Best Supplements to get Vascularity?


Mar 21, 2013
What's the best supplements to get more vascular? I know it's all about diet and trying to maintain a low bf percentage but are there some supplements that also help out with vascularity? I take Nitrates such as Purus Labs Condense.. but I was wondering if any of you guys knew other supplements that you could recommend.. thanks!
Depends on your definition of supplements. Say natural and or OTC supplemental it sort of varies from person to person, and no matter what you take if your body fat % is high you will get squat.
Some tips, worth the read.

In the end it is sort of what you said up front, a combo of low body fat, and diet. Agatamine, Citruline, and the like are good, Beta Alanine, NALT & NAC, all help with keeping the blood flowing into the muscle and aid in the pump which in turns tightens things up and if your veins sit close enough they get forced to the surface. But again this all depends on your relative fat %, and if you are hydrated enough. I cannot stress that enough Hydration helps the veins dehydration will cause the veins to flatten out.

Draven whats the story brother just getting into the BBing thing or are you trying to look great shirtless on New Years mate?
Only reason I ask is basically I would not worry about looking a specific way until you have gotten your body to the weight you want it and the BF%. then you can begin the task of shaping and filling in the details like density, striation, separation,fullness, and the road map vascularity; these are all per-contest worries, not really the every day stressers. But if you are trying to look ripped, for a party, there are a few things you can do but really do you want to be that dude that rips his shirt off?

BTW condense with D-POL ( Same Company) with a proper workout will give you a wicked pump and have your veins standing out.( again BF% permitting)
GPLC, Agmatine, Citrulline Malate and some simple carbs... it that don't give you a good pump nothing will
You can take all the supplements you want, without the right body fat, thin skin, no subcutaneous water, and decent lean muscle you wont have vascularity.
Depends on your definition of supplements. Say natural and or OTC supplemental it sort of varies from person to person, and no matter what you take if your body fat % is high you will get squat.
Some tips, worth the read.

In the end it is sort of what you said up front, a combo of low body fat, and diet. Agatamine, Citruline, and the like are good, Beta Alanine, NALT & NAC, all help with keeping the blood flowing into the muscle and aid in the pump which in turns tightens things up and if your veins sit close enough they get forced to the surface. But again this all depends on your relative fat %, and if you are hydrated enough. I cannot stress that enough Hydration helps the veins dehydration will cause the veins to flatten out.

Draven whats the story brother just getting into the BBing thing or are you trying to look great shirtless on New Years mate?
Only reason I ask is basically I would not worry about looking a specific way until you have gotten your body to the weight you want it and the BF%. then you can begin the task of shaping and filling in the details like density, striation, separation,fullness, and the road map vascularity; these are all per-contest worries, not really the every day stressers. But if you are trying to look ripped, for a party, there are a few things you can do but really do you want to be that dude that rips his shirt off?

BTW condense with D-POL ( Same Company) with a proper workout will give you a wicked pump and have your veins standing out.( again BF% permitting)

Honestly, I just love the vascular look and I guess I just miss being young.. having an 8 back and have always been lean. Then I had a problem from 2008 till 2011 with using Meth every single day and I noticed it eating away at my muscle a little too much. My bf percentage was around 3-4% so then I started taking oral steroids to help put some muscle on. It did just that.. and I fell in love with mixing the two as I looked shredded like mad! It was addicting.. but my liver was hurting and so were my kidneys and I knew my health was at risk. Years of lying to myself and being the cocky guy that would take off his shirt just to get attention.. but also because I was always hot living in California and consuming as much Meth as I did.. I just one day got tired of the same old thing and decided I was going to quit cold turkey. Ten LONG days I stayed in bed staying hydrated and getting plenty of rest.. and two years later here I am now. Cravings are still there from time to time.. just because I feel like I lack motivation some days and I want my flat abs again. I've always had great abs but when I was mixing Crystal Meth and oral steroids everything looked ten times better.. but I know that's not the right way of doing things.. for me I guess it was just the more enjoyable way but also could of killed me. Now after being clean for two years and being 27 I just feel like I'm putting on weight a little easier and it's depressing. But I just have to watch my diet a little more.. even though it's really not that bad! It mainly consists of steak, chicken, vegetables, rice, salad, eggs and my protein shake. I'll do more cardio and try to avoid any bad foods.. but for the most part I do! I'll try drinking a little more water throughout the day.. I know it will take some time. Obviously for me I'm used to seeing quick changes due to Meth burning off so much fat but at the same time it eats away at muscle that's why I added in the oral steroids.. without cycling.. so it was an emotional roller coaster! I'm happy to be alive.. now I just want to stay healthy and feel good about myself. I'm not that cocky guy who takes off his shirt. The sober me is much more laid back and reserved.. and I've noticed I've had a little bit of anxiety since being sober and that's another reason why I like to work out late when there's not a lot of people at the gym. Well there ya go.. I opened up to you! I'm not proud of my past.. but all I can do is learn from my mistakes and put in the hard work and try to stay as healthy as I can! I'm sure I'll get results with hard work and it will be much easier to maintain.
Honestly, I just love the vascular look and I guess I just miss being young.. having an 8 back and have always been lean. Then I had a problem from 2008 till 2011 with using Meth every single day and I noticed it eating away at my muscle a little too much. My bf percentage was around 3-4% so then I started taking oral steroids to help put some muscle on. It did just that.. and I fell in love with mixing the two as I looked shredded like mad! It was addicting.. but my liver was hurting and so were my kidneys and I knew my health was at risk. Years of lying to myself and being the cocky guy that would take off his shirt just to get attention.. but also because I was always hot living in California and consuming as much Meth as I did.. I just one day got tired of the same old thing and decided I was going to quit cold turkey. Ten LONG days I stayed in bed staying hydrated and getting plenty of rest.. and two years later here I am now. Cravings are still there from time to time.. just because I feel like I lack motivation some days and I want my flat abs again. I've always had great abs but when I was mixing Crystal Meth and oral steroids everything looked ten times better.. but I know that's not the right way of doing things.. for me I guess it was just the more enjoyable way but also could of killed me. Now after being clean for two years and being 27 I just feel like I'm putting on weight a little easier and it's depressing. But I just have to watch my diet a little more.. even though it's really not that bad! It mainly consists of steak, chicken, vegetables, rice, salad, eggs and my protein shake. I'll do more cardio and try to avoid any bad foods.. but for the most part I do! I'll try drinking a little more water throughout the day.. I know it will take some time. Obviously for me I'm used to seeing quick changes due to Meth burning off so much fat but at the same time it eats away at muscle that's why I added in the oral steroids.. without cycling.. so it was an emotional roller coaster! I'm happy to be alive.. now I just want to stay healthy and feel good about myself. I'm not that cocky guy who takes off his shirt. The sober me is much more laid back and reserved.. and I've noticed I've had a little bit of anxiety since being sober and that's another reason why I like to work out late when there's not a lot of people at the gym. Well there ya go.. I opened up to you! I'm not proud of my past.. but all I can do is learn from my mistakes and put in the hard work and try to stay as healthy as I can! I'm sure I'll get results with hard work and it will be much easier to maintain.

You weren't 3%-4% body fat percentage lol. Bodybuilders sit at that percentage once a year for about 36 hours lol, no more, otherwise they would die lol. You were probably sitting at 8% with little to no subcutaneous water retention from the amphetamines.
Well I was definitely under 10% bf.. and I prefer it that way and I know I can't go back to amphetamines.. just got to put in the effort and watch my diet a little better and hopefully I can get back down there someday naturally.
Clenbuterol helps alot with vascularity reputable vendors ar-r or rui-products same company also dont think its sold anymore but 11-oxo is a very light prohormone used during cutting any other advice is yeah pretty much low bf and if you really want to look vascular but i cant stress this enough its sorta dangerous is drink coffee as its a diuretic and less water means tighter skin to veins..this is what bodybuilders do days before contests they take diuretics to get the "tight" look
Also like to add that if you do everything you think possible and still dont see much vascularity sometimes its just shit genetics as vascularity depends on genetics
Also like to add that if you do everything you think possible and still dont see much vascularity sometimes its just shit genetics as vascularity depends on genetics

username321 brings up the most important variable of all, genetics.
Also like to add that if you do everything you think possible and still dont see much vascularity sometimes its just shit genetics as vascularity depends on genetics

The genetics card again... regardless of genetics you are still able to look vascular
The genetics card again... regardless of genetics you are still able to look vascular

Indeed. Genetics play an important role but if you have enough muscle mass and are low in body fat you can just pop a diuretic and your arm will look like a roadmap.
Cant go wrong with Agmatine Sulfate and Citriulline Maleate, plus whatever form of Creatine you prefer - CONCrete seems to be big now.
Indeed. Genetics play an important role but if you have enough muscle mass and are low in body fat you can just pop a diuretic and your arm will look like a roadmap.

What's a good diuretic brand I can try? I'm going to try that out and see if it helps!
What's a good diuretic brand I can try? I'm going to try that out and see if it helps!

Dandelion Leaf is very good and can be taken everyday for months.

Prescription diuretics are out of the question because, well, you need a prescription, and they can be very dangerous. Bodybuilders only use them for photoshoots or the days leading up to a contest/show. I can tell you many stories about new guys using prescription diuretics and ending up in the hospital on an IV drip, experiencing muscle spasms and cramps, coming down with kidney issues, and dying from pissing out all the potassium in their body.
Dandelion Leaf is very good and can be taken everyday for months.

Prescription diuretics are out of the question because, well, you need a prescription, and they can be very dangerous. Bodybuilders only use them for photoshoots or the days leading up to a contest/show. I can tell you many stories about new guys using prescription diuretics and ending up in the hospital on an IV drip, experiencing muscle spasms and cramps, coming down with kidney issues, and dying from pissing out all the potassium in their body.

Yeah I'd never even consider that! I learned my lesson when I used Meth. I don't know how I ever survived using it every single day. I fell into it when I was working the graveyard shift at a grocery store. Worked there for 5 years and the last three years I just started using to stay up and finish the load. We had 50 to 100 pallets a night and even with 8 guys on the shift there were a lot of slackers and I wanted to get promoted. That's how it starts. You think.. hey let me take some uppers and do the work of 7 other guys why not you know? It starts off you feel great! Everyone's noticing how fast you've been moving. Boss likes you, and everyone wants to be like you. But it doesn't always last. You start getting angry because you haven't slept in weeks and now everyone is talking shit because you look like shit with your face sunken in. So you decide fuck it.. I'll just take some oral steroids. Nothing like some Dianabol to put on that weight. Sure enough even dbol oral cycles worked. But with me I never cycled.. I just took that shit whenever I could afford it. How I didn't get bitch tits was beyond me! I was always shut down for sure but the Meth kept me going like a beast! But pretty soon my anger started to rise and I literally was scaring the crap out of everyone around me. Everyone had to watch their backs and I hated it! It pissed me off that people were scared of ME! Like I'm not going to hurt you! But when you're on the stuff.. you may think you have control.. and I really thought I did. But it had control of me and I just couldn't stop. It's been 2 years since I've last used.. maybe a little longer.. but believe me man I still think about it every now and again because even though it did a number on my body.. part of me just misses how incredibly shredded I was! Veins everywhere like crazy and the oral steroids helped me keep my size. I know I shouldn't think like that because you should never take drugs to get the body you want especially drugs like Meth. I'm doing my best to bust my ass at the gym and I don't have a problem with my body now! I'm 205 at the moment.. nice bulk going on at 5 feet 9.. I just want to get shredded and lose that belly fat you know? It's hard! That shit messed with my mind and at times I feel like I'll never look like how I used to without it! I just hope that it one day passes and I don't think about ever needing it to make me happy!
Nothing wrong with venting bro. I encourage it.

Amphetamines believe it or not are abused by a great number of bodybuilders for the look it gives as well as for keeping them awake; It allows them to abuse large amounts of rHGH, oral steroids, and particular injectables that cause fatigue. It is however greatly frowned upon in bodybuilding because it ravages the body and causes a lot of peoples bodybuilding careers to end prematurely.

A lot of bodybuilders are actually former addicts as well. It's quite poetic really; Going from breaking your body down to building your body up.

If you are in your twenties and have been lifting for a while you may want to consider giving a cycle of Testosterone and an oral steroid a whirl. It will give you some quality muscle, burn fat, and make you look defined.
^^I'm a mid twenties ex junkie and will be doing as you stated. Checking out some domestic sources now. Keep it simple for a first cycle because everyone has told me you can't stop with just the first one so we get a chance to build on a test base later :D