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Birth Control Pills + Pulling Out or Not


Bluelight Crew
Dec 23, 2004
I have a question... its been on my mind for awhile, but I don't have anyone I can comfortably ask.

So Ive been dating this dude for about a month, and we've had sex almost every day a couple times a day during that month. We used condoms for the first couple times then decided we didn't need to use them anymore cuz we're both clean and I'm on the pill. Ive been on birth control pills for about 10 years, Ive taken a few breaks from it during that time but I've been on it nonstop for at least the past year or so. When we have sex he always blows up inside me, I never told him to stop doing that even though I think about it often, cuz honestly I really like it when he does it. But does it increase the change of pregnancy, even though I'm on the pill? Any other boyfriend Ive had in the past has always pulled out, plus I was on birth control. This didn't worry me a bit. I take my pills at the same time every night, give or take 30 minutes sometimes. I guess him cumming inside of me just has me concerned because Ive never done this with anyone before. Is that something that other people do too? I don't really have a girlfriend to ask about this kind of stuff.

I feel really nauseated this morning, but of course that's probably just worry.

I've had plenty of girls that I've came in (my buddies used to call me the "Bare Back Bandit") and I won't get into numbers but it's more than I can count on two hands. always made sure they were on birth control and never had a problem


Birth control is not the be all end all. I've known 2 girls who have gotten pregnant on birth control. 1 girl I'm not 100% sure if she was lying or not since she 'wanted' to get pregnant but her boyfriend didn't, and the other one I'm 100% sure she was steadily taking the pill.

Condoms have the highest percentage of working as far as a contraceptive goes. I have (riskily) came in all girls on birth control. I have had no pregnancies and no scares. Be aware though, that the pill is only something like 99.3% effective, meaning YES you can still get pregnant on it. I would say you are pretty safe with him ejaculating in you, but I can't safely tell you that "No you will not get pregnant" - the chances are very slim, but there still are those chances. Nothing is 100%, and if you are worried about pregnancy pulling out would surely help since his swimmers won't actually be in you (there will be a few due to "pre-cum")

Will you get pregnant on birth control? - Not Likely
Will pulling out help your chances of not getting pregnant? - I would say yes definitely
Is birth control (in any form) sure fire way to control pregnancy? - definitely not....
It is possible to get pregnant on the pill my friend conceive all her boys that way but if you haven't missed a pill or taken it later then 30 minutes I wouldn't worry, that beening said if you are concerned whether you might be do a pregnancy test (if your not will just give you peace of mind). Though I think you just haven't gotten used to guys cumming inside you it will take time if you persevere and remember if you truly want to be sure consult your doctor or health expert.
With my ex, I was on the pill, we didn't use condoms and he always came inside of me, never got pregnant or had any problems.
Okay, thanks for the responses so far guys. But let me clarify... I KNOW that you can still get pregnant while on the pill. I've heard of it happening, I know that it's not 100% protection against pregnancy.

My question is.... if I'm taking birth control pills correctly, is there a huge difference in pregnancy risk factor between the guy pulling out or cumming inside of me?

edit... thanks Pagey, I am just looking to see if this is what other people do commonly. I don't have a 'close' girl friend who I can ask about this sort of thing really. I just didn't know if it was something that was assumed or not.
My question is.... if I'm taking birth control pills correctly, is there a huge difference in pregnancy risk factor between the guy pulling out or cumming inside of me?

Yes. If he pulls out correctly there should be no risk. No sperm no baby.
Yeah, it's a lot safer to pull out AND be on birth control. By how much? I don't have stats, but I'm sure you could Google some.
I'm in a serious relationship and I use birth control pill and condoms. Every time. I just can't do the risk. :(
I have a question... its been on my mind for awhile, but I don't have anyone I can comfortably ask.

So Ive been dating this dude for about a month, and we've had sex almost every day a couple times a day during that month. We used condoms for the first couple times then decided we didn't need to use them anymore cuz we're both clean and I'm on the pill. Ive been on birth control pills for about 10 years, Ive taken a few breaks from it during that time but I've been on it nonstop for at least the past year or so. When we have sex he always blows up inside me, I never told him to stop doing that even though I think about it often, cuz honestly I really like it when he does it. But does it increase the change of pregnancy, even though I'm on the pill? Any other boyfriend Ive had in the past has always pulled out, plus I was on birth control. This didn't worry me a bit. I take my pills at the same time every night, give or take 30 minutes sometimes. I guess him cumming inside of me just has me concerned because Ive never done this with anyone before. Is that something that other people do too? I don't really have a girlfriend to ask about this kind of stuff.

I feel really nauseated this morning, but of course that's probably just worry.


I've been on and off too for about 20 years, and as long as I take it regularly, I have never ever had a scare while on it. The only time I had an accident at age 20 was when i went off of it and tried a diaphragm. It was horrible. Stick with the pill and you're fine. Check out the ring if the pill is too much of a chore to remember. I've done the pill, the patch and the ring and the ring was freakin awesome.
My question is.... if I'm taking birth control pills correctly, is there a huge difference in pregnancy risk factor between the guy pulling out or cumming inside of me?

Yes it will reduce the chances even more. I'm not saying that you would still get pregnant if he came in you, but yes it would reduce the risk even further. By what percentage I'm unsure, but yea it would help.

Yes. If he pulls out correctly there should be no risk. No sperm no baby.

LOL! Wish that was true. Read up on how effective the pull out method is by itself --- it has a 31% failure rate, meaning 1 out of 3 people who use just the "Pull out method" end up pregnant. If you had 3 girls, 2 would be safe from pregnancy, the 3rd would end up pregnant.

The problem with the pullout method is there is still precum (could be a ton of precum also...) that still cums during sex. While it may be a miniscule amount (very little) it is STILL enough for someone to get pregnant.

I will say this Euphoria -

I don't believe that even if he came in you, that you would get pregnant. I've been with my fiance for 5+ years and she's been on the pill and we both have very high libido's. She got pregnant the first time we had sex (I busted in her) and she wasn't on birth control. So I know both her and I are VERY fertile. After she got on birth control we never used a condom once, and we've had sex some days up to 5x a day and every day of the month. She still has not gotten pregnant since.

While the risk you run is very little even if he does bust in you, if you wanted to be safe, yes pulling out would greatly reduce the risks even more. By what percentage I really can't say since it varies and no one knows how much precum will be ejaculated before orgasm. Yes it will help ensure you don't get pregnant. And the birth control will also allow him to bust in you every once in awhile as a treat.

That's the best it can be put. Good luck. And make sure you don't keep focusing on the ending and worrying about it - Enjoy sex from the minute the foreplay starts.

Have fun!! ;)=D


Check out the ring if the pill is too much of a chore to remember. I've done the pill, the patch and the ring and the ring was freakin awesome.

The patch worked for my girlfriend - ALSO THE DEPO SHOT!!! It is a shot that lasts for 3 to 6 months and you never have to worry about forgetting it. My girlfriend used it and she loved it. It did add a few pounds though (all birth control does) so just something to keep in mind.

But I wanted to comment on lysis' post specifically regarding the ring - if your boyfriend has girth to his penis (thickness) the ring may end up being uncomfortable. My girlfriend used the ring for awhile and I didn't like it. Some other friends had girlfriends that used it and they said that it came out during hard sex and ended up around their penis. When my girlfriend used it, and it slid down, since my penis is thicker it actually hurt her b/c I kept pushing it back up into weird positions inside of her. Also it squeeze my head one time (not kidding) and it hurt. It's pretty uncomfortable for some guys, others dont mind it.

Just something to think about.
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True dat. You really have to make sure you push the ring up there behind the bone. When you put it in, the top of the ring lays above the bone (a girl would know what I'm talking about..that bone you feel if you put a finger in there and curl it up). If you don't do it right, it will come out.

The only reason I didn't (or won't) do depo is because of the weight gain. I've had people tell me they gained a lot of weight.
Euphoria - I'm in the same position as you. I've been on the pill solidly for almost four years now, and I take it correctly. I have sex with my boyfriend regularly, and he always cums inside me. At this point, I think he'd be a little put off if I all of a sudden didn't let him. My point - I've never had any problems, or any scares even.

Hormonal birth control, when taken correctly, prevents the ovary from releasing an egg, which would then have to be fertilized to result in a pregnancy. Thus, if you are taking it correctly and your body is not releasing eggs into your fallopian tubes, it doesn't matter whether he comes in you or not, because there is no egg to fertilize. As everyone else said, it's not 100% positive, but that's just the chance you're taking having sex - it's not so much a matter of whether you let him cum inside you or not.
True dat. You really have to make sure you push the ring up there behind the bone. When you put it in, the top of the ring lays above the bone (a girl would know what I'm talking about..that bone you feel if you put a finger in there and curl it up). If you don't do it right, it will come out.
Would that be the pelvic bone located near the G spot on females? Just curious as I personally don't trust my female partner with taking the pill (she's forgetful) and would recommend something that doesn't require constant attention (depo shot sounds like the ideal thing, but she said she didn't like it before due to weight gain).
I have been on the pill for over 10 years now (Yaz for the last probably 5 or 6 years or so now) and I have never had an issue with pregnancy. If you take it as directed then there is little chance of getting pregnant. I suppose that pulling out would decrease your chances but it's still never going to be 100%, and birth control already prevents pregnancy in the high 90% range. Just keep taking it exactly as it is prescribed and you shouldn't have any issues. I do know one woman (one of my best friends) who got pregnant with her twins while she was on birth control but I believe she had some hormone issues to begin with which is what caused her to get pregnant.

IIRC, there isn't any conclusive evidence that pre cum actually contains sperm, so it's unknown as to whether or not pre cum can cause a woman to get pregnant.
Would that be the pelvic bone located near the G spot on females? Just curious as I personally don't trust my female partner with taking the pill (she's forgetful) and would recommend something that doesn't require constant attention (depo shot sounds like the ideal thing, but she said she didn't like it before due to weight gain).

Yes, you can feel it if you push your finger in there palms facing up and curl your finger. It needs to be pushed up there so it lodges above the bone. The ring was really a godsend for me, because I would forget the pill and if I had to double up, it would make me very nauseous.
Thank you lysis. Sero is too young and unstable to be a daddy right now :) though i look forward to having a child once i can give them everything
Will you get pregnant on birth control? - Not Likely
Will pulling out help your chances of not getting pregnant? - I would say yes definitely
Is birth control (in any form) sure fire way to control pregnancy? - definitely not....
pretty much -

If you don't wanna get pregnant don't have sex.

That being said, the rhythm method is very effectivvve and so is the contraceptive pill (as long as you know what can/will reduce it's efficacy and avoids these shenanigans), so get fucking and get all that cum up inside you!

Pulling out will change the odds by such a minute fraction, it's probably not worth the effort.
Its only 99.9% effective. It says so on the package. that should tell you all you need to know...

I used to do this btw with my ex. Its awesome but a baby is definitely possible

I would say it will change it by "more than a tiny fraction". If its already at 99.9% unlikely and then theres only 1 sperm cell in there versus billions, comeon. Definitely smarter lol although I will admit I did the unsmart thing just about every time.
I just wanted to say thanks to you guys for being so detailed here. Months later it's still helping people. Me within the last hour, to be specific. I am pretty sure I have my answer but I'd like to tailor my question a bit.

I'm very recently 20 and I've been on the pill since I was 17. I'm very regular about it, taking it at within an hour every night. I've been with my boyfriend for a good while now but he's always been hard to please and prefers oral to sex (sorry to be graphic). We had a really rough year last year and so our intimacy declined. I just saw him earlier today for the first time in a month and things got intimate. I was pretty surprised, and even more surprised that he came in me, which he has never done before. Now I just asked him to pull out to be safe in the future, but I'm on day 11 of 28-Day Ortho-Tricyclen and I'm quite worried because like I said, he has never come in me and he's the only guy I've ever been with. I have the option to go get Plan B since the incident is very recent and I'm wondering whether that's overreacting or not. I'm very focused on school and am in no position to accidentally get pregnant. I would rather be overly safe than pregnant and I know females tend to be most fertile in the middle of their cycles and that the pill isn't 100% effective.

I really appreciate having people with experience to ask. My girlfriends don't have experience with this and seeing as they're friends with my boyfriend, it would be awkward. So thank you.