way you two have been speaking to him, or to me, or to other members.

Can you PLEASE adjust your attitude? You do not have to be so rude to get your point across. CG is not posting as much as he did before. Please cut him some slack. Cut yourselves some slack. If you don't enjoy moderating, maybe it's not for you. There's no shame in that.
L2R said:
incessant and repetative, disruptive and annoying behaviour IS trolling

besides, you stopped NOTHING.

That is a slight exaggeration lefty....I will point you in the direction of many threads CG posts in and is entirely on topic. Furthermore, some of the memes he posts are also on topic. CG has always posted memes but never before took much of a fancy to the lounge as far as I can recall....

Look, if he posts the same amoutn of memes now as anyone else it will still annoy you and others that are pissed at the moment. That would make any treatment he gets dished out because he posts the same amount in the future as excessive.

I think he knows (yeah shaddup CG, Im talking for ya, as your attorney) what the go is and like many of us has had a pretty rough period in his life and it will pass.

He does contribute on topic posts, but they are being ignored due to the en-masse opinion that is around (oh how bluelight that is).

Anyway I am quite sure CG will take any constructive criticism on board and people will move on to something else soon when this gets played out.

Changing the rules to disallow poo threads, like your previous counterparts did, achieved absolutely nothing whatsoever and honestly if you guys haven't taken that into account before taking the exact same action once again, then, tough titties for you if this backfires. And for the rest of us.

What a nice welcome aboard this must be for Fengtau. :(

Just group hug it up guys, plur and cuddles and all that "united front" crap.

Lefty: you're still fucking funny man, seems a lot of this is aimed at you as you signed that rule thing, but this was all discussed equally right?
ClubbinGuido said:
I'm about ready to stab myself in the fucking heart. This is madness.

ATTN Animal Cookie: for gods sake, remember that little thing that sometimes BL is about? What was it again...harm reduction? Sometimes when people are high and emotional they do really out of character things, dumb comments like yours might be thoughtless enough to make him do something.

What idiocy, just give him a break and maybe reopen the thread later when the heat cools off or when CG is more up to it already.
I think we need some plur dust in here, gang. Or a peace bowl.
Beatlebot said:
For the record, although I think CG might have gone a little overboard in the past, his posting habits do not justify the way you two have been speaking to him, or to me, or to other members.

Can you PLEASE adjust your attitude? You do not have to be so rude to get your point across. CG is not posting as much as he did before. Please cut him some slack. Cut yourselves some slack. If you don't enjoy moderating, maybe it's not for you. There's no shame in that.

I'm not jumping in the whole debate...b/c frankly i care about my forums .. and the forums i regularly participate in now (CEP, Sci, SLR, NEMD) ..and while i do care about the general health of the board .. i just don't care enough about the lounge to fully jump in a debate about it. The Lounge has been on a rollercoaster ride straight downward for a long long time. Before any of the current mods, were mods.

That being said.. CG has cleaned up somewhat from what i've noticed. If it's not to anyone's liking.. speak to him like an adult and not just some troubled poster. He saw the ruckus he created in the staff forum and apologized profusely and changed the course of his behaviour.. if it's not enough, at least have the respect to see he attempted meeting half way.

Please note, i have no idea what's gone on in reported posts, Private IMs and PMs.. i'm just saying. If he's tried, acknowledgde it and improve on it.
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Beatlebot said:
For the record, although I think CG might have gone a little overboard in the past, his posting habits do not justify the way you two have been speaking to him, or to me, or to other members.

Can you PLEASE adjust your attitude? You do not have to be so rude to get your point across. CG is not posting as much as he did before. Please cut him some slack. Cut yourselves some slack. If you don't enjoy moderating, maybe it's not for you. There's no shame in that.

But you are allowed to be rude to get your point across. I see how it works.
/throws plur dust at Finder

I'm going to "troll" this thread with plur dust until everyone is covered in it up to their nipples.
^^^OMG! He said "nipples"

I wanna see nipples covered in PLUR dust ;) Female nipples, that is. Do you think PLUR dust would induce AmorRoark to show hers?
BTW, would the above form of thread derailment be considered acceptable?
5-HT2 said:
^^^OMG! He said "nipples"

I wanna see nipples covered in PLUR dust ;) Female nipples, that is. Do you think PLUR dust would induce AmorRoark to show hers?

Only if said "PLUR dust" started with an E or K. ;)

On-topic: There's been a lot of finger-pointing going on... for a long time too. I know it's practically impossible for all parties to stand back and take a good look at the situation but IMO the truth lies somewhere in the middle of this debate. Yes, the postwhores have changed the climate of the lounge somewhat. Yes, the moderators could have more of an active role in changing said climate. Yes, the lounge is bound to change for the worse from time to time. Yes, postwhores are annoying (more so now than in the past). But this isn't anything new. I honestly think nothing can change when members/moderators/admins (EVERYONE) refuses to budge and continue to act so stubbornly.

.02 in a can.
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^^^Yeah, I think you're right. I've spent way too much time and effort participating in these recurring debates, and by now most people who have followed them pretty much knows where I stand. I think I've been more successful in building up ill will towards myself from people who disagree with my views than actually influencing The Lounge in a positive manner 8( Like DD, I have better things to be doing on BL than: arguing about or posting in a forum that, while having sentimental value to me, is not important to the mission of BL as a whole; and potentially pissing off people with whom I have no beef on a personal level.
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Wow. Coming in late.

For something that was meant to be adult discussion about this issue sure did completely ditch that concept.

CG, whatever you're going through, is it really going to make any matters better by poluting a forum you supposedly enjoy? Why not remove yourself for a short period of time, or however long it takes you to get passed this and come back when you're not as obnoxious. People are forgiving, but showing them, and having them know that you've changed again without doubt after you've fucked up isn't easy in the least. I don't really know who you are, don't really pay attention, if you're changing, then awesome. More power to you. If you're continuing, causing disruption, AS A MOD, and you're not getting the picture, something more needs to be done. Honestly, you wouldn't be a mod anymore. Because as a mod, you are a representative for the board, and should lead by example.

As for your comment on the jaded bitter elitests etc... who complain about it changing. Most of us jaded bitter elitist old schoolers know and accept that change is unavoidable, it's evolution. I've seen quite a few other old schoolers come back and stop in the lounge to say hi, or post normally in a thread, and get assraped and insulted unnecessarily. People who were a big part of the board back in the day. They've consistently tried to come back and the trash of the lounge with usual join dates around last year or 2, ruin it for them. Why, when you've had such great memories, and had such great experiences, and Bluelight has meant so much to you, would you want to come back and stay when you see that it's been taken over by annoying obnoxious people with no common sense. (end CG)

It isn't old school that's assraping n00bs anymore, it's the 1-2 year olds and there's only 7-8 of them who think they're cool because they posted inappropriate things before the "crackdown" and it was encouraged so they continued and it escalated. Even when it was the oldschoolers doing the assraping, unless you did something to deserve the really tough raping (ie Lilyisdancing vs. BL), it was light. It was a sort of initiation as I saw it. But nothing like it has been, poor n00b Smackfairy is the most recent that I feel bad for.

Fingerpointing? You betcha when those users make themselves so prominent that you can't help but notice.

Ignore? Sure, you can use it, but you shouldn't have to. Users should be able to use their common sense to say, alright, this will go too far. If you have to think about whether or not it's questionable material, don't post it.

After the crackdown, and we recieve a calm, Lounge mods, I respect that you stand by your opinions. But don't let your opinion become law, be moral, have integrity, and try not to let the power take over as I've seen already start to happen. I've never been a Lounge mod, so I can't understand completely how intense it might be, but I can try and see it from your point of view. What I can't see is how, yes, we all have to be firm, but attack the argument, not the poster, state reasons, don't be insulting and hurtful. We all get frustrated, and the Lounge is possibly the toughest forum to moderate, but instead of possibly thinking of status, please take into consideration the betterment of the community, and step down.

Felix has made statements that I so agree with in this thread. Particularly, some that I've echoed such as This post.

TLB, as always are so eloquent, tasteful, and well thought out, though even knowing you, and knowing you speak the same way, you always know how to put things into words better than I, and I miss you terribly.

"if it's what the members want, why not let them have it? why restrict it to what only 3 (now 4) people desire?"
If everyone got whatever they wanted the world, and even on a smaller scale such is Bluelight, would be utter chaos. But on that same note it shouldn't be restricted to just those 3, now 4 people to decide upon. It should be a general agreement and scaled by the board who take the best interests of the board to heart. I don't believe the "crackdown" was decided upon only by the 3 moderators of the Lounge.

"What increasing severity off assrapings? I always thought the post at your own risk theme worked. If you're offended, don't go in the forum- pretty simple stuff."
It used to be all in fun, our goal was never (unless severely deserved) to scare people off. To discourage them from ever coming back. Felix's post linked above touches on that. It should not be the basis of a forum as it has become.

This grew much longer than I intended, I apologize. I believe I repeated a few people on their views, so for that I apologize as well. I'm done.

Bluelight has grown, but if you can take out the rocks to let the rest continue to flourish, why wouldn't you?