Bluelight's Brightest and Best Memories...

Further related to meetups to come, I was thinking of waiting a couple of weeks and throwing together a rough plan for something at the begining of July, and then seeing what everyone thought about it.
Originally posted by Setarcos:
Homelands is somewhere in Winchester (wherever the fuck that is) on the first of June (a Saturday).
Excuse me!!!!!!! I happen to live in Winchester!!! Or Wankchester as it is affectionately known to some of us!
The ***official bluelight post Homelands after party*** will be at mine then!! Its a bit of a stomp... but all are welcome!!! Not much room, but peeps can crash on the floor if they cant get home......
So better see ya all there!!!
Me, Emma and a few mates will be at Homelands so look forward to seeing you all again soon :) Let's hope the sun shines on my candyflip / hippyflip if no acid
Originally posted by MrGeezer:
] something at the begining of July, and then seeing what everyone thought about it.
Nice one thats what I was thinking in the bath, start of July would be great just after my a levels have finished and I might actually have some money then seeing as I wont have any for another month now and will need to save two months pocket money! haha yes I still get it but lets put it this way its not a lot but still nice to recieve!
Ok. Let me just recover a few of my braincells from the previous meetup, and I'll post it nice and early so that everyone can have plenty of notice and consequently no excuse :D
reading this just reminded me of some of the stuff I forgot.
I remember going into that shop next to the tube station hopeing that altough it was a sandwitch shop that they might sell fags, well once in there I forgot what I had gone in for and said something like "Hi have you got any......erm.....ahhhh.......errrmm....", then wobbled about for a minuet and muttered some more shit, the man then said something about them not selling girls and I walked out very confused. What a mess I was :)
That vicar was cool even though I reckon she was comming over to have a moan untill she realised we where well adjusted and respectful young adults who would never take drugs or anything like that ;)
I definatly think we should have donated left over skunk and hash cakes to her congrigation.
One thing I'd like to know is how trippy did the upstairs look, I couldn't tell if it was the 2-cb or just the lighting and projectors making the moving patterns on those drapes. Otherwise I'm not even sure I realy felt it. No perspective changes, no morphing, faces looked normal all night. Am I just hard headed to 2-cb or what?
I honestly can't remember mate!
But I do remember DrSeuss promising me faithfully that it would be well worth our time clambering out along the wall across the water. I would've kicked his arse for lying right after the security guard got us - but then later I realised he was right. It was worth it. If we never did it we would never have got a brief history of the Barbican for absolutely no charge :D
Good question Johnny 2cb or not 2cb that is the question again, well I think it worked for me although it just added to my mashedness which is not as nice as just 2cb with no pills, upstairs was incredibly trippy as it was so its hard to say, though me and geez did watch some football players..... which was quite cool, I found that I could manipulate what I saw and things came into my head and stuff changed but then again I can trip stood at the bus stop if I feel like it....
Maybe need to try it on its own, also I think the pills vary quite strongly between each other.
What can I say? What a totally brilliant night! i'll have my photos up (hopefully) by next monday :) .
I'm almost sorry I didn't stick around for the morning after adventures but not quite ;) , Code09 and I had quite a nice time on our own *grin*.
Meeting everyone.. surpassed my expectations. you all rock and I can't wait to see you again! I'm not going to name everybody - I completely agree with everything Acuity said, I just wish I'd had mroe time to talk to everyone :)
Just a couple of people who I did talk to more than anyone else:
Chris! I got your email, have to wait for my leet housemate to set me up with msn or something ;) You may expect me in Aberdeen sometime soon! *grin*
Hedonistic Angel: your story amazed me.. your dancing was awesome.. you're gorgeous!
Code09... *grin*
Titania and Dr Seuss.. email me abotu the 3rd! [email protected] :) Can't wait to see you guys again :)
Ok.. really, I'm not going to name everybody.. besides, I'm having trouble linking faces and names ;)
Oh, of course Johny Boy .. without you I wouldn't have found anybody! *hugs*
Thank you all for making my night so great :) Can't wait for the next meetup :)
Anyone else going to GCSSS?
[ 22 April 2002: Message edited by: hijinx ]
Right, I just want to start off by thanking everyone involved for making this a fucking brilliant night. However, I wish I had have said a bit more than 'I don't know' or 'I don't understand what you mean' through a gurning mess of a mouth by the end of the night. My brain has finally started to recover, but yesterday was messier than it should have been - I got off the train in Luton, walked down the road 2 minutes and saw someone I thought I knew, and said 'suck me beautiful' (a la American Pie, something the girl I actually knew did say...). She turned round and said 'what?', I realised I was talking to a stranger, and my brain started seeping out my ears. I somehow thought she'd know that I was coming down off something, so I just blurted out 'sorry, my head's fucked'. I then realised that she probably thought I was some sort of psycho walking the streets, and so I walked away. I'd say it probably has something to do with the little world I created inside my head on Saturday...
Anyway, back to the topic:-
Titania - You do South Africa proud, and it was very good to meet you! We spent a lot of time together at the start waiting, and waiting... Sorry about that, but at least it gave us a chance to get to know each other! I also remember agreeing with you about absolutely everything, which is also good! I'll speak to my brother today to find out if we could get some stuff for that thing in May (please send me details of this because this is all the information I can remember!).
Masheadtronic - It was great meeting you, and cheers for meeting me at the train station so I didn't have to arrive at the BugBar by myself! You seemed to get fucked at some point, but for some reason I thought you were almost at baseline until I saw you sitting with a very strange expression on your face which conveyed that you were seeing just a little bit more than everyone else... The vicar comments were hilarious too!
Dr. Seuss - It was very good to meet you, but very strange to find out you weren't about 30! You're really sound and very good at sweet-talking middle-aged vicars... I don't know how you managed to convince her you were interested, but well done, because I know I couldn't have done it! Oh.. and cheers for the stuff before we went out, and once we got back, it was greatly appreciated and will hopefully be repaid!
Acuity - Another South African legend - well done for getting fucked so quickly! It was great to have an in-depth 'heated discussion' with somebody who was fucked just as I was coming up! I'm sorry I didn't have the chance to talk to you more but talking seemed beyond my capabilities by the end of the night!
Hedonistic Angel - I never thought anyone wearing such colourful clothes could have such a foul mouth, but you did warn us!. You're a great laugh, and cook - the muffins went down a treat and were award-winning stuff, so cheers for those too!
Ezrgood - It was very good meeting you and seeing someone get fucked with such passion - at one point I thought you were dead! It might have had something to do with the fact that you were lieing on the ground with your head on the ground, with no expression on your face...
Johny Boy - I think I talked to you at various points of the night, but I don't think I ever said anything of any relevance, so details are sketchy! I do remember that you were seriously sound and generous with your smoke. Cheers again for helping me out and passing joints in my direction, and sorry again for your loss!
MrGeezer - You're really sound, and a funny bastard too! I think I might have nightmares about the expression on your face when I saw you in the unisex toilets though...
Louise - It was very good to see you get so happily fucked! You'd better join Bluelight so we can talk to you again! We talked a lot and I enjoyed it - cheers. I'm just sorry that I my brain was scrambled so soon...
Hijinx - I don't think I talked to you much, but you seemed very nice and I think I might be in one of the pictures on your camera. I do remember asking you your name though, even though it was written on your t-shirt!
Squirt & Matt(??) - It was very good talking to you about American culture, etc! I didn't see you in the Fridge, so I didn't get to talk to you about the fate of the universe or anything like that which is a shame! Have a great time in London for the remainder of your stay!
Conor - Don't think I talked to you much in the Fridge, but we had a brief conversation on the bridge as we were preparing to fall into the river!
To everyone else I met but haven't spoken about, my apologies, but if you can remember what my gurning face looked like on Saturday, can you just imagine what my mind was like!
Now a few questions...
Who were the people staring at me, trying to freak me out, or was I just being paranoid? Quite a lot of weird thoughts were flying through my head at that point, but it was all good!
Who was the bloke who was asking me for something quite near the end of the night? I remember saying to them - 'I don't know what you mean', followed by 'I'm sorry, I literally don't understand what you're talking about'. This was in reply to their name! Sorry I couldn't understand you, it was my fault, and it wasn't the last time it happened.
Anyway, I'd better go to the pub now and get on with some important business...
Everyone - have a fucking brilliant time and start planning the next meetup now!
Lol oh yeah, I forgot about walking along that wall. I was well feeling very stoned and "I was pilling last night and I'm not quite back on earth yet", and was sure I was gonna fall in. I was walking across very slowly to make sure. Whoever designed all that obviously didn't include a way of making sure the water didn't get stagnated and green, yuk. Anyhow, after a very slow walk I made it.
Thank fuck we didn't have to walk back.
Originally posted by hijinx:
Chris! I got your email, have to wait for my leet housemate to set me up with msn or something ;) You may expect me in Aberdeen sometime soon! *grin*
Can't wait! Might spin down to see you in cambrige or something if you are up for a visit.
Still thinking of ways to get 100's of bluelighters at the next meetup :D
Chris.5 :)
Right were to begin!
Ok, first I'd like to thank everyone for making me feel welcome, for coming alone and providing one of the best nights I've had in a long time.
Disclaimer - The following text could contain information of a completely wrong and muddled context. The writer of it accepts no responsibility of it as memories of the night are still completely mashed, but will say sorry if an error is found in the following days.
In a random order it starts with:
Masheadatronic - although I met you during the night a few times and spent most of Sunday with you I don't remember having one proper normal understandable conversation between us without looking at each other confused and laughing. Hope you come to the next meetup and I’ll try and talk to you before I get completely fOOcked.
Acuity - It was cool meeting you, I think I managed to talk to you for a bit and it was good to see someone dancing nearly all night it gave me the energy to go dance myself, which picked me up nicely. Cheers
Johnny and Conor - I didn't really speak to you two much, but you weren't in the chattiest of states either. Johnny sorry about your loss, don't worry about paying me back you can have it as a late birthday present. Conor I think in your post strobe guy must have been me, I had a white light and short hair and I'm sorry if I temporally blinded you or anyone else with it.
Titania and DrSeuss - Firstly thanks for letting me stay round yours yesterday it was greatly needed and appreciated. You are both very chatty, funny, friendly people and you made me feel very welcome to the group. I'll hopefully see you next on the 3rd.
Loving it! - It was good to meet another bluelighter for round my area. I chatted to you quite a bit at the start but all I remember of it was us just completely slating Luton saying how crap the clubs, drugs etc. are there. We should meetup sometime but I’m not going to Luton.
Hedonistic Angel - Question. How did u remember any of the quotes you posted? (and yes everyone I quite likely did say that and I admit I am obsessed with eating crisps on a comedown.)I'm impressed if I remember one name during a night let alone a quote from everyone there. :) I enjoyed having you and DrSeuss to dance with. It stopped me from spending the whole night sitting down. Cheers for everything your a top las.
Base615 and Emma - Didn't really chat to you at all but congratulations on the engagement, a very unique time to ask THE question.
Geezer and Louise - Again not much was said to you two but you looked to be having fun and I WILL chat to you next time.
Funky and Lindsey - I knew you two anyway before this but Cheers for letting me come down with you, now I’ve met people I might post more. Funky I'll see you down the pub in about an hour and I’ll give you the details. Later
Jase, Chris, Hijinx, Code-09, Sambo and Squirt - I remember meeting you lot at various times and I would really like to meet you properly when I'm sober so I remember more. See ya all hopefully next time. :)
If I forgot anyone I'm SORRY and if something here didn't make sense tell me.
Mark :)
Bollocks all saturday has given me is the desire to get fully mashed, I somehow feel I only got half fucked on saturday and need to get fully fuckereded to make up for it
something at the begining of July, and then seeing what everyone thought about it.
since i missed the last two meetups (for being on the other side of the world in dec., and having finals in a week) i'm def. gonna be in the country july and not having to use any brain cells till sep.!! beg. of july sounds great!!
plus it'll be another nationality added to the list!
plus it sounds u guys had an AWESOME time, having some of that would be cool :)
sorry for the 'wierd' 'not making any sense' 'can't write what i'm trying to say' post but i'm in a mental block state of mind...if that makes sense as well!!
uni..... :)
Yet again the meetup was scheduled for when I went home for break. On the plus side for me, there was a big rave festival in NYC on the same day. On the down side, it sounds like you guys had a friggin' blast. Hopefully will have a chance to meet some of y'all on the 3rd.
I am definitely down for Homelands and pray for a BL meetup then. C'mon peoples, save your cash and go! Or, do what I am doing and just throw it on the credit card and ring up more debt!
Can someone *please* post more details of this meeting with the vicar? It sounds f**king hilarious :)
When she first came out to talk to us I think she was gonna moan at the fourteen dishevelled looking twenty somethings hanging about ominously outside her church. Fortunately, the good DrSeuss had just enough energy left to engage her in some scintilating conversation all about the barbican centre and the history of her church. She went on to give us enough information to write several books about the area.
It did start getting hard not to laugh though :D