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RCs Big n Dandy 4-FA (4-fluoroamphetamine) thread v.1.0

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My friends and I have greatly enjoyed eats caps with 125mg in them!
start off at 100mg and maybe after about 45-60 min add up to 50mg more! First off do a allergie test with maybe a mg! I find that after about 4h there is a comedown from the serotogenic activity that lasts for about 30 min.. Do not add more in this phase! I find that after the 30min. the more dopamergenic side starts to kick in. This findings have been confirmed by all other friends that have taken 4-fa. but ofc it can be different for you.
Personally I really didn't like redosing, I found it greatly added to the negative side effects like vasoconstriction. I'd stand up and feel like I was about to pass out for a few seconds, tingling in the ends of my fingers. Not very pleasant ):
30mg orally in gelcap on empty stomach of a white, fine-powder labelled as 4-FA.
Tried testing it in the EZ reagent designed for MDMA/AMP/2-CB - turned red after about a minute, which indicated some amount of AMP.
Will update on effects.
i highly doubt there was amphetamine in the batch because amphetamine is not a precursor to 4-FA synthesis by any means.

that approach would produce awful returns and is financially unfavored to say the least.
Wouldn`t it be probable that 4-FA would test positive for amphetamines due to the fact that 4-FA is a type of amphetamine itself? I think that would be the reason for the EZ test reaction rather than their being straight amphetamine mixed in Morkin`s batch. I thought people have reported taking drug tests and testing positive for amphetamines after they consumed 4-FA?

As for oral dose, I would start off at 100mgs and see how that felt. If I needed more,next time I would try 125mg up to 150mg. I don`t think I ever went above 150mgs.
imo there is no reason to believe that 4-FA WOULDN'T cause you to test positive for amphetamines.
im sure it would easily be flagged as an amphetamine.

my point was that there is no reason for d/l amphetamine to contaminate a batch, as it would not be used for synthesis of 4-FA.

one would need to start with a specific fluorinated precursor.
Does 4-fa produce the same pronounced tachycardia on the comedown as methylone does?
It depends if you drink and eat enough. Because 4-fa lasts way longer than m1 it is important to watch your foodintake. If you do not do so you will have some one the comedown, but nothing as bad as m1! For me that is ofc. (its rly bad with m1 with me...)
Does 4-fa produce the same pronounced tachycardia on the comedown as methylone does?

As long as you're smart with your dosing, no, at least not IME. Initial doses in the 0-150mg range and boosters under 60mg shouldn't be too straining, especially if you refrain from redosing altogether. Redosing/binge dosing will absolutely produce tachycardia, vasoconstriction, and all the other usual culprits of stimulant abuse. As a sidenote, I've never had an issue with methylone causing a rapid heartbeat in doses up to 220mg.
the doses i had to take for any cardiovascular discomfort (not including mild vasoconstriction) were very high and came from repeated dosing over quite a long time.

basically non-existent side effects.
No effect from the 30mgs.
Did 100mgs the next day, same ROA. Slight energy and mood lift.
150mgs 4 hours later. Slight energy. Made me a bit more extroverted.
No effect from the 30mgs.
Did 100mgs the next day, same ROA. Slight energy and mood lift.
150mgs 4 hours later. Slight energy. Made me a bit more extroverted.

Several parts of your dosing pattern pop out at me as problematic and likely limited the positive effects you felt from the experience. First, while 30mg is too low of a dose to create noticeable for most, it still likely created some tolerance leading up to your 100mg dose the next day, so you didn't experience the full power of a 100mg dose.

Second, redosing 150mg four hours after taking 100mg is guaranteed to result mostly in increased stimulation, insomnia, and general negative side effects, while producing very little of the euphoric effects sought after in 4-fa. It is generally recommended to begin with your largest dose and redose no later than 1.5 hours after your first dose with 1/3 to 1/2 of your initial dose.

So you should have either taken 100mg initially and between 35-50mg around 45 min to 1 hr later, or you could have started with 150mg and done a booster of 50-75mg. Regardless, I encourage you to leave this substance alone for at least a couple weeks, let your body fully return to baseline, and give 4-fa another shot following the dosing scheme I laid out here. Doing this should allow you to enjoy all that this wonderful molecule has to offer
Would 4-FA have a cross-tolerance with MDMA or the NBOMes?
I can't comment on any cross-tolerance with the NBOMes, but there is likely at least some degree of cross-tolerance between 4-fa and mdma due to significant serotonin release induced by both substances, obviously much more with mdma but 4-fa still have clear serotogenic qualities.

IME with 4-fa and methylone, if you use 4-fa once or twice in the week leading up to a methylone experience then no real cross-tolerance is apparent, and even using 4-fa a few hours before the methylone doesn't diminish the latter's effects.

On the other hand, daily or semi-daily 4-fa use or using it for a week or more without a break would surely diminish the effects from an MDMA experience due to serotonin depletion.
yes and crosstolerance with adderall for myself. about 12-16 hours after using 4-FA, i felt absolutely no effects from adderall.

i read somewhere in here a man used methamphetamine a day or two later with no effects either.

perhaps this would make a good "meth suboxone"... suboxamine...
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