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Opioids Can anyone give tips on how to sleep during opiate/opioid withdrawal?

ive never used anti histamines for that. in uk we dont have drugs scripted like clon and benzos . unless u pay the stupid money they ask in private rehabs. my nearest is like 20k a month to give u some idea . otherwise wait a few months for state help for methadone or self scribe or go cold turkey.

what does benadryl do, is this the same as taking clarityn and why does it only work in small amounts and excacerbate in large amounts?
ive never used anti histamines for that. in uk we dont have drugs scripted like clon and benzos . unless u pay the stupid money they ask in private rehabs. my nearest is like 20k a month to give u some idea . otherwise wait a few months for state help for methadone or self scribe or go cold turkey.

what does benadryl do, is this the same as taking clarityn and why does it only work in small amounts and excacerbate in large amounts?
Cold turkey? Yall have pharm grade codeine in the U.K. sold OTC, right??.Is that not a thing anymore? If so I'm so sorry for your loss.... that shit was a fuckin life saver in europe; also terrifying to fly to Greece and think how I'd explain why i needed over 100 packs of pain meds in checked luggage lol but i had a bunch of medical supplies unrelated to drug use and also brought a bunch of thc all over europe prescribed here in the US and flown many times domestic with drugs in carry ons with no issue.... tldr TSA made me do it..... they suck at catching 18-19 year old dope heads.....

Also isn't the UK like ground zero for "mommy's little helpers?" Yall used to prescribe diazepam and other benzos just as plentifully as we script klonopin...you just need to see a psych and have a documented reason to get it scripted here.

There was some control to it but it was pretty lax all things considered.... You have to show ID, be a certain age (18 is still the "norm" I'd assume) and can only get 1 pack per person:store (pharmacy/chemist/superstore;) but that's why on my trip to Europe, balls deep into a 150-300mg m/24 Hr/7 Day (365 per year) oxy habit at the time , chose London as our landing zone. We had a road map of ever store that sold cocodomol within 10 blocks of our hotel and as soon as we checked in we went out to the stores in a circle and started in ioppodote ends of town from one another, communicating the whole time to figure oitbwhichbspot was best n shitnlikensome people would let you grab 2 a day n shit ya know. We hit like 6 stores per day each and actually enjoyed tourist shit in between stops and left London with about 160 boxes of panadol/cocodomol between us.

I believe there are still the guide i used somewhere on here for doing CWE and synthesizing the codeine into injectable dihydrocodeine/morphine/heroin... shit was amazing I'm ngl.. very simple and I was very happy to have pharmaceutical grade chems available and to actually enjoy my trip within a trip lol.. since the rise of illicit opiate abuse happened after big pharma got cancelled tho they may have cracked down on access to this shit, in which case I've seen all of the UK I ever needed to see lol...
no u cant buy it otc and gp's have tightened on most drugs . stuff like tramadol or codeine is dirt cheap on the markets here tho. for some reason cocodamol is abundant u cant get rid of the stuff here. i mean tramadol is only like 50c a pill so gives u an idea how hard cocodamol is to move even tho its supposed to be script only.

since most of its travelling around the postal service i guess it doesnt matter to much where u live now. theres prob more coke in the post at xmas time than xmas cards lol
no u cant buy it otc and gp's have tightened on most drugs . stuff like tramadol or codeine is dirt cheap on the markets here tho. for some reason cocodamol is abundant u cant get rid of the stuff here. i mean tramadol is only like 50c a pill so gives u an idea how hard cocodamol is to move even tho its supposed to be script only.

since most of its travelling around the postal service i guess it doesnt matter to much where u live now. theres prob more coke in the post at xmas time than xmas cards lol
Here in america pharms are pretty much dead. You might be one of the lucky ones who knows a guy with a script of blues who let's you buy a few every month, if that. They have like a 3 day limit on take homes for schedule 2 drugs that treat acute pain here so even if I have a bone sticking out of my leg and I'd be lucky to get a few oxy 5s at most and those wouldn't even keep me out of withdrawals.

Back in the day I had great luck using WHM to get shit off the darkness but now the darkness markets are so full of crypto scammers and the feds are all over that shit.

Curious when they made cocodomal prescription only. The whole point of that drug was it was low dose codeine and sold otc. I can see why people would elect to buy straight H or fent instead now. I'm not surprised this happened either, I called ot a while back when we were there running our op om all the chemists in London for a week lol granted this was almost 8 years ago back when articles about the abuse of otc codeine were just starting.
Here are things that have helped me sleep with kicking heroin:

Benzos - any of them will do. Just be extremely careful not to replace one addiction with another. Z-class benzos like Ambien are also helpful in conjunction with classic benzos like Xanax.

Muscle relaxers - Soma's are best if you can get them, and they can help with sleep as well as the aches and pains.

Loperamide - I used to buy bulk on Amazon. If you take a few, it helps with having the shits. If you take a few more, it can help with many other withdrawal symptoms as loperamide is a opioid agonist which they say does not cross the blood-brain barrier. I beg to differ. At a high enough dose, I could stave off most withdrawal symptoms. However, I used to take 20+ and wouldn't suggest it. Lots of weird symptoms like nystagmus, trouble focusing and sweating. Can't be good taking that many, but a couple sure help.

Gabapentin - helps with rls and general discomfort. Don't take too much or I've found it amps me up and made sleeping harder.

Benadryl - probably don't need to explain, but take a couple. Definitely not too many or it will send your legs kicking into outerspace.

Ibuprofen/Acetaminophen - no explanation needed.

Exercise - if you aren't too sick, get kinetic and move around. At least go for a walk.

Warm bath/shower - temperature was always my enemy whilst withdrawing. A soak would usually help with the temperature fluctuations and sore joints and bones.

Jerkin off - sex drive comes back with a vengeance off opioids. Take full advantage of this, as it will help you feel better and sleep.

Food - even if you aren't hungry, eat. They say eating before bedtime is bad for you, but they probably weren't kicking heroin. If you can't keep anything down, that brings me to:

Zofran - comes in handy whenever you feel sick to your stomach and might puke. Zofran is handy to keep around and can also cause drowsiness as a side effect

Sports drinks - even if you aren't a fan, the sugar and electrolytes are helpful. All the puking and shitting dehydrated the hell out of you.

If you're reading this while kicking dope and trying to sleep, the best thing you can do is close your laptop or put down your phone. Put on some relaxing noise, such as rain sounds, and close your eyes. Best of luck, and you will get through this!
Here are things that have helped me sleep with kicking heroin:

Benzos - any of them will do. Just be extremely careful not to replace one addiction with another. Z-class benzos like Ambien are also helpful in conjunction with classic benzos like Xanax.

Muscle relaxers - Soma's are best if you can get them, and they can help with sleep as well as the aches and pains.

Loperamide - I used to buy bulk on Amazon. If you take a few, it helps with having the shits. If you take a few more, it can help with many other withdrawal symptoms as loperamide is a opioid agonist which they say does not cross the blood-brain barrier. I beg to differ. At a high enough dose, I could stave off most withdrawal symptoms. However, I used to take 20+ and wouldn't suggest it. Lots of weird symptoms like nystagmus, trouble focusing and sweating. Can't be good taking that many, but a couple sure help.

Gabapentin - helps with rls and general discomfort. Don't take too much or I've found it amps me up and made sleeping harder.

Benadryl - probably don't need to explain, but take a couple. Definitely not too many or it will send your legs kicking into outerspace.

Ibuprofen/Acetaminophen - no explanation needed.

Exercise - if you aren't too sick, get kinetic and move around. At least go for a walk.

Warm bath/shower - temperature was always my enemy whilst withdrawing. A soak would usually help with the temperature fluctuations and sore joints and bones.

Jerkin off - sex drive comes back with a vengeance off opioids. Take full advantage of this, as it will help you feel better and sleep.

Food - even if you aren't hungry, eat. They say eating before bedtime is bad for you, but they probably weren't kicking heroin. If you can't keep anything down, that brings me to:

Zofran - comes in handy whenever you feel sick to your stomach and might puke. Zofran is handy to keep around and can also cause drowsiness as a side effect

Sports drinks - even if you aren't a fan, the sugar and electrolytes are helpful. All the puking and shitting dehydrated the hell out of you.

If you're reading this while kicking dope and trying to sleep, the best thing you can do is close your laptop or put down your phone. Put on some relaxing noise, such as rain sounds, and close your eyes. Best of luck, and you will get through this!
I think it's important to note that what most pwople get today sold as "heroin" has very little of any actual heroin in it at all.

Coming out the epicenter of the fentanyl outbreak a few years ago (FL) yeah it was pretty much hit or miss but now, if you hooked on down you're 99.9% likely to be stuck on some sort of fentanyl analogue, and when I tell you no amount of Gatorade and jerkin off is gonna help, fuck do I mean it. You gon need methadone and you need that shit like yesterday once the sick starts to hit.

Fucks sake, I couldn't even go back on my subs until like 48 hours after my last relapse without inducing severe PW symptoms and that shit lasts until you basically black out. Would not recommend.

Only way through the nightmare that is the current state of dope withdrawals is high dose methadone tapered down quickly. Both are lipophilloc and the withdrawal from the new fent analogues is easily worse than cold turkey 125mg a day off methadone so fyck subs amd go straight on full agonist replacement therapy woth dones to avoid severe PW and induce immediately.

So talking about "heroin" on this thread is largely irrelevent because it's practically nonexistent, at least through most of the US as of now. Way more money and less control of the necesarry products to produce fentanyl analogues.

The initial question pertained to oxy withdrawal, and I think keeping advice to that specific family of opioids would probably be best practice here.

Best advice you can give anyone trying to kick the habit is to forget the physical symptoms. Those pass within a week. It's the mind that kills sobriety before it starts. Isolation, depression, and cravings that will 100% drive you back to old people places and things not matter how determined you think you are to quit.

I kicked the shit in jail with 1 immodium every 12 hours (if I was lucky) in a dry cell and by the time id got to the open pod it was all mental. Well that and the chicken skin. The mental part falls away bc jail and can't get shit readily. Once you realize that all you gotta do is stay hydrated, you technically should be fine, but you ain't gon get a lick of sleep without heavy tranquilizers or a shit load of exercise, and even then it won't be restful sleep. You're mind stays partially active while you sleep and those neurons telling you to go score are always firing. Nothing you can do except remember it's mind over matter. And yeah, take an immodium and some Zofran if you can to stop shitting and puking if your habit is that heavy, but OPs was tapered super low when this thread got posted so her sleep issues were likely induced by cravings and anxiety, not physical withdrawal.

But hey, I'm not doctor. Just your local street pharmacist with plenty of experience detoxing in different environments and off dofferent analogues and from different ROAs.
Post acute withdrawals are absolute hell. Fentanyl WDs are brutal, but fortunately they don't last as long as heroin WDs. Shorter and more intense.

I was speaking strictly about medication to help sleep while going through the immediate physical WDs.

Medication helps get through that physical part, but there isn't much you can do long term to avoid the mental shit. The mental part is rough, and time is really the only thing that helps. Time away from fentanyl.

Methadone as a long term solution works for plenty of people. Suboxone is another option. In either case, seeing an addiction specialist is not a bad idea. Going through in-patient rehab or an IOP statistically helps stay sober in the long run if that is what you are looking for.
Post acute withdrawals are absolute hell. Fentanyl WDs are brutal, but fortunately they don't last as long as heroin WDs. Shorter and more intense.

I was speaking strictly about medication to help sleep while going through the immediate physical WDs.

Medication helps get through that physical part, but there isn't much you can do long term to avoid the mental shit. The mental part is rough, and time is really the only thing that helps. Time away from fentanyl.

Methadone as a long term solution works for plenty of people. Suboxone is another option. In either case, seeing an addiction specialist is not a bad idea. Going through in-patient rehab or an IOP statistically helps stay sober in the long run if that is what you are looking for.
It's important to note I'm not talking about pharmaceutical grade fentanyl which is FDA approved but the current analogues on the streert which are lipophilloc much like methadone and have elimination half lives at least as long as methadone. Sometimes longer. Sometimes shorter. On my last run I did a gram of the shit over just a couple days without taking my typical dose of bupe (8mg) and it had me off my ass for about a week, 3 days high, the other 3 vomiting profusely and sweating golf balls sized drops of sweat because my girl at the time tossed my stash and instinctively I took a sub the next morning after my last dose. Big fuckin mistake..... lol

Normally they induce a patient on a standard 2mg dose of Buprenorphine within 24 hrs max of their last use based on the COWS scale; but one who has been using one of these analogues will be thrown into 6-24 hrs of Bupe induced PW and when I tell you that shit is a doozy man, I mean it. I accidentally popped 2 50 mg naltrexone when I was on 125 mg a day maintenance methadone and it's the only thing comparable. I basically just put myself in a benzo coma for a few days, that and the delirium made time weird for a while, but once I could actually pass out from pure exhaustion things got better and eventually I got back on my subs. But every time I go grab that "just one bag" now, I can't take my subs for up to 72 hrs.

You hit the nail on the head with the z drugs, but I'd read up on some of the current medical literature coming out about buprenorphine induced withdrawals. As a Bupe maintained patient myself, I'm terrified to take my subs now and want to switch back to methadone, but on methadone you're shackled to a clinic and the lines are not fuckin short, and the hours suck dick.

Addicts using street drugs are actually extremely limited right now when it comes to treating acute withdrawal in the US. In Canada the Bernese method has been approved amd shown to be effective at bupe induction but I don think you could pay me enough money to lock myself back up to a fuckin methadone clinic multiple times a week having to fight motherfuckers tryna "bum a smoke" just to step in front of you in line when you been standing in the mf cold/heat for an hr just to dose forst cause your metabolism is fast and you're sick before the 24 hr window. (That's why I quit my last clinic and methadone cold turkey and don't regret the shit one bit.)

The advice you gave is standard protocol for FDA approved drugs in the US, but it doesn't apply to "heroin" in North America. NOT anymore at least. Unless of course you have some bomb connect sending you bricks of opium and you synthesize your own diacetylmorphine, you're pretty much fucked on dope rn. Methadone is the "best" option and it's just trading a shit sandwich for a shit sandwich with sprinkles on top. Most methadone patients titrate up and stay on maintenance, they dont detox. Very few actually ever choose to get off of it, again because it's a lipophilloc full agonist opioid, which just causes the same if not worse withdrawal symptoms than the drugs you were addicted to before. The Germans designed the shit during ww2 ffs.
It's time we get some better treatment option beyond bupe and methadone and I think if you read a few of the recent studies involving bupe induced withdrawal on fentanyl positive addicts you'll find what I've said is accurate, again so is what you're advising for acute withdrawal, specifically sleep. But honestly it doesn't work for this new shit. You just gotta suffer through it. No way around the sick this time. It's back to the dark ages for us insurance or not. I got Hella ambien and klonopin and it won't do shit unless I take 10 tablets of each at least. The withdrawals are just too intense.

Only way to stop getting dope sick is to get through being dope sick. Instinctively you wanna sleep til its over and that's possible in some places, theyve started doing medically induced comas for ultra rapid detox. That's pretty much what I'm gon do next if I can't DC the bupe on my own by the end of the month... it's just too much stress added to the equation and methadone is way too controlled when given as a treatment for addiction specifically rather than chronic pain for it to be convenient for most people. It's just the way things are man. Detoxing sucks donkey dick but kicking cold turkey is a mighty fine deterrent to early relapse if you can get through the first week and learn to make it a mind over matter thing. Bc that's really all it is.

Edit: forgot to read the last two paragraphs and were basically saying the same thing, injust wanna be specific with the fact I'm talking about long lasting fent analogues. I've seen some of the best addiction specialists and been in some of the cushiest rehabs insurance will pay for. Even IOP only lasts as long as you stay in the program. Once it's all on you to stay clean, that's when the real fun starts. And by fun I mean the least fun ever.

Like I said man, mind over matter. People places amd things. That whole thing. I'm at the point I'm actually about to buy into fuckin NA or AA because I'm just so sick of being given drugs to stay off drugs that just do the same shit, but less effectively. Shits an exhausting cycle.
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Can only sleep in spurts, I passed out 3 or 5 times a day, works out fine

Agreed with this. It's not so much how to sleep its sleeping at the right time that's the problem. During withdrawal I was sleeping during the day then awake half the night. Its taken a few days back exercising before I managed to sleep 8hrs at night.
Agreed with this. It's not so much how to sleep its sleeping at the right time that's the problem. During withdrawal I was sleeping during the day then awake half the night. Its taken a few days back exercising before I managed to sleep 8hrs at night.
You agree with somethign he says? I barely could decipher any of it. It sounded a bit like a life story tbh but it's every other word in the story ya know?
To answer your question about methadone, you're right. It is indeed a slow-acting, yet potent OPIOID, not an opiate. The difference between an opiate and an opioid is that opiates are naturally derived from the opium poppy (papaver somniferum), whereas opioids are synthetic but act on the same receptors as natural opiates. There's no major differences between opiates and opioids aside from the fact that one is naturally derived and the other is man-made. Also, there are semi-synthetic opioids which are partially derived from the opium poppy. Examples of opiates are: morphine, codeine, and heroin. Examples of opioids are: Tramadol, methadone, suboxone, and fentanyl. Semi-synthetics are: hydrocodone and oxycodone. Of course I'm not listing all the examples, but you get the gist. Whoever told you that methadone is an opiate blocker was probably confusing it with suboxone, which acts as an opiate blocker while simultaneously being an opioid. Suboxone not only blocks the effects of other narcotic painkillers, but it can also trigger severe withdrawals if taken too soon after your last dose of your opiate/opioid of choice. In order for it to work properly, you must wait until you're having withdrawals (when you're detoxing from your drug of choice).

Answer to your 2nd question: I'm not sure if all antihistamines make RLS worse, but diphenhydramine (Benadryl and ZzzQuil) can and will in large doses or when taken by itself. Diphenhydramine is notorious for worsening RLS during withdrawal and can even cause it in itself in larger doses--even if you've never touched an opiate/opioid. I know this from first-hand experience. It can however be helpful in small doses in conjunction with comfort meds like benzos and kratom, but I would never reccomend taking it by itself to ease withdrawal. It'll just make it worse.

3rd question: I don't know exactly what would help relieve RLS with methadone other than maybe Kratom, weed, or a topical ointment to get rid of some surface irritation. I reccomend trying a lavender lotion called "Relaxing Leg Cream PM". It's not a miracle product, but it's better than nothing and provides mild, temporary relief. It's a homeopathic lotion designed specifically for RLS and it smells really nice. Normally I'd recommend benzos for RLS during withdrawal, but I'm not sure if that would be safe to mix with methadone. Kratom is natural but it's effects are similar to a mild opiate/opioid, so I'm not sure if that would be 100% safe to mix with methadone either, to be honest (but I'd assume it's safer than mixing methadone with a benzo).

Lastly: Scratch my kratom reccomendations if it doesn't work for you. The effectiveness of kratom varies greatly from person to person. For me, it doesn't get me high at all, but it did provide some much needed relief and sleep before I relapsed. I see kratom as a comfort med and recovery tool and nothing more. It's the only time it proved useful for me.

Hope my advice/suggestions help. Stay safe and good luck.
An opioid is a drug that binds to the opiate receptors AND also binds to other misc receptors
An opiate only binds to opiate receptors, when you were trying to describe opioids, you were actually describing fully synthetic opiates
I remember last time going cold .it was the rls that I found worse .it just wouldn't shift. I ended up using deep heat like it was baby lotion on my legs.

apart from benzodiazepines i d be interested to hear of any other things ppl have found to work for it.

can I take ket and opiates together .I've don't them at separate times but didn't know if they affect each other?
The ket will temporarily partially remove your opiate tolerance, so you would want to take a much lower dose of the opiate
If there is anything jail has taught me, its detox is mostly mental. I just did a few days in the county Yale and did I feel like shit? Yes. Did I have a seizure or two cause they wouldn't give me any meds? You bet. But once I got cleared out of the "dry cells" or the "fishbowl" as some might call it at day 3, that little victory of just being able to get time on the phone and talk to my people had me up as a mf. Seemed like the withdrawals went away in 2-3 days and that's with a 16 mg a day sub habit or about a .5-1 Gram of fetty a day IV and at least 3mg klonpin a day. But as soon as that bond hit you knownthose cravings kicked into high gear and I couldn't sleep all mf night waiting for release and thinking bout those medsssss.

There are honestly 2 really shitty things about opiate withdrawal: the effect is has on sleep and gastrointestinal distress. No pun intended.. tbut fr the worst part of being addocted to somn the stops you from shitting is having to run to the toilet you share with 40 other dudes every 30 minutes to drop turds the size of warheads the consistency of half baked pottery clay and damn near walk away from every dump like you just got jumped. Not to mention limited TP in the joint so... wipe sparingly bitch. You'll need that roll. It's gon be your pillow too if you're savvy. Not like they got any of those fuckers in the joint. The sleep though.... oh my God. It's like bro I'm in fucking jail. We're on lockdown 12 hours a day. All I can think about is drugs and hownits fucked up that I'm I'm jail on trumped up charges and how I meed my scripts and the jails violating the ADA, and I'd just rather sleep til my bond hits but those cunts ain't giving you so much as a benadryl and they dont give a fuck if youre having seizures ubless you smash your head on the steel toolet seat and they find your corpse 2 hours later djring a routine check; if they even do the check. You're lucky if you've got a buddy on the pod with you prescribed Mirtazipine or Haldol and they cheek it for you, then maybe, just maybe you might sleep an hour or 2 uninterrupted.

All ofnotnsave for the shitting due to years of intestinal blocking stops at like day 2 in jail and not til like day 10 in the real world. Why? Because everything is amplified by your brains fight or flight response. And you can't fight or fly in a fuckin cage. Rehab you're allowed to leave if you want so it's not the same. Granted that sobriety won't also worth shit bc it was thrust upon you but nonetheless it's an interesting thing to think about.
Seriously fcked up situations, because the best meds are "addictive" so they won't give u any benzo because u are an addict. And than u die cause of hard seizure hitting your head on something...I wont even was in jail and i seized hardcore and hit my head so hard there was blood on the floor like if somebody shot me to my head. I was even unconscious for half and hour. Then emergency docs finally arrived but they won't gave me even 10mg diazepam shot. Shocking but i have to be objective, i tolerate even 200mg diazepam no problem.

Or once when i end up in hospital due to severe car accident, they gave me 1 pill of metamizol for pain, and they must have be informed that i was long time chronic pain patient treated with opioids front algesiologist every month.
Loperamide, benzos (if you don't currently abuse them), and idm where you are but in ny there's a legal recreational gummy that is 5mg thc, 5mg cbn, and 560mg reishi mushroom that are phenominal for sleep
Lyrica. Potassium for legs. Clonidine or pramexiprole for legs. Benzos if you aren't benzo dependant and trying to get off them. Weed.

Ketamine although I haven't tried it.

Crack. Some people I know have gone through sickness smoking crack constantly. I wouldn't recommend it at all.

ibogaine even in smaller doses large dose ijust take iboga on its own and have a trip sitter to help U go toilet etc you won't be able to walk properly

Realistically the best thing will be supratherapeutic doses (600-1000 + mg depending on your tolerance, Lyrica is a weird drug) of Lyrica (if you can't get Lyrica get Gabapentin if you can't get that order phenibut online)

And toughen up. Opiate withdrawal if you're taking opiates right (and of course I mean the wrong way) will leave U wrote off and shook for weeks. Don't expect to sleep for the first week. And z's you get are a bonus.
I mean this with love.
I've always been a lightweight with benzos, but when I finally quit quit oxy after tapering, it helped with the rls. Keep in mind I took this while smoking good quality weed and 50mg or less of ZzzQuil (don't take more diphenhydramine than that or the restless legs will return with a vengeance). When I ran out of benzos, I started using kratom extracts. It helps to some extent. Just don't expect to get a high from it or you'll be disappointed.
You know, just in case the shit hits the fan and I gotta quit sooner than expected.
I agree with some of those people that said depending upon the severity of the WDs, there are some times when sleep is not going to happen. For example, having been through the drama with various opiates/opiods (Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Morphine, Fentanyl), I can tell you that Fentanyl was the most extreme WD torture I have ever experienced, by far. There was pretty much zero sleep during the first week or so, which exacerbated the nightmare of the affair wildly. Even after that, the PAWS was insane, and I really did not sleep properly for many months. Again, made the WDs far more torturous. Just what your brain and body DON'T need when you are trying to heal, of course. Even boatloads of Valium did almost nothing, other than make me feel brain dead. Tried Trazadone, did nothing but make me feel like complete garbage. I tried pretty much everything and every combination of things and in the end, I just could not do anything other than pass out occasionally, for short periods, usually minutes. Even the morphine, as bad as it was, was nothing compared to the Fent WDs. There is nothing anyone could ever do to convince me to touch that shit ever again. This Fent experience was the closest thing to a living nightmare that I could have ever imagined, and again, even morphine was easier, as shitty as that was.

Anyway, good luck, my friend. Things will get better if you get off the opiates. Once the hooks are out of you, you will begin feeling better. If I can do it, anyone can.
this may be most important point…it really depends on what you are currently taking and how much. If your daily is hydrocodone it will be significantly different than Fent
Only chemical tips, I'm afraid.
Any benzo will help. Alcohol. Obviously these I only recommend in the very short term, like during the first 5-7 days when the withdrawal is acute, you don't wanna replace one dependency with another.
First-generation Antihistamines can help a little (Cyclizine, Hydroxyzine, Diphenhydramine, Promethazine, Dimenhydrate, Doxylamine, Chlorphenamine/Chlorpheniramine...I'm sure there's more) but IME they aren't strong enough.
Smoking weed can help.
AntiPsychotics are really useful, but again you don't wanna be taking them unless you really have to (Quetiapine and Thorazine have helped me).
Trazodone is helpful.
Only chemical tips, I'm afraid.
Any benzo will help. Alcohol. Obviously these I only recommend in the very short term, like during the first 5-7 days when the withdrawal is acute, you don't wanna replace one dependency with another.
First-generation Antihistamines can help a little (Cyclizine, Hydroxyzine, Diphenhydramine, Promethazine, Dimenhydrate, Doxylamine, Chlorphenamine/Chlorpheniramine...I'm sure there's more) but IME they aren't strong enough.
Smoking weed can help.
AntiPsychotics are really useful, but again you don't wanna be taking them unless you really have to (Quetiapine and Thorazine have helped me).
Trazodone is helpful.
Benzos are good but booze during opiate withdrawal makes me feel sick and makes the puking etc worse. It can knock you out but Jesus the hangover is terrible.
I still pretty much feel like shit when I drink or even take benzos during withdrawal though. Pregabalin is the best drug for withdrawal by a mile IMO. It doesn't kill them completely unless you have a very light habit, but it seems to remove a lot of discomfort. Though if you take too much it's unpleasant too. Without tolerance never more than 600mg.