Mental Health Bipolar Disorder Mega Thread

anyone have a manic episode after quitting smoking?

im not on bipolar meds, just quit smoking two weeks ago, manic as shit today....
I don't want to go back on meds. Is there something else that I could do to balance out my manically depressed symptoms i've been having for FUCKING years?

How much would an MRI to map my brain activity cost? Is a psychiatrist better than a psychologist? Has anyone found CBT effective?

To anser your question about the MRI, it would cost thousands.

If you are looking for counseling, then a psychologist would be better, especially if you don't want to go back to medication.

What are your concerns about medication?
For me I for so long didn't want medication because it seemed every med or combo of meds I was put on had awful side effects and/or made me feel like a zombie.
In the end I snapped, stopped meds, and within 2 weeks I went completely manic. Short term meds got me bk to stable and reasonable. Another try at long term medication - lithium - tolerating it better than the others, though would still rather not be on medication at all, but I've realised if I'm not medicated I'm gonna hurt my kids + my family.
Sometimes I wonder if being tired all the time, really struggling to be bothered to interact with others, generally just a 'meh' feeling IS normal. Or am I just so used to feeling and being so extreme that 'normality' feels insanely dull and bland? I also wonder if my drink + stimulant abuse caused my bipolar OR is my excessive use due to the bipolar?
Just wondered if anyone else felt like this?
For me I for so long didn't want medication because it seemed every med or combo of meds I was put on had awful side effects and/or made me feel like a zombie.
In the end I snapped, stopped meds, and within 2 weeks I went completely manic. Short term meds got me bk to stable and reasonable. Another try at long term medication - lithium - tolerating it better than the others, though would still rather not be on medication at all, but I've realised if I'm not medicated I'm gonna hurt my kids + my family.
Sometimes I wonder if being tired all the time, really struggling to be bothered to interact with others, generally just a 'meh' feeling IS normal. Or am I just so used to feeling and being so extreme that 'normality' feels insanely dull and bland? I also wonder if my drink + stimulant abuse caused my bipolar OR is my excessive use due to the bipolar?
Just wondered if anyone else felt like this?

I am diagnosed bipolar NOS with rapid cycling, full on manic episodes and sometimes even psychosis although that has not happened in ages. It took me years of trial and error to find the right med combo but i finally did. I take 200mg's of lamotrigine a day (the only other true mood stabilizer besides lithium), 4-6mg's of clonazepam a day, 300mg's of quetiapine a day and 300mg's of wellbutrin a day. When i stick to those meds i am pretty stable these days and i don't get much in the way of side effects. Besides the dry mouth and increased sensitivity to sunlight from the lamictal i don't get any real side effects. Certainly nothing as bad as some meds ive been on.

There is no definition of normal really but i get your point. I long ago gave up even pretending to be normal and i never wanted it in the first place :\ . I'll settle for stable and happy :)
^ I'd settle for happy and stable. Stable I kind of am, but feels like a constant battle and I sometimes wish I'd never accepted my diagnosis as I was happy the way I was, but at the cost of those close to me.
Gives me relief to know that someones managed both, gives me some hope there's a chance I'll get there if I stick at it.
Thank u.
^ I'd settle for happy and stable. Stable I kind of am, but feels like a constant battle and I sometimes wish I'd never accepted my diagnosis as I was happy the way I was, but at the cost of those close to me.
Gives me relief to know that someones managed both, gives me some hope there's a chance I'll get there if I stick at it.
Thank u.

Well i am definitely alot more stable and i guess more happy with myself but i have a nasty chronic pain condition called trigeminal neuralgia that's actually nicknamed the suicide disease. Yup i have the only disorder on the planet that's called the suicide disease atleast as far as i know. The reason it's called the suicide disease is because patients often kill themselves due to the horrible pain of it. I have thought of it needless to say but i refuse to give in. Thankfully my doctor is willing to work with me and the pain has subsided alot now with a adjustment of my meds. My doctor has alot of sympathy for me and even said holy shit bipolar disorder is bad enough but bipolar and trigeminal neuralgia is awful.

I soldier on none the less :)
^ Jesus man, fair play to u! U got some great strength and spirit there, lifelong mental illness (cos let's face it, even medicated to the absolute best it's still a battle to contain the bipolar bitch) AND what's gotta be 1 of the most painful physical conditions on earth if docs av nicknamed it the suicide disease - if that is not a major trigger for depression, or indeed mania to overcompensate, then I don't know what is.
God here's me bitchin bout my emotions, moods and longing to not feel 'dull', and ur in constant physical pain ASWELL as similar mental shit as mine.
I am suitably ashamed, well done u mate, hope the pain relief keeps helpin and whatever's ur inspiration to crack on remains, as I'm damn sure that u r a source of inspiration to others - in the space of a few days, by a few posts on here u a fast becomin an inspiration to me.
Has anyone tried chlorpromazine (largactil, thorazine) as a mood stabilizer, or found that it helps their depression?
I have bipolar and I have been taking 50-100mg at night to sleep for the last week and it totally killed my depression and I feel great. I cant find any info on google about its use in depression....
I was diagnosed when I was young and I totally agree about the Lithium, I took it for a period of 1-2 years and I didnt like it, it made my thoughts seem clouded and made you not feel a thing, in a state of some what Zombieism, I know its been said before but if you personally have been on lithium its a true feeling, its bad shit stay away from it.
i have bi polar 1 disorder and have bin on almost every pill under the sun. sleep pills depression pills mood balencers anti psycotics anti anxiety. prob more but im forgetting... im not gunna list every pill i have takin for this disorder cause it would be to lengthy but right now im on zoloft and abilify and olanzipine odt for when times are bad.... i have a probelm with side effects including massive weight gain. at first i wasn't able to controll my moods myself and i had to settle on very sedating and addicting drugs due to my suicidal and manic nature... i have no learned the tools to deal with my disorder in a more natural way without taking such harsh pills that make me a fat lazy stupid antisocial and lethargic. i hope every one here can one day reach the point im at with my disorder... i came up from the deep dark depths of hell dreaming of angels but living with demons so i know how hard it is some times and my advice to all you is push on try your best and you will succeed one day dont give up because it is possible and every one of us has it inside of us to succeed with this disorder. take your pills as perscribed but talk to your doctor about the side effects go to therapy and if its not working for you ask to change your pills etc dont sit quiet idly by and let your doctor dictate how you will live do research look up the pills your taking and know what they do and what the side effects are and what they interact with it is very important to know your deseise and know that every one is different. if your finding yourself in a perticular pickle and mood crises PM me i might be able to help and if i cant i can point you in the dirrection to some one who can

hope i can help at least one person here
can't help but wonder if these mood swings might just break me after all. feel like i am coming unstuck. i have embraced complete denial of the fact that subconsciously i already know the relapse express is only a couple stops away. if i had a deity to pray to, i would ask for a stronger resolve. if i have one regret, at this stage, then it has to be letting this whole nihilistic shit charade live on.
i take olanzapine and i hate how much weight i've gained but it's the only thing that helps me sleep/keep my mood stable/reduce the frequency of the voices
rapid cycling depressive and violent manic episodes, fractured thinking, inevitably leading to paranoia, relapse, delusions. i don't know which one is worse.
In this life we lead, we can conquer every thing, if we could just be so brave as to get out of bed in the morning.
Guys,my brother struggles with bipolar and manic episodes, does weird shit like stabs his leg with a fork and jumps of balcony and breaks his back, still trying to figure out a proper cocktail. Scary to be around sometimes, alcahol triggers often. While i know its not good at all and can make it worse, stims seem to have the effect of stabalizing him making normal, I even feel comfortable around him when i know he has dosed. He is using regulaly for this positive effect. Is there any reason for this and does this have some sort of useful conclusion?
Interesting, though his mother has the same thing so chances are its the same. Perhaps the stims have an indirect effect, like maybe serving as a distraction
Alright this is my first post and I'm tired of being on my meds.

The best med I remember (before I had my cycles REALLY going) was when I was depressed in 9th grade and took mushrooms. I don't know if anyone else has taken mushies without any bipolar pharmaceutical meds, but god damn I loved that trip. I got a rush of wisdom thoughts that showed light in all of my life. I would look at art display and play with it like a child with a toy. It relieved all of my anxiety and depression. I had such an unusually powerful trip too for 1.8g as well... I even had a 2-month "afterglow" of feeling balanced. The first time in my life I was completely balanced. I had normal memory, my outgoing leaderlike personality... And just everything I know my nature consists of.

I also had another amazing mania afterglow. I had a lucid dream, I remember painting the walls of a black and white city; throwing strobe lights around hanging from the high walls. I'd paint the buildings vividly with colors; turning into an acid trip pretty much. And after that I had another 2 month afterglow of feeling balanced. But my mania is never too severe.

My bipolar has a stronger side of anxiety/depression than of mania, but by definition is still definitely mania. Like I'll be a little risky and dangerous but intelligent at the same time, using vocab I normally don't know. And forming concepts, ideas, words, stories into the most creative and perfect way a human could imagine. Miss euphoria...

Anyways enough ranting, has anyone else taken mushrooms (or any other entheogenic) and felt like they were "balanced" after it?
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I have. Particularly on the comedown there is a calm euphoria which isn't like being manic at all. Then comes a "knowing" stage which is like that except sort of lesser (for a month or so).