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RCs Big n Dandy 4-FA (4-fluoroamphetamine) thread v.1.0

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^What? Don't believe that man, just don't man, 4-FA is supposed to last 2 to 4 hours. The euphoric part at least. Residual stimulation can easily last 8 hours, that does make sense, but that's no longer rolling. Unless you combine your 4-FA with alcohol or tiny dose of other stim which could make FA seem to last longer in its fun effects.

Btw I welcome myself on this forum lol. I already had an account with many posts on it but 1)I forgot password for it and 2) I wrote too much stupid shit via that account so I'm starting fresh lol.

I am possibly one of the biggest 4-FA heads out there; I consumed about 30 grams in last 4 months. From various vendors. And the euphoric part never seemed to last more than 3 hours when taken alone.
Compared to cathinones RC, 4-FA seems to be much safer and less addictive. But it is still addictive if you are the type of person who doesn't stop binging until whole his/her stim stash is consumed. With 4-FA I felt I could fairly easily resist the temptation to do another dose, unlike meth or cathinones, but I still another dose. No surprise, when you take over 1 gram in a binge, it starts to show its ugly side. Vasoconstriction, dizziness, skipping beats, confusion and inability to sleep a loooong time after the last dose (12-24hours). As somebody else mentioned in this thread though, it seems that 4-FA takes a long time to get fully cleared out of your system, compared to base amphetamine at least. So even if you feel sober for 10 hours after the last dose, redosing can bring nasty sideeffects. The only solution is to sleep. Sleep A LOT.
I usually take my 4-FA orally but occasionally I will snort a line or take 1 hit from pipe although it tastes like satans shit. Not unebearably though for a former methhead. One dose usually being 150-400mg orally and ~50mg snorted/smoked for me.

Overall, 4-FA seems to be rather safe RC when taken half responsibly. I don't feel any health or mental problems when sober, only when coming down off it.

Now the good part, if I do give myself a break
Yeah I miss spoke, I gotta start staying away from the internet while on benzos lol. I ment that 90mgs produced euphoria that was comparable to mephedrone that lasted 4-5 hours with a pleasant lingering stimulation that lasted a good 3-4 hours. I should mention that while I am well versed with most RC and conventional stims I seem to be naturally sensitive to all of them
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Okay this sounds realistic. Although I have to say that euphoria from pure mephedrone is better than any other stim I've tried as that shit was always pure hapiness and contentment. But not for long, only for 1-2 hours. After that I felt quite shitty no matter what on 4-MMC. And you don't stop redosing until you feel yourre dying. So the overall enjoyment of whole night is better with 4-FA IMO because one stays very rational while on it (not just me, also 5+ friends who experiment with me). As I said in previous post it is possible to overdo it with 4-FA but then again what drug it isn't possible with. Overall it's much worthy and safer than other RC stims Im sure.
And for job/studing enhancement 4-FA can work wonders too. But you need to keep the dose really low, about 10 times lower than your euphoric party dose, else you will be distracted and the stimulation is useless. If you keep doses low and expect similar results as from caffeine MINUS the jittery, sweating etc. of caffeine, you're golden. If you expect much higher productivity and whatnot, you can end up in trouble, it doesnt work like that.

Btw 4-FA also works as a great aphrodisiac and social confidence boost to me
After taking 4-FA for about 3 weeks straight I definitely felt "out of place" for a few days... I find it very addictive, too.
Have done this now twice since my first experiment (15O mg). Tried 18O about 2 weeks ago and 1OO yesterday.

Yet to mix with a psychedelic & may just pass on that idea all together. I don't find this super stimulating at all , as in I fell asleep fine 8 hours after taking 1OO MG yesterday. I don't think I'd enjoy mixing it with a psychedelic that adds much stimulation but something like 4-aco-DMt might gel together nicely with it given its quite sedating.

I think my sweet spot is around 15O with this one. 18O was not overwhelming by any means but erection was very hard to achieve and needed the help of cialis (likely not a safe combo but was in the heat of the moment and didn't want to let down). At 15O I had only slight problems. At 1OO no trouble at all but the overall effects at the lower dosage were a bit underwhelming. The 18O seemed quite a bit more pronounced then the 15O as far as euphoria is concerned. Very talkative & great mood.

Given I have basically zero stim tolerance I'm a lil stumped why I'm able to sleep 8-1O hours after ingestion but I'm not complaining.

Out of the 3 rc stimulants I've tried this is by far my favorite. I've tried 4-mec & pentedrone as well. 4-mec was pretty mild and underwhelming and pentedrone led to compulsive redosing similar to cocaine with only half the euphoria & I hated the comedown. With 4-fa there was a slight desire to redose after the MDMA - like effects wore off but never gave in. Comedown seemed Nom existent as in there were no negative effects/feelings related to it. No strung out feeling.
yes and crosstolerance with adderall for myself. about 12-16 hours after using 4-FA, i felt absolutely no effects from adderall.

i read somewhere in here a man used methamphetamine a day or two later with no effects either.

perhaps this would make a good "meth suboxone"... suboxamine...

I`ve had this happen as well. I spent a 4 day weekend plugging 4-fa and around the following weekend(4-5 days later) I ate 60mgs of instant release adderall. Now normally if I ate 60mgs of addy I would be tweaked out massively. This time I didnt feel it at all. I almost took a nap,then went to bed 4 hours later. My girlfriend took 25 mgs and stayed up all night long.
Total suck. I was looking forward to playing guitar all night long but nope, didn`t feel a thing.
After doing lots of MDMA years ago & also lots of 6APB, 5APB, methylone, MDAI & MDAT, after that up until recently, I think the poor result from the 4-FA is due to being sapped of serotonin. I wonder how long I'll have to wait to feel the euphoria - if any.
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I think my sweet spot is around 15O with this one. 18O was not overwhelming by any means but erection was very hard to achieve and needed the help of cialis (likely not a safe combo but was in the heat of the moment and didn't want to let down). At 15O I had only slight problems.

I'd still be cautious with each new batch if I were you, 150mg of potent 4-fa is pushing the limits and 180 is definitely dangerous. The past couple months I've been dosing similarly to you because I believe I've been receiving less potent batches unfortunately, but with earlier batches 160mg made me vomit 2 hours after dosing from being so insanely stimulated, something that has only happened to me once before in the midst of an amphetamine binge.

I've said it before but I'll restate it now, 100mg should always be the starter dose for a new batch, you should always get good effects from this dose but it should never be problematic regardless of potency.
^ 150mgs via oral gel-cap on empty stomach.

Head tingled pleasantly for hours, felt stimmed, good mood, nice warm sweats. 5 hours long.
No nausea, no bad feelings except slight jaw tension eased by chewing gum. Eyes dilated, no euphoria.
quite the mixed reactions. i always had intense euphoria lasting 2-3 hours followed by mild stimulation for another 2-3. that was 100mg during the beginning.

tolerance grew and multiple doses per day was the norm. probably 150 to 200mg per dose, it did increase from there but i wont get into that.

definitely start at 100mg i would suggest at first. without tolerance that would do just fine.
quite the mixed reactions. i always had intense euphoria lasting 2-3 hours followed by mild stimulation for another 2-3. that was 100mg during the beginning.

tolerance grew and multiple doses per day was the norm. probably 150 to 200mg per dose, it did increase from there but i wont get into that.

definitely start at 100mg i would suggest at first. without tolerance that would do just fine.

IMO 100mgs is a little to high for someones first time. My sweet spot is 90mgs and thats with tolerance. I took about 110mgs my first time and I had a great time but it was a little too intense. While my experience is not typical as Im sensitive to all stims I still think 50-75mgs is a good place to start testing the waters.
Would I experience tolerance taking 4-FA twice, one a week after the first?
Would I experience tolerance taking 4-FA twice, one a week after the first?

Id say its a matter of dosage. But taking an average dose of lets say 125mg id say the tolerance is minimal. Maybe a little bit less seretogenic activity due to depleation but not more...
Yeah, they both would be pretty average doses, maybe only 100mg the first time and then 125 the next weekend.

Also does 4-FA have any cross-tolerance with MXE or the NBOMes?
Would I experience tolerance taking 4-FA twice, one a week after the first?

IME there is no perceptible tolerance between just two doses spaced out by a week, especially if they're your first trials with this substance. As long as you don't binge or go overboard with it then you shouldn't encounter any tolerance issues.
Oral using gelcap on empty stomach:
150mgs - stimulation
60mgs 1 hour later - depression spiraling into rage

No euphoria whatsoever. Clearly, cross-tolerance & over-use are taking a toll.
Has anyone taken 4-FA and gone to a rave/club setting? how does it compare with mdma/speed as far as music appreciation, energy, rushing, and dancing capabilities?
Oral using gelcap on empty stomach:
150mgs - stimulation
60mgs 1 hour later - depression spiraling into rage

No euphoria whatsoever. Clearly, cross-tolerance & over-use are taking a toll.

Strange. I found myself redosing for weeks... literally.
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