• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Social But Jah nowhere it's great to see you . . . Right here and now or somewhere

I feel stronger than a year ago. And I can walk really good now and a lot. My endurance seems to be building well. Mentally is going to be a

challenge. Anyway yesterday the weather was really nice. And of course a bunch of about a half a dozen kids were jumping in the water at the lake

just like I knew they would be. I kind of had a feeling because it was so nice out all of a sudden. You would have to see it to believe it but I don't take

my camera out there always. It's March. Almost April. A few more days and it's summer.

I'm not looking forward to summer this year. I had such a tough time last year in the heat that I just don't know how I made it through. Actually I am

terrified of the heat because of what happened. Too much heat and too hard to breath. And a giant heart cramp. Maybe it was the fires. Thanks

Canada. I'm just kidding. They are everywhere. (the fires) It was horrible. I mean it still worries me.

Anyway yesterday I put buckets of rain water on a couple apple trees and several other things that got watered. It was awesome to be able to do

some gardening. It's actually fun and relaxing. Today I have to work on clutter and fluff though. Work. It never goes away until it is done.

It was a nice break in the weather from storms and rain and storms and snow and it really blows somehow.

I am so terrified of the heat in the summer. I think it is scaring me. It was killing me and making my heart cramp up.

I already have enough trouble with my brain cramping. The heat kills it all for me. I am going to try to only drink water and have a lot of applesauce

and celery juice. As the monster energy sits in the coldest part of the shelf just waiting to chill for me. Ultra Blue. Oh well. One left.

That's all it seems like I can do right now. Maybe I am healing. And I am just trying to be as healthy as possible. Boring . . . but awesome and fun.

No but the heat is coming in and I was terrified of it as it was ending last summer and, yup, everyday I can feel it getting closer. I don't know what

could help anymore. Maybe to the bunker or an underground yurt is it. It was a nice run though. lol.

I am really slow right now. I am trying to find energy somehow. Even a bowl of it somewhere. It's so draining. But I am breathing. Hey.

I guess drink lots of water and sunglasses. And keep trying. The water is important for everyone now.

Seems that their are a lot missing from the recovery thread.. Hmmm.

This just caught my eye because it seems so desolate out there. A lot of layer.

It reminds me of the book Strategic Locations. It's kind of getting old already and if anything was going to happen it probably would have by now. Actually I think it already did happen. It could actually get worse than it already is. Oh sh#t. lol.

I was going to post this in the video threads but I was just wondering about how everybody would feel about surviving remotely as possible or if everyone is already comfortable as possible.

I guess there are nice places everywhere but home is where you make it . . . . and you know where the heart is too. How it goes.

It would be fun to live everywhere. It would also be nice to have dual citizenship in the North and Southern Hemi's !! 🌎=D
hard,hard days folks...constant attack of dark spirits of malice....dog see it....behave strangely....barking constantly and looking over ma head.....they suck all my energy and barely stand on ma feet....can;t see it,but can feel it and smell it...they smell exactly on sulfur.....my wife and daughter can smell this too......oh boy😬.....torment
hard,hard days folks...constant attack of dark spirits of malice....dog see it....behave strangely....barking constantly and looking over ma head.....they suck all my energy and barely stand on ma feet....can;t see it,but can feel it and smell it...they smell exactly on sulfur.....my wife and daughter can smell this too......oh boy😬.....torment
Yes, one time there were fires here so bad and so many years in a row.

At one point it got so bad that I didn't think that I was going to make it. And then it stopped all of a sudden just like that. Because the rain started pouring down. Everybody was asphyxiating it was the end it seemed like.

Yes smelled too. But not as bad as the Canadian fires. lool.

Lasted longer than the Canadian fires. I am still worried. But I lived to tell the tale. :oops: 🔥 I mean true story.

pss. I love Canada. Tobermory was the Best ever.
I took my doggie outside. It took her 20 minutes to leave the porch.

But where else can you go to tee tee too too.

It's a bad day anywhere today. It seems like it anyway.

So my dog has been all freiked out today. It's been so windy today and tonight too. It keeps whirling around in different spots and is blowin everything and spinning the trees real good. Sometimes it hits really hard and then moves around a lot.

A while after the dog went off the porch an Owl flew by. Eww. It was like hat level . . . . and was staying low and inside, and out of the higher wind.

And then the wind stops and then starts up again. It's really fierce.

I guess it's late and time for everyone to be in bed. lool. The caffeine is kickin hard tonight.

But it sure is windy tonight in the No Moon.

Darn weather . Or something maybe in the air too. the Dark. he hee

I hope everyday can be so joyful !

The advancements in wiping technology are clearly out of date. However, this remarkable achievement, will certainly bring hope to countless millions. If only I wasn't constipated.😬
Oh f#ck . . . Mee tooo :ROFLMAO:👍

Ttyl. I think I cracked a rib. 🍴

edit: sry, brbl
My brain freezes up so bad. It's like writers block but more like thinking block.

What is that.

Anyway I take my meds today. It helps but it gets worse first.

Ya know. I am so tired. But I am still breathing . . . so.

Lol. Freaking weak and tired. And when my head hurt so bad I couldn't even smoke.

So yeh. Tired.
My brain freezes up so bad. It's like writers block but more like thinking block.

What is that.

Anyway I take my meds today. It helps but it gets worse first.

Ya know. I am so tired. But I am still breathing . . . so.

Lol. Freaking weak and tired. And when my head hurt so bad I couldn't even smoke.

So yeh. Tired.
Have you had your bloods done recently just to get an overall picture? I felt so damn weak for a good while until I started taking magnesium and calcium supplements. They helped me a lot.
Okay yah.

yes suh , uh

I'm really really scared but I have a doctors appointment at the end of May this month. I am still working on my insurance because it got expired or I let it expire or something

awful. So I don't mind paying the doctors office that still has the small medical fees.

I think the hospital bills were waiting for me in the mail before I even got back home. hee hee.

But apparently the insurance will pay anything for three months of the expiration date I just had to sign back up. But I have to make sure now because I have been paying for my prescriptions now for the last two months also. It's just time and waiting I guess but none of the hospital bills have been paid yet. So I am hoping the insurance picks it up. If I have to pay I don't g.a.f. really at this time. But it will be interesting to see. Supposedly they will back pay up to three months only. So it has actually almost been three month now . . .

However I did refuse a cat scan . . . because of no insurance and then I left early even though they were supposed to monitor me for six more hours and wait for a scan.
But I am really scared to go to the doctor appointment. So scared.

He sees me every six months. He said it could be every Three months or every Six months. My choice.

BUT I do have to have BLOOD WORK every THREE MONTHS now. Good Call !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have only been seeing this doctor for only about maybe over two years now. So it has not been that long and I really do not know how to talk to him.

He just said that doctors help people to make it to middle age and their elderly years. He's very friekin nice. BUT he's not private practice and I can't find one anymore because

they all left or something. It's weird. There are a lot of holistic and natural medicine one's around but they don't use pharmaceuticals

but the methotrexate is keeping my

rheumatoid inflammation at bay and much better. My blood still makes me tired. There is no cure but you just have to make it better !! Allegedly. Sounds like life in general

maybe ?


But he is not going to give me pain drugs. He can't. He used to prescribe to everyone. I remembered his name and my friend had got all the meds she ever wanted but that

was back in the day. Even the pain management left the area. Actually they left the whole state because the medical system tries to dictate what and what not to do here.


And I already made it clear to him that I am really depressed and I really don't want to live. But if I do I want to do it my way.

The psychologist just said . . . when I went . . . because of him that I am depressed because of a medical condition. I already knew that . . actually I told her that.

And I quit going because I hate talking to someone for a whole hour or whatever half is bad too. She was pretty tired too. Because we laughed at how people just talk and go

on and on about their problems. No judgement at all. At all. I just can't because I don't have the energy or desire.


I talked to this psychiatrist a few times (to get meds) and he had this big white dog in his office with him it was so funny lololol. Everybody would leave with white hair all

over them because he was so friendly lololol. ( The Dog !!!!) I forgot his name though. It was some Indian or some spiritual name or something. It was soo funny but the

Psych. would let you feed it biscuits. I'm just laughing thinking about it.

So I am going to ask my doctor if I can bring my dog in with me just for a distraction. Maybe. But I already know some of the biothces up in the front office might not be

having it. And it's okay. I get it. But one of them was just swooning at my dog through the window one time and sayig ohhh soo cute !!!! And the doctor already knows that

I have a dog for some reason. Maybe I told him. Maybe he saw me. She goes with me everywhere. But she will stay in the car if she has to !!!!!!!!!


But they always badger me at the office to do this routine test and that routine test and colon this and ek whatever.

I DO get blood tests though every three months. BUT I refuse every other dumb test like colonupyourasskupsee's noooooo !!! I opt. for th sht smear test instead..

See how it is.

Most establishments would have kicked me to the curb by now. Bass Terd heads.


I am scared to talk to them anymore. I don't know how to act or what to say anymore.

thanks dude moderator bandit some guy. i thank you so much because i just don't know what to do anymore.


Oh yeah and I do take folic acid everyday because of the methotrexate.

And of course I try to take a multivitamin everyday but don't. I can barely get the liquid down. It's too thick and is too too not agreeable. lool


OMG I just realized what I did

Thank you so much.

Thank you Dr. @thatmf 💗🔥:)👅


just read it if you have time !!!!


Oh yeah and I do take folic acid everyday because of the methotrexate.

And of course I try to take a multivitamin everyday but don't. I can barely get the liquid down. It's too thick and is too too not agreeable.

And yes I do get BLOODWORK every THREE MONTHS. for the last two years or so.
Have you had your bloods done recently just to get an overall picture? I felt so damn weak for a good while until I started taking magnesium and calcium supplements. They helped me a lot.
That sounds very interesting and very good.

What do the pills look like though ??

A giant piece of chalk maybe. I used to get calcium chewy's but they were too sweet and expensive.
That sounds very interesting and very good.

What do the pills look like though ??

A giant piece of chalk maybe. I used to get calcium chewy's but they were too sweet and expensive.
I had those as well! But ran out quickly. I get supplements from Iherb. There's some cool shit there like high dose melatonin. Anything really that's legal.
I had those as well! But ran out quickly. I get supplements from Iherb. There's some cool shit there like high dose melatonin. Anything really that's legal.
Omg ! That's awesome ! k !!! 👍

really honest I um I am not into pills don't know much .. . just know all about stopping to use them !!


edit: the Norco !!
I had those as well! But ran out quickly. I get supplements from Iherb. There's some cool shit there like high dose melatonin. Anything really that's legal.
Saw their website and was happy to find some supplements at good prices. Unfortunately, though they show the prices in your country's currency, they don't say that this is without shipping, which then turns out to be more expensive than the product itself. And then, even if you agree to pay for shipment, they don't say until you put in all your data (not only address bc that makes sense, but credit card) that they can't ship to that country. In my case it's probably because they didn't have the information if those substances were legal in my country or not - like kratom is illegal, and kava is not defined, unlike magnesium or calcium that is allowed (but which I can get in a local pharmacy for much less)