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Alcohol Can alcohol be classed as a dissociative/escapism based drug?


May 11, 2016
Not sure of the mechanism - something related to GABA?

Makes you kind of stupid so, would seem neural deactivation/downregulation in some capacity?

But I don't think it's possible to get psychotically drunk?

Smoke too much ganja - psychosis.
There's obviously the "high" element associated with that.

I've tried shrooms and ketamine as dissociatives.
Hated them both.
I've tried ganja also.
Hated it too.

Non dissociatives like methamphetamine were great, but not suitable for my purposes.
Historically treated with almost every prescriptions psychoactive - how they fall into "altered states of consciousness" in contrast to the former I don't know but, there's advocacy in some circles that LSD/ketamine/dissociatives yields additional benefits via their perception altering nature.

Shrooms felt like just another serotonergic.
Meth felt like ritalin (been prescribed) knocked up a few notches.

Not the type of "escape" I'm looking for.

So down to the bottom of the barrel, I'm left with plain ol' alcohol.

I tried beer for a while - it made me fat; I gave it up.

Today I invested in a bottle of store brand spirits - vodka, I believe it's known as.
Taste was awful but became okay when I mixed with some juices.

Phasing out of reality basically, I guess - contrast compare typical drug dissociatives with Alcohol?

Apples and oranges?
Not 100% where you are going with this but...

Clearly alcohol abuse and escapism are synonymous, although some abuse alcohol for its anxiolytic properties (though that is escapism too).

Alcohol is a promiscuous and dirty compound, being primarily GABAergic, but also acting on NMDA receptors and ion channels. It is tricky to observe alcohols effects on these systems directly due its very low potency (its hard to perform a binding study on a drug that is only active at such high concentrations).
Psychotically drunk? Of course you can!

In fact, I did this past Boxing Day. First time ever, which is weird after being a binge drinking pro for over 15 years.
Ripped out the camera in one of the lifts in my building because I mentally linked it with the Chinese Communist Party and thought I one of my neighbours was fucking around with me so I marched around with a knife for a bit before falling asleep on the couch.

Not sure what happened in my head, but it wasn't good.

Anyway, not a typical outcome for me by any means as I'm normally one of those "I love life, what a great time everything is" kind of drunks, even afte drinking for 16 hours....but it's possible, apparently.

In any case, alcohol is kinda fucked.

What kind of "escape" ARE you looking for then?
I wouldn't call it a dissociative but it was 100% a way of escaping for me.
I suppose you DO actually dissociate from drinking alcohol (at black-out levels).
Psychotically drunk? Of course you can!

In fact, I did this past Boxing Day. First time ever, which is weird after being a binge drinking pro for over 15 years.
Ripped out the camera in one of the lifts in my building because I mentally linked it with the Chinese Communist Party and thought I one of my neighbours was fucking around with me so I marched around with a knife for a bit before falling asleep on the couch.

Not sure what happened in my head, but it wasn't good.

Anyway, not a typical outcome for me by any means as I'm normally one of those "I love life, what a great time everything is" kind of drunks, even afte drinking for 16 hours....but it's possible, apparently.

In any case, alcohol is kinda fucked.

What kind of "escape" ARE you looking for then?

Alcohol psychosis is very much a thing. It makes people delusional, but can actually cause psychosis the way other drugs like amphetamines do, too.
Yep. Can attest to link between drinking ad psychosis. My 2 only episodes happened during extended periods of heroic daily drinking. Psychosis was when I was sober though. Psychiatrists labelled it bi-polar I but the booze definitely contributory.
Alcohol can be said to be a dissociative above a blood alcohol level of 400 to 520 mg/dL . . . This would be why people have been captured with difficulty by police when the drinker was totally ploughed and running down streets half naked during the winter after adding Bolivian Marching Powder at up to 70 km/h and crashing through a window 5 meters off the ground and was blood tested along with the breathalyzer both pointing to a concentration north of 625 mg/dl
Psychotically drunk? Of course you can!

In fact, I did this past Boxing Day. First time ever, which is weird after being a binge drinking pro for over 15 years.
Ripped out the camera in one of the lifts in my building because I mentally linked it with the Chinese Communist Party and thought I one of my neighbours was fucking around with me so I marched around with a knife for a bit before falling asleep on the couch.

Not sure what happened in my head, but it wasn't good.

Anyway, not a typical outcome for me by any means as I'm normally one of those "I love life, what a great time everything is" kind of drunks, even afte drinking for 16 hours....but it's possible, apparently.

In any case, alcohol is kinda fucked.

What kind of "escape" ARE you looking for then?

Just the kind where you can phase out of reality but without any overly bizarre psychoactive effects.
Similar to something like zopiclone I guess?

I tried I guess a relatively "high dose" of alcohol today.

At the point I began to feel disoriented and thus dizzy and horrible, I stopped, and have no intention of trying that again.

At lower "doses", I can't really feel much of an affect at all.

May just have to chalk this up to another failed attempt.

I had high hopes for ketamine - that I could just pleasantly drift off to another planet for an hour or so, but alas 40 mg IM which almost fucking anesthetized me, I had absolutely no dissociation and was just about incapacitated for said hour.

Weird and horrible drug.

Meth was nice but going on homosexual gang bangs for hours on end isn't - my idea of a good time.

I think me and mind altering drugs will just have to agree to disagree.
Alcohol psychosis is very much a thing. It makes people delusional, but can actually cause psychosis the way other drugs like amphetamines do, too.

I was pretty vexed that it happened to me after all these years of drinking like a maniac on weekends....and the fact that I never experienced even a hint of psychosis in my meth or coke days and....whyyyyyyy. :LOL:
I am so glad you had a "failed attempt" at becoming an alcoholic! You saved yourself a whole bunch of trouble in the long run! Speaking as an alcoholic who almost drank myself to death, literally, and there was nothing I could do to stop besides admit myself to a specialized medical hospital. It served me well for about half the number of years I dranlk the second half was a nightmare of destruction, self sabotage, self hatred and physical deterioration. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant and a horrible substance. The only one that should be illegal IMO.
I recommend real high quality weed or wax. Edibles might be fun for you too. There is a varied experience with each and I like to go to each of them. Its a beautiful substance and delightful to me! Fuck ETOH
Just the kind where you can phase out of reality but without any overly bizarre psychoactive effects.
Similar to something like zopiclone I guess?

I tried I guess a relatively "high dose" of alcohol today.

At the point I began to feel disoriented and thus dizzy and horrible, I stopped, and have no intention of trying that again.

At lower "doses", I can't really feel much of an affect at all.

May just have to chalk this up to another failed attempt.

I had high hopes for ketamine - that I could just pleasantly drift off to another planet for an hour or so, but alas 40 mg IM which almost fucking anesthetized me, I had absolutely no dissociation and was just about incapacitated for said hour.

Weird and horrible drug.

Meth was nice but going on homosexual gang bangs for hours on end isn't - my idea of a good time.

I think me and mind altering drugs will just have to agree to disagree.

Perhaps you ought to give up now mate. Have you tried heroin yet? Don't. Just walk away. As for the 'homosexual gang bangs for hours on end', that seems to be the goal for many Bluelighters :D

Not me though, I'm straight - but heterosexual gang bangs for hours on end on meth sounds fuckin lush...

Anyway, booze is a weird drug that takes a lot of practice. It can be anything you want it to be - sedative, stimulant, dissociative, even hallucinogenic. But the effects are very unpredictable.

You need a decent level of tolerance to achieve altered states other than just being 'drunk'. This involves dedication and constant consumption over several days. This allows you to break through that dizzy, unpleasant barrier that puts a lot of people off - this is why booze is legal. Most people that use heroin get addicted. Most people that use booze do not, because without tolerance it can be really fuckin unpleasant.

I think you've jumped on at the deep end with vodka as it sounds like you're not that experienced with alcohol. Try wine at a strength of 13% abv. Drink it slowly, but redose often. This is how I eventually discovered that there is more to alcohol than just getting pissed.

Just dont blame me if you get a taste for it...
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It can be unpleasant with tolerance as well, let's not lie about it. ;)

That reminds me, I was supposed to go to bed before I start off on another IPA til morning mission. Over and out.
It can be unpleasant with tolerance as well, let's not lie about it. ;)

That reminds me, I was supposed to go to bed before I start off on another IPA til morning mission. Over and out.

Yeh, just finished my bottle of vodka, now it's getting light. Shop opens at 6am. Do I get another..?
Fuck it, I'm grabbing another pint....the weird mushroom kombucha tip I was on is finally wearing off so I need to finish it off.

Fucking hell, running into you on here is like kicking it with my mates.....of course I'm going to drink more.
Today I invested in a bottle of store brand spirits - vodka, I believe it's known as.
Taste was awful but became okay when I mixed with some juices.

Phasing out of reality basically, I guess - contrast compare typical drug dissociatives with Alcohol?

Apples and oranges?
First of when you are investing, there is Vodka and Vodka.

One will have an awfull taste and give heartburn. The other one goes down smooth like water and leaves without significant hangover.

And that goes for most liquor as far as my experience goes.

And in contrast to regular dissociatives it get's one drunk. So whatever NMDA antagonist action it has is muddled by the overall action it has. But it is kinda dissociative I agree, but not in any order of the true disso's the kind that has a hole.
I find the difference between vodka and vodka to be indistinguishable myself...

You sure you're not just saying that because you like your Tesco special?

Do you reckon they ship to Canada? I kind of want to try these UK supermarket specials....you know, for science.
As a psychopath killer. What do we want? you know like.. ppl drink wine to get fucked up so it's fucked up. You don't have who to talk to.

*snorts nose*