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Boyfriend + gaming

I gave up on video games....it is a good hobby for some but mmorpgs can be a legit addiction for people who feel there is no accomplishment in there life. I can't say much as I have my own addictions...but turn down sex with one's s/o? That's just insanity....maybe its time to try being single for a while. If this is not what you want try dating to find that out.
thanks for the replies everyone. well, the sex is back on track so there's a relief. but the cleaning and cooking thing, idk... im not going to give up on him just yet but i dont know where to start or how to tell him anymore. no matter what i say it comes out annoying to him. last night he was hungry and asked me to make soup (from a package, which he knows how to make) and i was tired so i said no and fell asleep. he didn't end up making anything for himself, ended up just eating a slice of bread. it worries me how lazy he is. like it's not very hard to boil water and dump some powder in. this gives me more reason to not want to cook at all. would it be wrong if i just cooked for myself and told him to make his own food?

and as for cleaning, just now i suggested "lets clean together in a bit" and he said "ok" in a mopey way and honestly, i think he tries to guilt me whenever i suggest cleaning. makes me want to go ape shit on him
would it be wrong if i just cooked for myself and told him to make his own food?

That could come across as pretty weird. Resentment is not the greatest reason to not cook a meal that serves 2, if you don't plan on giving up in the relationship. This is based on the assumption from reading this, that you have an established role in the relationship as the person who cooks the meals. If you feel that it is too much work, you could have him help(not sure how much that would physically help, but it would be kind of a couples thing), or you could have him take responsibility for collecting the dishes and trash, and at least cleaning off all the dishes if not washing them completely. Either way- as phoney as it sounds,-try to emphasize the partnership aspect instead of making it a nagging thing where you are disappointed in him.

In general, dude sounds like he has some significant issues with procrastination. Sometimes getting started on a task is the hardest part(harder than doing/accomplishing the task) for people who struggle with procrastination.
warpaint said:
last night he was hungry and asked me to make soup (from a package, which he knows how to make) and i was tired so i said no and fell asleep. he didn't end up making anything for himself, ended up just eating a slice of bread. it worries me how lazy he is. like it's not very hard to boil water and dump some powder in. this gives me more reason to not want to cook at all. would it be wrong if i just cooked for myself and told him to make his own food?

He would get very angry if you started cooking meals for yourself and just ate the food in front of him; but if he's hungry and you're not, or you don't want to eat a lot at once there's no reason you should have to make a huge meal for him or cook for him. He can't even make instant soup like you find in packets or cans that's pretty bad...but he's an adult and should know how to cook, feed himself, or follow directions on how to make something to eat.

As far as the cleaning goes if he doesn't like to clean then you should not be required to clean up after him since you're not his mom and he's not a little kid. If he wants to live like a pig in a really dirty place that's his choice.

Do you actually care about this guy, and your relationship together, or do you just like to have sex with him and you feel as though you're stuck in a living situation with him and you're more friends/roommates than people in a relationship together? Have you tried telling him some of the stuff you've written here like how you wish he'd put away stuff when buying it, or not leave tons of stuff right by your apt door, and that you're not his mom or his personal maid/apt cleaner/cook?

Does he have any sort of social life at all, like going out with his own friends or you both go our with mutual friends of yours together, or does he just spend pretty much all his free time playing video games/computer games? Does he have a job, go to college/university, take classes, or does he just come home from work/school and then play video games for the rest of the night until late at night when it's time for bed? If he doesn't have a real social life, friends, or even work then he's like Thujone said. All this being said you should not feel as though you're responsible for being his personal cook/maid since you need to look after yourself.
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Does he have any sort of social life at all, like going out with his own friends or you both go our with mutual friends of yours together, or does he just spend pretty much all his free time playing video games/computer games? Does he have a job, go to college/university, take classes, or does he just come home from work/school and then play video games for the rest of the night until late at night when it's time for bed? If he doesn't have a real social life, friends, or even work then he's like Thujone said. All this being said you should not feel as though you're responsible for being his personal cook/maid since you need to look after yourself.
have you tried making any ultimatum's, it seems he has 0 self control with weed at the moment and from my personal exp, this is where a lot of his motivational problems are coming from...

"its me or the herb", see if he will take a month tea-break to show his love for you, and that you are a higher priority to him than a drug. if he bitches about it call him a drug addict
Ultimatums don't work. They are a great relationship render because a. Things change. B. Nothing changes and now you look like a pushover or c. You end up following through but ultimately lose what you got.