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RCs Big Mephedrone thread

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Anyone know if drinking some kava during a mephedrone trip would be safe and\or enjoyable?
Can anyone advise on half life of this stuff in the body ? How long it stays in your system ?
The active metabolites are probably in your system for multiple days.
Hey Guys,

I took some of this stuff on Friday night for the first time. In fairness, i believe i took a bit much, as i felt pretty wasted.....(but good, it does seem like an amazing drug - and im sure i would have enjoyed it much more had i take a bit less).......

But, this is now Wednesday, and i still feel anxious, nervous, jittery, and just tired all the time. I cant think straight and my head feels like its full of cotton wool!!

So much so, that i havent been able to face going to work, ive had to take 3 days unpaid leave!

Does anyone know of anything that can help ease the comedown, so i can get back to normality.

PS - its not the drug, as another 2 friends of mine took a similar amount, and they feel fine.
Lets not get all Daily Mail on everyones arses eh?


How many people in the world have taken grams of mephedrone and come out fine? Answer that.

No-one can answer that, because nobody knows.

Its quite possible that everyone of us who have taken mephedrone & 'come out fine' could be walking around with a very nasty time-bomb stored up inside.
I used to often take cocaine with my boyfirend and quite alot of it! To be honest cocaine never really affected me, it just use to put me on a level if mixed with alcohol. Ecstacy is okay but i hate the come down! It really affects me in a bad way. Never tried fet and i did try MDMA but i dont think it was proper MDMA as it did nothing to me at all. Im 19 and am about 5"7 and about 9 stone (if thats relevant) and my best pal told me about something called 'Shake n vac (Mkat) which is basically mephadrone and you can buy it in a shop. To start with i thought it would be shit but it was crazy! It was very simular to being on ecstacy for me. My pupils were MASSIVE! Im naturally chatty but i was annotingly talkative and was just acting very out of character. Then last wednesday we tried some apparently pure mephadrone which had the same but better affect on me......... but not my friends or boyfriend? they were all in there own world and i couldnt shut up! Which made me very paranoid becasue i thought i was annoying them. I dont seem to come down on mcat (mephadrone) at all. Everyone had come down and gone home, i was in bed chewing my face off and grinding my teeth for at least an hour. The next day i felt a tiny bit rougj but got on with my day, the only side affects i seem to suffer is sometimes feeling as if im stuck in a trip when i havent even had any meph and cronic dihorea. can any one relate to this ?? Nat xx
Well after an 80 mg snort, then a 60 mg snort, and having killed off the rest of my stash, I didn't get was I was looking for.

A nice quick initial rush, but I'm feeling more CALM than stimulated, is that weird...

Try bombing half a g and then doing a few lines. You'll feel stimulated. Actually don't do that, i'm rather pathetic at the moment
Hey Guys,

i still feel anxious, nervous, jittery, and just tired all the time. I cant think straight and my head feels like its full of cotton wool!!

PS - its not the drug, as another 2 friends of mine took a similar amount, and they feel fine.

it is the drug- it has a metabolite that is like ephedrine which mimics adrenaline and leaves you jittery and anxious.

clearly this drug does not mix well with you, leave it be...
hey everyone: i have a question about plugging mephedrone. has anyone done it and what's the best way?

i've got a stomach problem (not quite an ulcer but similar) and want to take mephedrone for the first time without going through a painful ingestion. i've heard insufulating it is horribly painful so thought plugging it in some veg capsules might be the best method.

any other suggestions welcome :) thanks!
keep the source discussion out, guys. dont go promoting your emails either.
Best way to plug it is to stick it up your arse...

Better to use a syringe (without the needle!!!).

Dilute your dose (100-150 mg is a good start when plugging) in a few mils of water, get that in the syringe then stick it up your bum a couple of inches deep, inject, and enjoy. You should feel the effects within 10-15 mins.

Gelcaps don't work too well up the bum because they take forever to release their content.

hey everyone: i have a question about plugging mephedrone. has anyone done it and what's the best way?

i've got a stomach problem (not quite an ulcer but similar) and want to take mephedrone for the first time without going through a painful ingestion. i've heard insufulating it is horribly painful so thought plugging it in some veg capsules might be the best method.

any other suggestions welcome :) thanks!
thanks for the tip. might be a bit difficult though seeing as i will be taking it in a club! plus i don't have a syringe handy. didn't realize the gelcaps don't dissolve well - might have to consider other options.

has anyone else plugged with vegetable gel caps with any results??
^The burn is an incredibly appealing factor of Meph, fucked up as it sounds.

^^That depends on a lot of things, and BL isn't the place to discuss sources.
yeah i actually learned to love the burn, not so much the drip though. uuughhh, neeeed more.
I've only bombed it so far, not sure yet about up my shnozz as it's cold at the mo and I seem to have a perma runny nose!

Been interesting so far, though I was drinking a few lagers with it & I need to have it without anyting else to give it a proper assessment.

Btw: First time since the 1990's that I've had summat new to try!

Report back later :)
anyone know what mephedrone shows up as in a drug test? If it show up at all
Various reports from not showing up as anything to showing a false positive for meth/amphetamines. Don't think there are enough reports for there to be much of a consensus yet.
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