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RCs Big n Dandy 4-FA (4-fluoroamphetamine) thread v.1.0

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I did this chemical in the morning the first time I got the Good shit not that this chemical is good I guess purer shit is a better way of putting it. I got smacked super hard for three hours then it just kinda felt like I was slowlybcoming down off a very small methamphetamine buzz.

SO it shouldnt have much effect other than hitting me harder if i take it first thing?
Looking to get a longer more concentrated experience. Am getting some 4fma and pvp.
thought about mixing both for an iv try. Have plenty experience with stims though havent tried any 4f's or alpha pvp iv roa.
Any advice on mixing dosage
am going to try 50mg 4fma first
but just want something that will be similar to a great study aid w some euphoria

Ratios and advice greatly welcome

didnt get to read all the thread at work but needed to post it
Did some just now after almost a month of absolutely nothing... Felling good, relaxed, but strangely rather drained of energy than stimulated at all.
Has anyone combined this with 4-MEC ???? If so how was it?

4-FA at dosages (oral) of 150mg and above seems to be completely different experience then lower dosages. I was very impressed in that range and it seemed like a much more lucid version of rolling. Wasn't as messed up, but felt tons of euphoria. At least of the first 3 hours after which there was an alarming and abrupt switch to a more speedy side of it. But still enjoyable with weed and beer. Not sure I'd like that second half without those, or just call it quits with some benzos or a sleeping pill.

Great description. Very clean RC stim; one of my favorites. Not jittery, dirty and I didn't notice a come down.
Great description. Very clean RC stim; one of my favorites. Not jittery, dirty and I didn't notice a come down.

A fair warning though: There is a rather bad comedown if you binge on it for a few days then abruptly stop. Really heavy depression/anhedonia and every muscle ached when I walked for a few days.
I posted a trip report, it's on my blog. Click the little number to the left to see it. Actually here is the link:

Generally, this stuff is great, it is like Adderall but instead of making you all speedy, it makes you more mellow and SUPER empathetic and sociable. No real rush, and the euphoria isn't speedy like I like with Adderall.

I like to take a pill and wake up feeling ready to do something. 4FA doesn't do that to me, it's very smooth up and down, I like it a lot, but i think I can find something better (more d-amp like) RC wise, I think I will try ethylphenidate next. Any suggestions are welcome.

It is probably best for a purely social drug, as it makes you want to socialize more than work...

This is very important: redosing is futile, it does NOTHING for your high. In fact, I don't even feel any additional stimulation. Seriously, redosing adds absolutely nothing to your high at all, i don't even think it prolongs it.

Also, I wanted to note that on my 4th consecutive day of taking it, it made me feel like crap, dysphoria, no come up, just a come down. The next day, same thing, no matter how much I took. in fact, 100+mg didn't even get me out of bed.

I also want to note a big plus, and that is that this drug does not cause tachycardia for me like Adderall does. Sure, 100bpm at the most, but nothing like the 150bpm I get on d-amp. Usually, 4fa only raises my bpm by 10 resting. BP slightly elevated, prehypertensive range, but nowhere near dangerous. I think it's actually a pretty safe amphetamine, MUCH safer than Adderall.

I will be ordering more, only because I know it will keep me stimulated for exams coming soon, and I am not comfortable testing a new substance right now. 4FA is not a good study aid, but it is a perfect social aid, you will connect with your friends and family like never before, and it doesn't make you act "over the top". You don't seem all speedy to others, it's a nice, natural hyperloquaciousness (over talkativeness).

(If anyone can recommend an RC that they think might suit me better, please PM me or respond in this thread).

Looking back I can see that even though I feel like crap, i wrote a lot and i would not have done that sober, so it does have some good qualities as far as functional stims go.

I also want to add, dosing ~75mg 4fa and taking 1mg of etizolam powder (which I can't find anywhere online now, dammit) and lying (or is laying, English confuses me sometimes) down in bed put me in this awesome, noddy, awakened dream-like state, where I was lying there with my eyes rolled back into my head in a state of bliss, almost as good as an opiate nod.

I found that d-amp and alprazolam would do this to me too, but I'd have to wait until the d-amp was almost totally done, so i could only get to that state a day after taking d-amp. With 4fa, it's not so speedy so you can achieve that dreamy-nod-land that is so awesome.

Try 2-FMA for a more dex-amp utilitarian purpose. 4-FA is for having fun.
A fair warning though: There is a rather bad comedown if you binge on it for a few days then abruptly stop. Really heavy depression/anhedonia and every muscle ached when I walked for a few days.
Same here, actually I wouldn't say 4FA is a clean stim at all, maybe at very low dosages but all my friends who did more than 200mg over night felt very very tired the next day. Pentedrone is the "safest" stimulating RC imo but its effects are also bit weaker.
Cleaner, less intense, slightly less empathogenic, longer-lasting meph. Think meph meets ordinary amphetamine. More euphoric than regular amp, less so than meph, more empathogenic than amp, less so than meph, longer-lasting than meph, and from my experiences, very mellow comedown - actually more like a plateau reminiscent of acid, as opposed to a "crash" like many empathogenics.

Don't expect it to blow your socks off like meph does when it start rushing; it's basically speed that feels a bit better in the beginning half and feels decidedly less shit towards the end.

Sounds like my cup of tea
Can you guys describe the color and consistency of the 4-Fa you're getting? I have been getting an almost pink-ish 4-Fa but this new batch I've yet to try is off-white.

Regarding the 4Fa I've tried, the come up is smooth and within 30-40 mins I'm in an empathogenic headspace close to a mild dose of Methylone. This wears off after a few hours giving way to a general stimulation. It's the latter part of the drug that's good for getting things done.

If one is looking to use 4Fa as a study aid, experiment with low doses (~30mg) working your way up. Another suggestion: The serotonergic effects can be at least partially blocked by taking a low dose of an SSRI. When I was on Effexor (SNRI) 4Fa felt speedy and more Adderall like, with almost zero euphoria. (Adderall gives me no euphoria at <40mg.)

After using at 100-150mg/day for a few days in a row, the drug begins to only make me tired and I'm left with a significant depression that doesn't respond to more 4Fa.

Regarding tolerance: Tolerance to the empathogenic effects develops quickly. Delsym/DXM/MXE can be taken in low doses with 4Fa to stop you from developing a tolerance. Another positive is the dissociatives also reset my tolerance for tobacco and almost completely remove cravings. I'm down to 1 cig a day even while on uppers.

I don't know how anyone can snort or take this orally in solution. This drug tastes absolutely terrible. I can't even describe the taste but it makes Methylone taste like dessert. I parachute or take in a capsule.
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Can you guys describe the color and consistency of the 4-Fa you're getting? I have been getting an almost pink-ish 4-Fa but this new batch I've yet to try is off-white.

I got what I think is a good batch of 4-FA, because pure 4-FA does not respond to Mecke, Marquis, nor Simon (obviously), and nor did my sample. It is completely white.
My 4-FA was pure white, fine crystalline powder that attracts static cling to bags and measuring tools.

I only dose 70mg orally or 60mg rectally, with sometimes a single 60mg redose later in the day. I've found it possible to lay motionless in bed "zoning out" to hypnagogic imagery, very strange for a stimulant. Also it is an amazing sex enhancer, far better than any other stim or methylone. I'd take 4-FA in the morning with the intention of getting some errands done during the day, but then I realize I just spent five hours rubbing my knob and looking up the kinkiest, most perverted porn... But I don't orgasm during these sessions, I deny myself the orgasm because I don't want to stop getting kinkier and kinkier... :p

I also notice the head pressure or tinnitus towards the comedown. Strange ringing in the ears that is accompanied with a sinus pressure and headache. Shows up at about T+5h regardless of how much food or drink I've tried to keep my body filled with.
I considered 4-FA clean because compared to other stims I've tried, the comedown was very mellow and I took rather large dosages. I've never binged out on it, and I don't plan on it. Any stim can feel like shit when you binge on it.
Redosing question (oral)

If you take your main dose and plan to redose one time, is it better to do it while you are still in the first 3 hours of it and the euphoria is still present, or wait until the second half of it and the speedy effects hit? The point being that I'm interested in extending the euphoria.

I'm wondering if this is one of those substances that you have to redose while you are still "up" to be able to extend the euphoria.. and waiting til you are coming down is too late.

Anyone ?
love this stuff, using in as we speak. Orally is great, plugging too. like everyone already knows- hurts the nose like a son of a bitch. I love the fact that I can sleep on it, and still have a good stimulated feelig
If you take your main dose and plan to redose one time, is it better to do it while you are still in the first 3 hours of it and the euphoria is still present, or wait until the second half of it and the speedy effects hit? The point being that I'm interested in extending the euphoria.
For me personally, if I want to prolong euphoria on any stim I have to do it pretty soon, before actual comedown. Waiting too long would just make me more speedy and anxious.
this stuff might be one of my new faves. smoking it was odd, I don't know if it worked very well, I was already pretty high
Random Data Point: I've been taking ~40mg of 4-FA, 3-12 times a day for over a week and I'm actually noticing less side effects as I continue.

Definitely noticing a tolerance because the first few days it was ~30mg a few times and as it's progressed, it's crept up to ~60mg doses. Much less effect than I got in previous days. I went from ecstatically high all day to a fun kind of zoned out artificial pleasure, to that artificial feeling with more peaks and valleys.

I've made sure to eat a bare minimum and sleep at least four to five hours a night. I wake up feeling fine and I haven't been dosing immediately when I wake up. No fatigue. Although the half life is 12 hours or something, yes? Anyone know the effective duration of action?

I'm not taking any more for a while now. I'll update if there are any noticeable rebounds or anything.

Harm reduction: I'm pretty sure I've achieved a steady-state where my body is adapting as if it were a real medication. You know how sometimes medications suck to start but then side effects fade? Steady-state concentrations of RC's are undoubtedly bad for you. To what extent, not sure.

Update: It took three days of non-use for me to feel like shit. After three days I was absolutely miserable. I had never understood when depressed people talked about crying spontaneously but I had random urges, completely independent of my environment.

Also, extreme insomnia. I don't have any tolerance to benzos and I needed about 4mg clonazepam to sleep for a few nights. Naturally, these didn't fix my neurogenic misery so they really just wore me down further.

Tempting, but not great for prolonged periods.
got a question for those of you who have tried this compound? in low doses, does it jack your pupils up? im talking like noticeable.

i just ordered some of this stuff as a "work enhancer" but i can't be obviously on something. if so i'll just save it for other times.

just curious. thanks guys!
oh yeah, you can tell when someone is fucked on this stuff. glazed eyes, my pupils huge-
i would not take to work
I don't think low doses (10-30mg) are very noticeable. Very slight pupil dilation but not much else. Its almost like a better version of caffeine, for work I would recommend 2-FA because its not a euphoric which would be easier to work on.
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