• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

bluelight 2-d design contest round 3: LETS GET HIGH!


Dec 13, 2004
the rules:

start: monday, may 14,
end: wednesday, may 23

images must not already be in the bluelight gallery. lets keep this fresh. the idea behind this thread is the physical manipulation of mediums in real life.

images are limited to 700x700. any image larger needs to either be linked, or it is disqualified.

photoshop is allowed (upon much retrospect), however,

no photographs. edited or unedited; now there is a suitable thread for your photoshopped photographs here

please include the original dimensions of the work, the mediums used, and any other info you feel is relevant. (your pieces pertinence to the theme is optional)

voting will take place during the weekend, ending at midnight on tuesday. please, dont vote for your own entry

this weeks theme: LETS GET HIGH!
next weeks theme: NO FUCKING WAY...! (shock value)

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To be honest, I don't get these themes. :\

Collage with color-aid paper

[edit - wow i just noticed how shitty the scan is, it's actually not dirty and spotted up like that. it is wrapped in acetate though so i guess that's screwing it up.]
^^^wow thats amazing.


edit: dont feel bad i dont have a scanner and i have a 2 mega pixzel camera i have to take pictures of my work just to post them. lol.
heres my entry


this is actually a really in-depth piece that took me almost a month to complete. i traced each of those hands (i think there are 14 different ones) in order to get the effect i wanted..

each hand on the picture (save the 3 on the right that are obviously mine) are from different drug users or 'friends' i had at the time.

each persons hand is in regard to the 'drug pipe' based on their personality (the way i had them pose, the size, etc...), and the aura around each hand represents that persons DoC.

green = pot
orange/red/white = coke
blue/purple = psychadelic
orange/yellow/pink = meth
black = dealer

my own hands dont have auras--they are colored on the inside. my parents are even included.
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tough, i think i've got alot of pictures that would fit this round.



this is a band i used to be in, suitable 'getting high' music.
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QuestionEverything said:
To be honest, I don't get these themes. :\

Collage with color-aid paper

[edit - wow i just noticed how shitty the scan is, it's actually not dirty and spotted up like that. it is wrapped in acetate though so i guess that's screwing it up.]

wouldnt it make more sense rotated to the right ?

it looks like a girl blowing out smoke, and a giant "E"

its funny we used the same medium for this one!

whats not to get about the themes? totally open for interpretation, being an artist it should make things easier...

im keeping the themes as vague as i can, for variety's sake.
Rotated to the right? No, then she'd be on her head. It goes how it's posted.

It's one part of a 3 part piece that spells out psych - e - delic; the first one lsd inspired, this one 'e' inspired, the last one shroom inspired. All three deal with color illusions, the one I entered uses high chroma and low chroma to make one hue change throughout the collage.
liquidphil1 said:
^^^wow thats amazing.


edit: dont feel bad i dont have a scanner and i have a 2 mega pixzel camera i have to take pictures of my work just to post them. lol.

i have a digital camera as well. just use adequate lighting....

i use picasa to crop/straighten/touch up the images.

its really simple and easy, AND you can keep an online log of each of your pieces.


^that took about 30 seconds to touch up... had you not creased it down the middle....
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QuestionEverything said:
Rotated to the right? No, then she'd be on her head. It goes how it's posted.

It's one part of a 3 part piece that spells out psych - e - delic; the first one lsd inspired, this one 'e' inspired, the last one shroom inspired. All three deal with color illusions, the one I entered uses high chroma and low chroma to make one hue change throughout the collage.
doh >.<

i always get confused when rotating things because of...err its hard to explain. must think in terms of clockwise/counter clockwise...8(

theres no rule saying only one entry per person... can we at least SEE the other 2 in the series? id love to...
i actually prefere it low res my way, the modification makes teh lines harsh instead of soft and varient.
my point is, you can clean it up in just a few seconds. put some effort into it...
Ok, have never posted a picture before so hopefully this works...

It is pen/pencil/marker on paper.
wesmdow said:
my point is, you can clean it up in just a few seconds. put some effort into it...

i meant it as a comiseration of mediums on postings [edited: no need].
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wesmdow said:
doh >.<

i always get confused when rotating things because of...err its hard to explain. must think in terms of clockwise/counter clockwise...8(

In which case, I still don't see it making sense in any other way than it is. I created it, I posted it that way, I meant it that way.:)

theres no rule saying only one entry per person... can we at least SEE the other 2 in the series? id love to...

I think there should be, I wouldn't think we'd want one person entering 6 times. I'll show the other two later.
Oh I love Mz Thizzles the best so far... love the colours!! Really like wesdmows too... also awesome colours...

ok getting high... anyone for mushrooms? =D

^ Aww thanks :D I almost didnt post it because theres already a bunch of other good ones, I didnt know if mine would even compete, so I'm glad someone likes it.

oh, and I love the texture in yours, doofqueen! it really makes me want to just reach out and touch the screen lol
QuestionEverything said:
I think there should be, I wouldn't think we'd want one person entering 6 times. I'll show the other two later.
i think there should be an exception to this rule for series, because often the full effect of the work is lost without the series in its entirety.

yea, if you wouldnt mind, post them maybe aftr the poll opens. or jusut notate the one you want me to enter into the poll. :)