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RCs Big Mephedrone thread

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I'd say he's done you a favour saving you from a shitty drug experience. Your heartvalves will thank him and the meph ended up where it should be cos it is garbage ;)
mmcat vs mdmc

Anyone have any experiences with methylone who would like to make a comparison between mephedrone and methylone?

I have tried both many times, and must say i much prefer mmcat. the high is far more euphoric, far purer, and the comedown is fully minimal. the description below is of my experiences of heavy mdmc (methylone) use and mmcat (mephedrone) use :-

personally, methylone comedowns leave me feeling dissociated and dependant, unable to concentrate or do work, detached from the real world, and self-destructive (even masochistic). i have found it nigh on impossible to sleep as mdmc is so incredibly moreish that i get restless and frustrated when it has run out. not a fan personally, however when its around, in my old friend group... theres alot of it.

the comedown can be put off for days at a time as long as you keep taking it, however the initial euphoria is hard to regain until the next separate session (not impossible, just difficult, especially if youre administering the powder nasally (snorting))

with heavy use of methylone, especially after a session of at least 12 hours (a session on either drugs is timed only by how much you have. 'once you pop you just cant stop (until its all gone)' i would advise smoking weed, maybe one average joint per half hour. the THC mixed with the side-effects of a methylone comedown provide for some extremely bizarre trips, mostly mental/emotional trips rather than visual, however if youre into viewing the world from a completely different viewpoint... you need to experience the daze of being stoned and on a methylone comedown.

sorry for the essay, and i realise i havent even written about mmcat, however that ispurely because, in my experience, there hasnt been a single remarkable comedown from mephedrone, just soome reallllly deep 12-hour plus sleeps! (the closest is some waking dreams/hallucinations while trying to get to sleep) and the high from mmcat is honestly what i imagine the supposed euphoria right before you die feels like. this stuff should be called angel dust imo
I've taken five small lines of meph tonight (approx 100mg each, maybe not even that much), this has been over the space of about 3 hours. I have taken more than this before sometimes carrying on for a couple of days and have not had this effect before. I always snort meph, don't usually take bombs or anything. So anyway when I took my fourth line tonight, I took it up the right nostril (I literally CANNOT use my left one so it is always my right one) and I got this shooting pain in my right temple. I was only half way through the line when I felt it, it was instant and it was v painful. I had this sharp pain for one or two mins after the line and it faded away gradually, can still sorta feel something there but it's not painful.

I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced anything like this with meph (or snorting any drug actually out of interest)?
i get that feeling in my leftnostril now. not a clue what it is but it was literaly painful enough to make me quit drugs altogether now. I would describe it as all the pain from an entire minute shoved into a 2 minute space - it left me dazed and unable to enjoy the effects of the drugs, especially since it was on my first line that i had it and it imediately made me decide to quit.
crystal mephedrone is awesome, brilliant high from it. feel like god, on another level. however the powdered stuff is not as good as gives me bad come downs,
My skin smells like mephedrone

hi all...
ive done mephedrone 3 times now and actually quite enjoy it. id agree it is similar to e and coke.
the wierd thing is all three times ive done it i have a spot on the palm of my hands where i can smell mephedrone, it might be elsewhere too but it is most apparent (by far) on the palm of my hands.
very wierd hasnt happened with anything else ive tried. has anyone else noticed this at all? or am i crazy?
Pretty commonly reported side-effect. Do a Google search. Drink water and the smell should go away faster.
I think this also has something to do with the purity of the batch. Did you meph seem crystally or was it a powder?
I have tried both many times, and must say i much prefer mmcat. the high is far more euphoric, far purer, and the comedown is fully minimal. the description below is of my experiences of heavy mdmc (methylone) use and mmcat (mephedrone) use :-

personally, methylone comedowns leave me feeling dissociated and dependant, unable to concentrate or do work, detached from the real world, and self-destructive (even masochistic). i have found it nigh on impossible to sleep as mdmc is so incredibly moreish that i get restless and frustrated when it has run out. not a fan personally, however when its around, in my old friend group... theres alot of it.

the comedown can be put off for days at a time as long as you keep taking it, however the initial euphoria is hard to regain until the next separate session (not impossible, just difficult, especially if youre administering the powder nasally (snorting))

with heavy use of methylone, especially after a session of at least 12 hours (a session on either drugs is timed only by how much you have. 'once you pop you just cant stop (until its all gone)' i would advise smoking weed, maybe one average joint per half hour. the THC mixed with the side-effects of a methylone comedown provide for some extremely bizarre trips, mostly mental/emotional trips rather than visual, however if youre into viewing the world from a completely different viewpoint... you need to experience the daze of being stoned and on a methylone comedown.

sorry for the essay, and i realise i havent even written about mmcat, however that ispurely because, in my experience, there hasnt been a single remarkable comedown from mephedrone, just soome reallllly deep 12-hour plus sleeps! (the closest is some waking dreams/hallucinations while trying to get to sleep) and the high from mmcat is honestly what i imagine the supposed euphoria right before you die feels like. this stuff should be called angel dust imo

I loathe both of these vacuous excuses for drugs... unless combined when they are at least a bit less shit :\

I'll skip the response to your opinions as I and others have posted them so very often and the evidence of it's high potential for major mischief is beyond question, in my opinion. There are a great number of well-documented reports of horrfic side-effects, addiction, withdrawal, hallucinations, psychosis and various other mental and physical health issues as a result of meph use. And that's aside from the heart valves.

The overriding point for me is that although they are both profoundly meh M1 is generally accepted as being relatively non-toxic whereas meph is certainly toxic. It often feels the other way round but shitty comedowns bear no relation to actual harm caused.

Crystal meph is just powder meph recrystallised so less cut. Meph is often poorly synthed and recrystallising only makes it look prettier. Whether "pure" or not it is innately neuro and cardiotoxic way beyond it's cheap and meagre thrills are worth.

The Cap'n is bang on the money - get some decent drugs instead. They feel so much better and are also less likely to fuck you over in a big way.
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So what's the deal with bioavailabilty and effects from different ROAs? Any solid reports on IV use, prep, and dosage?
IV dose = 75-200mg for me. The rush is meh and the effects are almost identical to snorting, in my experience. Weigh, dilute, heat, dissolve, filter, shoot. Same as so very many other things. Only shitter.

Poester: Purity is kinda irrelevant when dealing with a drug that is almost certainly quite seriously toxic in and of itself.
Poester: Purity is kinda irrelevant when dealing with a drug that is almost certainly quite seriously toxic in and of itself.

How is mephedrone toxic? Can you divulge more information on this? I am not even remotely interested in trying 4-mmc I'm just curious, thanks.
I think drones pretty much lost its magic for me. Ever since my scare a little over a month ago after a 3 day binge im too paranoid to take a huge line and then my mind races over all the precautions i think i need to take after i do it lol...and the smaller lines just leave me with light-headedness and mild stimulation...definitely no way to enjoy the high. It was fun while it lasted. :)
Cap'n: Check out the How Toxic is Mephedrone? thread in ADD. Plus the many, many user reports of rather worrisome side-effects and also the medical reports from emergency rooms relating to increased levels of... some chemical who's existence demonstrates something has caused heart damage. Fucks your heart and turns your brain to mush. And is a shit buzz anyway - possibly its worst crime. That's a somewhat simplified version, admittedly ;)
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mephedrone love affair

for as long as i can remember i have enjoyed exploring my perception levels via chemical stimulation. I feel that i have become accepting, empathetic, open & creative. I have a deep love & respect for the natural word & revel in listening to others thoughts & views.

I really believe that my past & present "experimentation" has allowed me to view our world and its people without many of societies
forced or manipulated veiws on what is supposed to be right or wrong.

Most people are aware that all drugs/compounds have the potential for causing harm. Mephedrone will, no doubt, be no exception to this rule. It will be abused, there's no doubt of that, people will be hurt also. To take it a step further, almost everything we do carries an element of risk or potential for harm. Anyway, i'm rambling.

Some time ago i was introduced to Mephedrone via a good friend. The dose was 300mg via my favourite route, right nostril.

The onset was relatively rapid, indicated after 4 minutes by mild anxiety, normal i thought considering its mode of action. The most wonderous, god like, clean & beautiful euphoria then surged through me. I said to my friend "my whole body is comming", couldn't describe it any other way. My friend & I felt a deep, primitive connection to ourselves and our environment. Our conversations were easy, constructive, intelligent and wide ranging.

I consider myself and my peers to be reasonably intelligent & well grounded. I believe that my body and my mind belongs to me, not the government, who believes that its best to deprive people of their ancient right to use their minds to gain knowledge which would otherwise be unobtainable, to find release, escape and come back with news of your journey.

What does democracy mean again?

hello to anyone addicted to mephedrone

right im pretty much hooked on mephedrone.


love and happy new years to everyone.

and love to all my people of drugs at the moment you lucky bastards xxx


A.K.A paddy

xxx =D
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smoking mephedrone

:)can meph be smoked?
if it can how?
can it be cracked up?

-> Mephedrone Thread in OD

Try using the search engine for pre-existing threads in the future, and welcome to BL.
Can be smoked as it is. But it's the shittiest possible way to take an already shitty drug - isn't it short, shit and fiendy enough for you already? :D

If you really want to waste it on an even nastier than usual buzz then just dump a bit of powder in a bong, pipe or whatever on a bed of weed or ash and smoke it.

Dose is maybe around 50mg per toke, tastes like smoking Toilet Duck, lasts all of a few minutes then leaves you feeling like crap having a heart attack but still wanting more. And it does horrid things to your mouth, throat, lungs and so on - blisters, ulcers and the like.

Freebasing it is even more pointlessly shit... if it were possible. Same as washing up coke but doesn't work very well, is even briefer with nastier side effects.

Eating meph is the only way to wring the tiniest modicum of mediocre mehness out of the stuff. Still horribly addictive and toxic but the least shitty option available really.

Nasty toxic drug made even worse than it already is. Don't smoke meph - really is nasty even by meph's usual low standards :|
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