  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Bluelighters and Fishing?

^ Incredible. This weekend looks very good for us here in the south. No detailed plans made yet but I think I'll try an overnighter. Get out the lights and make sure all the batteries are charged. I need about 10 more pounds of crappie meat for the fish fry that comes up in July.
fishing is so much fun :)
I actually hate the taste of fish so I always throw them back, but fishing is just so relaxing.
I love getting high and going fishing.
i LOVE fishing.

it began with my father on our annual vacation to the same holiday destination every year. he and i would disappear for a whole day armed with our gear and a picnic basket. we'd sit, fish, occassionally talk shit and bond. i remember many excitable moments when we'd have a great day and reel in one after the other; to then return home and force mum to cook them all into a fishy extravaganza that we felt pride for. eating food that youve hunted is always more rewarding.

i still fish now, and with my inlaws owning a houseboat (that they never use); we travel out to the nearby islands tri monthly and spend a weekend away relaxing, and fishing. the silence and calm is addictive.

kytnism, I find it refreshing that a woman enjoys fishing. My wife doesn't really care for it. She won't even set foot on my fishing boat. Its just that, a fishing boat and it doesn't have all the comforts that our run-about has. I would like for her to accompany me on a fishing trip from time to time but so far, she hasn't. I have told her how I feel but she just isn't interested.
I read this as Bluelighters and Fisting and was immediately interested.

Anyway, I used to go fishing when I was a lot younger and loved it. Just last month I bought a rod/reel and tackle again and plan to go out soon.

There's a great pond about 10 miles into a wilderness reserve near me I want to fish at.

I actually hate the taste of fish so I always throw them back, but fishing is just so relaxing.
I love getting high and going fishing.

Same here but I like the taste. Just too lazy to do any prep work.
Kul69 said:
Same here but I like the taste. Just too lazy to do any prep work.
Yeah even if I enjoyed eating fish I probably would throw them all back anyway, I'm lazy as hell too, especially cause I'm always smoking weed while sitting in the boat =D
sooooooooo much fun....man I wanna go fishing now:(
delta_9 said:
fishing is so much fun :)
I actually hate the taste of fish so I always throw them back, but fishing is just so relaxing.
I love getting high and going fishing.

boneless and skinless fillet some 15"-20" walleyes, bread them, and fry. Then tell me you dont like the taste of fish;)
Fish just dosen't taste good to me, I dont know how else to explain it
Caught a 31" 16lb channel cat on my 4lb walleye rig this afternoon. Fought the thing for over an hour. Will post a pic soon, but I have a bit of identity concealment to accomplish first;)
I remember that you said that before egor. I can understand a person wanting to remain anonymous. its easy to do. Use microsoft paint and edit the pic and just scribble over it.
lol I would still know that guy if I saw him on the street, blacking out the eyes dosen't do shit. There's still so many distinctive features I can see.
I'm well known on BL. hahahaha........ Just go as far as you have to to get the job done.
^^There have been some pretty ominous things going on elsewhere online recently and I dont think posting (even a photoshopped image of me is wise at the moment; tattoos, piercings and such:\). I may PM you a few once shit settles down. I dont think I will ever post them publically given the current online environment. This is still egor by the way:) Sorry for making you wait...

incognito bass
I went surf fishing and fished in the bay all week and didn't catch anything at all. Of course, I went in the middle of the day, but it's not my fault the fish get up so damn early. Stupid fish. :p