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Harm Reduction Boofing pod tea?..

Dec 8, 2019
I’m very new to pods and I’ve to warnings about it’s unpredictability and I took one sip which was less then a shot glass and I feel it pretty nice I’d compare it too 20-30 mg of oral oxy and I believe morphine is stronger recally than orally so the magi question is can you boof it to feel it stronger, is it compatible via the butt,will it burn the shit out of me 😬, ? It’s a legit question simply because the amount of liquid needed is very small ,I simmered it down a lot ,then let the water evaporate in the fridge for about two weeks… I searched this alot but I lot of people asked about but none followed up post with feedback…
I’m very new to pods and I’ve to warnings about it’s unpredictability and I took one sip which was less then a shot glass and I feel it pretty nice I’d compare it too 20-30 mg of oral oxy and I believe morphine is stronger recally than orally so the magi question is can you boof it to feel it stronger, is it compatible via the butt,will it burn the shit out of me 😬, ? It’s a legit question simply because the amount of liquid needed is very small ,I simmered it down a lot ,then let the water evaporate in the fridge for about two weeks… I searched this alot but I lot of people asked about but none followed up post with feedback…

Yes you can. Those are some strong pods.. Did you bleed them and get the resin?
Yeah you can "launch" it haha. I used to with oxy that my brother crushed up and mixed with water (because he IV'd it). He put mine in a syringe (with no needle) and I took a few of those home 😁 Whether that route is any better I'm not sure but he advised it and he did a hell of a lot of research.
Yeah you can "launch" it haha. I used to with oxy that my brother crushed up and mixed with water (because he IV'd it). He put mine in a syringe (with no needle) and I took a few of those home 😁 Whether that route is any better I'm not sure but he advised it and he did a hell of a lot of research.
I think boofing makes the drugs last longer ,don’t know if it’s something people don’t wanna fess up to or it just don’t work 🤣
I think boofing makes the drugs last longer ,don’t know if it’s something people don’t wanna fess up to or it just don’t work 🤣

Well there's gotta be a reason for suppositories. It definitely works cos that area *cough* is part of your digestive tract. My oxy launches definitely worked! 😎

Here we go..

A drug that is administered rectally will in general (depending on the drug) have a faster onset, higher bioavailability, shorter peak, and shorter duration than oral administration. Another advantage of administering a drug rectally, is that it tends to produce less nausea compared to the oral route and prevents any amount of the drug from being lost due to emesis (vomiting). In addition, the rectal route bypasses around two-thirds of the first-pass metabolism as the rectum's venous drainage is two-thirds systemic (middle and inferior rectal vein) and one-third hepatic portal system (superior rectal vein). This means the drug will reach the circulatory system with significantly less alteration and in greater concentrations.

I might investigate taking Valium that way because I'm diabetic, so my metabolism is dodgy. I'm on such strict rations every little bit helps. Probably a lot of messing around, but yeah.
Well there's gotta be a reason for suppositories. It definitely works cos that area *cough* is part of your digestive tract. My oxy launches definitely worked! 😎

Here we go..

A drug that is administered rectally will in general (depending on the drug) have a faster onset, higher bioavailability, shorter peak, and shorter duration than oral administration. Another advantage of administering a drug rectally, is that it tends to produce less nausea compared to the oral route and prevents any amount of the drug from being lost due to emesis (vomiting). In addition, the rectal route bypasses around two-thirds of the first-pass metabolism as the rectum's venous drainage is two-thirds systemic (middle and inferior rectal vein) and one-third hepatic portal system (superior rectal vein). This means the drug will reach the circulatory system with significantly less alteration and in greater concentrations.

I might investigate taking Valium that way because I'm diabetic, so my metabolism is dodgy. I'm on such strict rations every little bit helps. Probably a lot of messing around, but yeah.
I recall reading Valium isn’t water soluble so you’d have to use something else,forgot what it’s called
It won't burn at all. And it will be 2-2.5x stronger, so be careful.

Rectal administration most closely resembles intramuscular injection in how it behaves, but is much safer
It won't burn at all. And it will be 2-2.5x stronger, so be careful.

Rectal administration most closely resembles intramuscular injection in how it behaves, but is much safer
Thank you that’s all I needed to know ,the next time I use it I going go that route, my stomachs a mess today and that was from only two mouthfuls…
How many pods did you use to brew the tea? Sounds like you have some extremely high quality pods. So just please be very careful. You can certainly overdose on pods.

If you haven't already, you need to grind up your entire supply and mix it up real good, because every individual pod can vary greatly in strength, but grinding it up and homogenizing it makes it so that you'll always be working with the same potency powdered pod. Particularly if you're gonna be boofing it, you need to be very, very careful about it. Would hate to have you try it once and get some of the weaker pods, then try it the next time at the "same dose", and get some way stronger ones and die.
How many pods did you use to brew the tea? Sounds like you have some extremely high quality pods. So just please be very careful. You can certainly overdose on pods.

If you haven't already, you need to grind up your entire supply and mix it up real good, because every individual pod can vary greatly in strength, but grinding it up and homogenizing it makes it so that you'll always be working with the same potency powdered pod. Particularly if you're gonna be boofing it, you need to be very, very careful about it. Would hate to have you try it once and get some of the weaker pods, then try it the next time at the "same dose", and get some way stronger ones and die.
I didn’t count but I guess about 12-15 maybe ,I think that by cooking it down it makes it very concentrated thats all and having good pods is necessary,my first batch was really good too.I noticed that I’ll be high all day and this is the second day and I’m just starting to feel normal,anything that potent and long lasting you gotta be careful with , I follow a set time between gulps at about an hour so I can judge how it’s coming on which usually takes about ten minutes for me to start feeling something but another thing is I’m brand new to pods so I have zero tolerance to it that’s why it probably hits me hard…
I’m very new to pods and I’ve to warnings about it’s unpredictability and I took one sip which was less then a shot glass and I feel it pretty nice I’d compare it too 20-30 mg of oral oxy and I believe morphine is stronger recally than orally so the magi question is can you boof it to feel it stronger, is it compatible via the butt,will it burn the shit out of me 😬, ? It’s a legit question simply because the amount of liquid needed is very small ,I simmered it down a lot ,then let the water evaporate in the fridge for about two weeks… I searched this alot but I lot of people asked about but none followed up post with feedback…
In 1998 Opial could still be prescribed.

They contain a mixture of Alkaloid's in their Chloride form (20 mg), with 50 % being Morfine. A sort of cleaned up Poppy Pod extract. And they are administerd rectal.

Think 'trainspotting' the toilet scene.

edit: it also say's absorption is unpredictable and incomplete :(
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A little update , I guess the reason why people don’t post about it is because it don’t work compared to taking it orally , I did the same amount as if I were taking it orally and only felt it a little bit ,it was from the same batch that I took last week orally which got me high as fuck but boofing it was a waste …
Hmm, that's odd, there is no reason at all why it shouldn't work. If it got absorbed by some feces that could explain it. Or maybe through some mechanism, it doesn't work well even though morphine and all other opioids and indeed all alkaloids 9in general work much stronger rectally than orally.

If anyone else tries this, I can't recommend strongly enough that you proceed very carefully as if it is going to be about 2.5 times as strong as the same dose orally. There are reasons boofing can be ineffective and it mostly involves not having your bowels clear. Perhaps it really doesn't absorb much for everyone when taken rectally... but the consequences of assuming it won't work well could be fatal so be very careful.
In optimal conditions plugging it should work. Never tried it but so long as the morphine content is high and the solution isn't too oily, it should work.

Not sure how much you actually dosed, but I just grew a small batch of pods for the very first time and the resulting pods are the strongest I've had in my life. I used to be a daily poppy pod tea user (via podspresso) for around 18 months but I never came across pods that required such little material. The other day i ran just 6 grams of dried pods through my espresso maker and the resulting liquid was ominously vile, it tasted different than any pod tea I've ever had. Aside from being intensely bitter (which is normal) it had an unusual and overwhelming spiciness to it that made it very difficult to drink. It tasted poisonous. I was pretty worried that I was going to give myself noscapine or thebaine poisoning. But no toxicity occured. What did occur was an intense, long-lasting high that keep going for a solid 20 hours, completely pinned pupils. Pretty stimulating, but pod tea is always stimulating to me. Felt great though, especially given that I was worried that I was about about to poison myself when I initially drank it.

Blows my mind that only 6 grams of dried pods did that. And I only drank the first run through on the espresso maker (i drank the second run of those grounds at a later date and still got high). I've been pumping them full of nitrogen fertilizer (dried blood) on a daily basis which seems to have increased alkaloid production. Also, I think that poppies are much stronger if you cut them before they fully mature (ie, before they start producing black seeds). All the dried pods I've ever purchased were fully mature and contained black poppy seeds. But I've found that if you cut the pods off right before they start producing seeds, the resulting pods are much stronger. When they go into the seed producing stage they seem to shift focus from alkaloid production to seed production, thus reduces morphine content. These feel like they are a bit over 2% morphine content by weight (dried seed capsule), which is clearly a product of the controlled nature of growing them indoors and with large amounts of nitrogen fertilizer. I suppose like indoor marijuana versus outdoor marijuana, poppies grown indoors are stronger than ones grown outdoors.

Unfortunately I'm not trying to use opioids these days, so I'm trying to use what I have left as sporadically and infrequently as possible. Which is difficult since these pods are very good, the strongest I've ever had by weight, but I have an extensive history of opioid addiction. Don't think I'll grow poppies again anytime soon, was alot of fun to witness but I just don't want or need to have that stuff around. My girlfriend seemed a bit concerned given how fucked up I got, I looked very tired and fucked up with distant pinpointed glassy eyes yet I was also simultaneously very stimulated, decided to start shampooing the carpet in my office at 5am in a sort of opioid daze.
Not sure how much you actually dosed, but I just grew a small batch of pods for the very first time and the resulting pods are the strongest I've had in my life. I used to be a daily poppy pod tea user (via podspresso) for around 18 months but I never came across pods that required such little material. The other day i ran just 6 grams of dried pods through my espresso maker and the resulting liquid was ominously vile, it tasted different than any pod tea I've ever had. Aside from being intensely bitter (which is normal) it had an unusual and overwhelming spiciness to it that made it very difficult to drink. It tasted poisonous. I was pretty worried that I was going to give myself noscapine or thebaine poisoning. But no toxicity occured. What did occur was an intense, long-lasting high that keep going for a solid 20 hours, completely pinned pupils. Pretty stimulating, but pod tea is always stimulating to me. Felt great though, especially given that I was worried that I was about about to poison myself when I initially drank it.

DAMN, that's some strong pods, I have never had any where 6 grams would do very much for me. But regarding the spiciness, the great source for unwashed seeds I had for years produced a spicy liquid, it would cause a burning in the back of my throat and tongue, it's how I could tell it was going to be good. Occasionally they'd get a batch that had very little of that feeling, and invariably, it was weak. The stronger the spicy tingle, the higher I knew I was gonna get.

Man it's a good thing they stopped getting good seeds and only get some shitty thebaine seeds that make me break out in hives now... today's a day where if I could, I would already be on my way to pick up a fat dose of poppy seeds...

Anyway I'm glad you've decided not to grow more, when I found out you were growing them, I must say I could only think "damn he is going to regret this big-time". But seems like you may manage to escape that regret, if you keep it to this once and don't succumb to temptation.
In optimal conditions plugging it should work. Never tried it but so long as the morphine content is high and the solution isn't too oily, it should work.

Not sure how much you actually dosed, but I just grew a small batch of pods for the very first time and the resulting pods are the strongest I've had in my life. I used to be a daily poppy pod tea user (via podspresso) for around 18 months but I never came across pods that required such little material. The other day i ran just 6 grams of dried pods through my espresso maker and the resulting liquid was ominously vile, it tasted different than any pod tea I've ever had. Aside from being intensely bitter (which is normal) it had an unusual and overwhelming spiciness to it that made it very difficult to drink. It tasted poisonous. I was pretty worried that I was going to give myself noscapine or thebaine poisoning. But no toxicity occured. What did occur was an intense, long-lasting high that keep going for a solid 20 hours, completely pinned pupils. Pretty stimulating, but pod tea is always stimulating to me. Felt great though, especially given that I was worried that I was about about to poison myself when I initially drank it.

Blows my mind that only 6 grams of dried pods did that. And I only drank the first run through on the espresso maker (i drank the second run of those grounds at a later date and still got high). I've been pumping them full of nitrogen fertilizer (dried blood) on a daily basis which seems to have increased alkaloid production. Also, I think that poppies are much stronger if you cut them before they fully mature (ie, before they start producing black seeds). All the dried pods I've ever purchased were fully mature and contained black poppy seeds. But I've found that if you cut the pods off right before they start producing seeds, the resulting pods are much stronger. When they go into the seed producing stage they seem to shift focus from alkaloid production to seed production, thus reduces morphine content. These feel like they are a bit over 2% morphine content by weight (dried seed capsule), which is clearly a product of the controlled nature of growing them indoors and with large amounts of nitrogen fertilizer. I suppose like indoor marijuana versus outdoor marijuana, poppies grown indoors are stronger than ones grown outdoors.

Unfortunately I'm not trying to use opioids these days, so I'm trying to use what I have left as sporadically and infrequently as possible. Which is difficult since these pods are very good, the strongest I've ever had by weight, but I have an extensive history of opioid addiction. Don't think I'll grow poppies again anytime soon, was alot of fun to witness but I just don't want or need to have that stuff around. My girlfriend seemed a bit concerned given how fucked up I got, I looked very tired and fucked up with distant pinpointed glassy eyes yet I was also simultaneously very stimulated, decided to start shampooing the carpet in my office at 5am in a sort of opioid daze.

I also have noticed homegrown pods to be exceptionally potent. My wife has Chinese family that grow them for baking and those pods were so damn strong. I remember wondering how they could be so potent.

Were the seeds you grew from a batch you’d tried before? I wonder if you feel the growing conditions had an effect on alkaloid content.

Hmm, that's odd, there is no reason at all why it shouldn't work. If it got absorbed by some feces that could explain it. Or maybe through some mechanism, it doesn't work well even though morphine and all other opioids and indeed all alkaloids 9in general work much stronger rectally than orally.

If anyone else tries this, I can't recommend strongly enough that you proceed very carefully as if it is going to be about 2.5 times as strong as the same dose orally. There are reasons boofing can be ineffective and it mostly involves not having your bowels clear. Perhaps it really doesn't absorb much for everyone when taken rectally... but the consequences of assuming it won't work well could be fatal so be very careful.
I took me morning dump then cleaned out my butt with a cleanstream so my rectum was totally empty,I administered about 30ml -40 ml 3x with 45 minutes in between each time so it can be absorbed but orally is much,much stronger ,I felt it but it’s just not in the same league as drinking it