Best Supplements to get Vascularity?

Nothing wrong with venting bro. I encourage it.

Amphetamines believe it or not are abused by a great number of bodybuilders for the look it gives as well as for keeping them awake; It allows them to abuse large amounts of rHGH, oral steroids, and particular injectables that cause fatigue. It is however greatly frowned upon in bodybuilding because it ravages the body and causes a lot of peoples bodybuilding careers to end prematurely.

A lot of bodybuilders are actually former addicts as well. It's quite poetic really; Going from breaking your body down to building your body up.

If you are in your twenties and have been lifting for a while you may want to consider giving a cycle of Testosterone and an oral steroid a whirl. It will give you some quality muscle, burn fat, and make you look defined.

Well I've tried convincing my wife plenty of times about switching from prohormones to real AAS but she thinks it's going to be another addiction. For me personally I don't mind using prohormones but I want to be able to save my liver and kidneys with injecting. And of course my first cycle with probably be a simple one. Just test but kickstart with 4 weeks of Dbol. I've taken Dianabol and respond well to it! I didn't know that there are former bodybuilders who are addicts! And they are addicted to Meth? What bodybuilders? It's definitely something I still think about because parts of my life felt a little easier on Meth. I hated getting acne and smelling like chemicals but I showered like crazy and always had the energy to do stuff! That's always been my problem I guess is I have very low energy and I got my thyroid and other stuff checked. The only thing the doctor found was that I have low testosterone. I'm 27 years old and the results came back and I am at a 312 for my test levels. So I am thinking about looking for a clinic for TRT. That's something my wife agrees with even though she wanted me to wait till I'm 30.. I figure if I'm eligible for it now why not! Besides the money.. I think it would help me out a great deal!
TRT can be a great lil boos when you are lagging. But if you try to go to a heavy TRT dose right out of the gate you may get the acne, hair growth ect ect that comes along with a low dose cycle. With TRT I find that it is better to stick to the medium length esters Cyp or Enan, going with Sus or Undec can lead to a slower response in the beginning. A side bonus for you is you may feel a bit of an increase in energy levels from the test, and get the easy feelings you miss from the meth stimulation via the tests boost in self confidence and libido, that are oddly enough very similar to psychostimulants.
TRT can be a great lil boos when you are lagging. But if you try to go to a heavy TRT dose right out of the gate you may get the acne, hair growth ect ect that comes along with a low dose cycle. With TRT I find that it is better to stick to the medium length esters Cyp or Enan, going with Sus or Undec can lead to a slower response in the beginning. A side bonus for you is you may feel a bit of an increase in energy levels from the test, and get the easy feelings you miss from the meth stimulation via the tests boost in self confidence and libido, that are oddly enough very similar to psychostimulants.

Yeah I was going to find a clinic and get some testing done and see what they say. My wife won't let me pin myself because she doesn't want needles in the house just because of my past with Meth because I used to IV it for the most part.. only way it worked because of my tolerance and how it built up over the years. I don't think I'd ever want to go back to Meth because if I do.. that's it.. I'm staying on it for life! That's why I'd rather stay sober and figure out a way to get my body back to where it used to be. I've always been the tired type though so anything that will help boost my energy levels naturally or even if there is a nootropic out there that will help with energy levels. Was thinking of getting some Oxiracetam because it's the more stimulating out of all the racetams. I've tried Phenylpiaracetam.. didn't do nothing for me and I took it with Choline. So hopefully Oxiracetam will help.
Oxiracetam works ok, though because of the meth any thing will really pale in a side by side. Try Noopept, and Sunifiram along side the oxyracetam, add in some Hordinine and vinpocitine and you have a very respectable stack that increases cognition as well as wakefulness and memory. I under stand the not wanting to go down that road mate to be honest a few of us here were former addicts, my self included. Be advised that the DR is going to charge a premium for the visits for the injection. They do make an oral Test but frankly not worth it. If you are looking at some stim feeling try the combination of African Mango, Raspberry Ketones, Cissuss this increases the potency of the African mango and Caffeine so be advised, as well as aids in joint health and bone health. Good luck mate.
Oxiracetam works ok, though because of the meth any thing will really pale in a side by side. Try Noopept, and Sunifiram along side the oxyracetam, add in some Hordinine and vinpocitine and you have a very respectable stack that increases cognition as well as wakefulness and memory. I under stand the not wanting to go down that road mate to be honest a few of us here were former addicts, my self included. Be advised that the DR is going to charge a premium for the visits for the injection. They do make an oral Test but frankly not worth it. If you are looking at some stim feeling try the combination of African Mango, Raspberry Ketones, Cissuss this increases the potency of the African mango and Caffeine so be advised, as well as aids in joint health and bone health. Good luck mate.

Thanks Neo! If you know of anything else that I should try for energy definitely let me know! I'm open to any suggestions. I've tried ECA stacks, Clen, Modafinil, Adrafinil, Selegeline.. and they were meh! And the only racetam I've tried is Phenylpiracetam that's why I heard Oxiracetam was one of the more stimulating so I figure try that out.. I mean hopefully it will work. I don't have the cash right now to get Noopept, Sunifiarm, Hordenine or Vinpocitine but certainly will look into getting those when I get the funds. Just stressing at the moment because we are losing the house so I'm just in a bad place right now and I'm trying not to lose my mind it's just very difficult and I don't know what to do =/
Sorry to hear about your house mate. Oxiracetam is stimulating, so you may see some success with it.
Rule number one when broke you are automatically on a cut ^-^ and some sources of protein are cheap.
Yeah given my circumstances I'm definitely on a cut right now =/ oh well as long as I don't lose too much muscle and shed that belly fat a little more I'm straight. Hopefully it all works out for the best though *shrugs* we'll see
You'll be kosher. Think lower cost protein from real food for a bit, and even if you drop a bit of muscle with the fat as long as you drop the fat you will look more muscular instead of bulky.
lol bloats me too a bit. Though I do use it when embarking on a very heavy training prgm.