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Best/Worst Thing About your City


Nov 30, 2005
What's the best and worse thing about your city? Mine:

Niagara Falls, NY

Best: It's right next to the Canadian border so I can hop the border and party in Ontario or Toronto.

Worst: There's so many goddamn pot holes you'd need a tank to safely navigate the city.
Moulton, AL

BEST: uhhh prolly burger king is the best thing about this city... seriously.

Worst: All of the motherfucking cops, its a small... smallll town but the dea is around, drug task force, fucking all kinds of pigs.

my friend said it had something to do with AL highway 157, its a main road from florida to tenn, or some crap like that, and it goes right through our town, then it intersects right in the middle of town with alabama highway 24 wich goes to mississippi and were-ever the fuck else.... kentucky?
small town, ontario.

Best: lots of hippies with good weed.
Worst: lots of hippies with foul odor.
toronto, ontario

best: cafés to smoke pot in ;P

worst: i'm usually in the wrong place when something better is going on elsewhere :(
XTc_for_me said:
Moulton, AL

You poor thing! I totally sympathize.

My city: Birmingham, AL

Best thing: You can get just about any food you want 24 hours a day in Southside. And the scenery is nice. That's about it.

Worst thing: Nada to do (clubs, parties, ect).
louisville, ky

best- stuff here is kinda cheap.

worst- it's in kentucky. i shouldnt have to explain more.
North County San Diego , CA

Best: EVERYTHING I LOVE MY CITY except ......

Chicago, IL

best : An awesome rave scene, and a good variety of drugs.

worst : Lots of gangs.

Best- Access to anything i want 24/7, No need to own a car or drive, always some sort of music/art/performance going on any night of the week.

Worst- Fucking yuppies moving in a driving up the price of EVERYTHING.. its getting too expensive to live here

Best: The dope, food, Eagles, diverse neighborhoods.
Worst: Homicide rate, traffic, a lot of assholes, taxes.
St. Louis

Good- Not too big of a city, close to East St Louis (great drug hook ups)
Bad- Road Construction, Most Dangerous City in the Country, Its in Missouri
Rochester NY
Best: Lots of musical events and festivals all summer long. Jazz fest, East end fest, Lilac fest all sorts of shit. And it's a big enough city that i'm not stuck out in the middle of nowhere, but not too big of a city. Great food (close to Buffalo) so we got bomb buffalo chicken wings. A lot of good small things that add up to a pretty decent city.

Worst: Highest murder rate per capita in the state of NY. The growing gap between the poor crime/drug infested inner city and the rich white suburbs on the east side. And it gets cold as a bitch during the winter, and all those snow related problems. And everyone who lives here talks so much shit about Rochester it's fucking ridiculous.
Birmingham Alabama was up ravenous
best: good southern cooking and lots of good restaurants
worst: nothing to do ever! shitty coke. lots of meth bombs. hardcore republicans everywhere.
drew345 said:
Birmingham Alabama was up ravenous
best: good southern cooking and lots of good restaurants
worst: nothing to do ever! shitty coke. lots of meth bombs. hardcore republicans everywhere.


Indeed, the food here is marvelous! I find it strange that you can't find any good yay...last I heard (it's not my thing personally) it was easy to find and very good quality. Things change tho... *shrugs* (but not the meth bomb problem, it seems...)
dankstersauce said:
Rochester NY
Best: Lots of musical events and festivals all summer long. Jazz fest, East end fest, Lilac fest all sorts of shit. And it's a big enough city that i'm not stuck out in the middle of nowhere, but not too big of a city. Great food (close to Buffalo) so we got bomb buffalo chicken wings. A lot of good small things that add up to a pretty decent city.

Worst: Highest murder rate per capita in the state of NY. The growing gap between the poor crime/drug infested inner city and the rich white suburbs on the east side. And it gets cold as a bitch during the winter, and all those snow related problems. And everyone who lives here talks so much shit about Rochester it's fucking ridiculous.

Wow, you're pretty close.
Cincinnati Ohio

Best: There's not a damn thing I like about this rat hole.

Worst: Same thing.

I predict a move in my future.
Best About Seattle: Cool people, good seafood, visually pleasing setting.

Worst About Seattle: Local politicians cannot just make a friggin decision about something and stick to it, there's too much nanny-state mentality, and not nearly enough crystal meth anymore.