Bluelight not showing up in Google results anymore

I doubt panic posting the same thread all over the place will do anything except suggest boobs, free beer or a cat.

Those are serious suggestions and should be considered then implemented , boobs at least.
Well when I posted this thread I had tried googling, searching on here etc and hadn't seen anything about this problem, no threads, no explanations etc so I don't really see the whole Internet in a panic about it lol and that certainly was not where I was coming from with posting this thread ?
I googled "baclofen bluelight " and had to go through a page of rehab clinics, Google shouldn't hide harm reduction but promote rehab. Not everyone is ready for rehab and important harm reduction advice should NOT be hidden
I find it somewhat easier to just add the "org" to bluelight
I've used Bluelight as an information resource for my entire drug using career and im sure things i learned here saved my life and by extension the lives of friends. Often I would search 'bluelight' and 'X' x being whatever drug I was researching.

I'm not sure when it happened but at some point bluelight results stopped showing up in my Google searches! I actually thought maybe bluelight had shut down.

But after changing my search engine to duck duck go I can see bluelight results again.

I just wanted to make the staff aware of this as Google is the most common search engine it is a big problem not showing up in Google results (in terms of getting harm reduction info out to as many people as possible).
It shows up for me
A friend of me mentioned that they no longer could find Bluelight via Google search, and sent a screenshot. I checked it out myself to confirm it. How long has this been a problem?

They've been doing this since late 2017 mate
I couldn't find bluelight for shit, took ages when I wanted to find it after leaving another forum about drugs
it may be region specific or something, it pulls up for me:


BTW we should make a memorial to Billy Bluelight.... he was a visionary (lol)
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No amount of SEO will help this forum back up the google rankings. If they weren't blacklisting it then changing to the new software would have gotten threads back in the usual search terms. They push rehab/Government links to the top of the results now and list things like reddit above this forum. Forums in general have been blacklisted on common search terms. Google will show you social networking and youtube results above everything else. When I'm looking for stuff on forums these days I have to add "forum" in the query.

I noticed another drug forum managed to stay in search results longer than BL but it seems to have been deranked now too. That forum practiced very aggressive SEO and I'm pretty sure google finally caught up and started punishing them for it. The best thing to do if you want to bring new blood into BL is word of mouth. Another good way would be producing content for places like youtube that link back here or promoting it at events IRL.
I had to look up what "SEO" means and it just confirmed my long held suspisions about google snuffing out whatever sites their highest bidders were at odds with.

Really not a fan of the company.
I noticed this a couple weeks ago, no matter what I search in google those half ass sales pitch for suboxone websites pop up. Fucked up for people looking for info that don’t already know about these sites

Bluelight threads can be top of searches for some obscure searches, I didn't expect to to come up when searching to find out who the dude in the waynecupd meme is, thought Easy-E but never got around to finding out and read the thread instead.

Don't stress about Google rankings, there's not much that can be done about it .
No amount of SEO will help this forum back up the google rankings. If they weren't blacklisting it then changing to the new software would have gotten threads back in the usual search terms. They push rehab/Government links to the top of the results now and list things like reddit above this forum. Forums in general have been blacklisted on common search terms. Google will show you social networking and youtube results above everything else. When I'm looking for stuff on forums these days I have to add "forum" in the query.

I noticed another drug forum managed to stay in search results longer than BL but it seems to have been deranked now too. That forum practiced very aggressive SEO and I'm pretty sure google finally caught up and started punishing them for it. The best thing to do if you want to bring new blood into BL is word of mouth. Another good way would be producing content for places like youtube that link back here or promoting it at events IRL.
Typical big tech scum bags. I re-engaged via DuckDuckGo. They’re legit. Fuck Google
After a long time off Bluelight I could not remember if it was .org .com etc so I googled bluelight, bluelight drugs etc it was the Wiki page that came up. No sign of the site its self. I know Google has always been a corporate whore but blocking harm reduction sites to for what im guessing is to appease sponsors is taking the piss.