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Best Roll youve ever took and where.....

Not really
Pretty childish to brag about the pills you took. I bet you don't even have any clue how much MDMA they contained.

Haha. I've had those Red Aliens he pointed out, decent time. Know why? It's all about the environment and people you're with. I wasn't in the best place for a roll, decent time.

I'll remember the places/events/people more that I'll EVER remember a pill press.
Best E you ever took?

For me it was pink dolphin and the pill looked perfect like perfect stamp and everything small pill though
Molly that was very very pure....

Beans are sketchy.... I think like 2 out of like 6 presses that i have ever done were clean... The rest were either meth or pipes....

Molly on the other hand, never felt anything i took to be cut with anything else active.
Actually my friend got busted with the pink dolphins and the cop tested it and he said it was pure mdma thats what he said i dont know if its true but the pills were soo good
Im not saying they are all bad, but in this area it seems that a lot were far from pure....

After i started doing good molly, i never went back to beans....
Green UFC w/octagon.. these are the only ones to make me have uncontrolable eye wiggles and make my eyes roll back. best CEV's also
A plain white tablet in late 08. Or one of many others (the tiny pink hearts 06, Green mitsubishi's in the 90s, Orange windmills around 2000, plain green tablets in about 99) Too many to name. Anything with medium to high MDMA for me is the "Best pill Ever!"

Are those pink dolphins the ones that were in Sydney? Or are you in the US?
There were some nice pink dolphins in Sydney in 2006
I've had tooooo many favorites, but from my recent ones I would def say purple cupid pokeballs --- i liked them better than the blue telephones, i got along better with the cupids ;]
1989 in the Haciande in Manchester. 1 white dove. having a 2nd one didnt even cross my mind. the lights from the club where phisicaly in my brain!!!wow!!!what a time!!
Blue Mitsubishi my first time rolling at my best friend's house. Looking back on that night after having acquired some rolling experience, it was possibly one of the greatest rolls EVAR. Also, I've tasted an assortment of Pokeballs. Although, I cannot remember which ones, and they were all at my best friend's house again.

I also loved the first pill i have ever took and that was green rolexes soo fun prob cuz it was my first time lol
Hmm 5 green rabbits (the great ones) and saw Tiesto at the shrine over the thanksgiving weekend with some of the greatest peoples.... prettyepic!!
Combination of the brown euros & pink omegas at my favourite club. Absolutely blew my fucking head off, best night of my life to date. :)
Best roll ever was at Seattle's Pacific Science Center with my first molly experience. All the exhibits were open- Planetarium, Dinosaur room, Butterfly House... oh man, it was magical.
Add to that everyone was over 18 and on some sort of drug. Security was all over, but only to make sure everyone was having a good time. The vibe all over was just wonderful.