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Best Roll youve ever took and where.....

my first time doing molly... I did E for about 1.5 years before that, I stopped for a year and tried this molly..it was like I did E for the first time agian.
green or pink paul frank at Ultra, Floated around with my friends and had an amazing time, woke up the next day feeling like I had a new lease on life!
3 tan pills with a NY yankees logo on them. At my boyfriends place. We just talked, touched and had sex all night- just way more intense than usual. I had him caressing my neck and shoulders all night. Sadly, we were hungover for a few days after, which likely means they were cut with something, or multiple things. Even still, I'd so do those again, amazing experience.
I double dropped two blue swans at a bassnectar concert... You know the high at a show where the lights are so intense on your eyes that you have to close them?? Yea... Best night EVAR!
Green UFC's
Honolulu, hawaii
Dec 23, 2009

I managed to take 7 that night. 3 in a 30min period. I peaked twice that night, the second time for 4 hrs! I have never expierenced visuals/eye wiggles like I did that night. I couldn't tell the difference between songs all I knew is that they were connected and they painted a beautiful story that I still remember today. My closed eye visuals were amazing! I haven't expierence anything like that since then..I rolled for about 18hrs and that was the best 18hrs of my life!
Green UFC's
Honolulu, hawaii
Dec 23, 2009

I managed to take 7 that night. 3 in a 30min period. I peaked twice that night, the second time for 4 hrs! I have never expierenced visuals/eye wiggles like I did that night. I couldn't tell the difference between songs all I knew is that they were connected and they painted a beautiful story that I still remember today. My closed eye visuals were amazing! I haven't expierence anything like that since then..I rolled for about 18hrs and that was the best 18hrs of my life!
Best roll i've ever had was 4 light blue ufcs! OMG looked em up on pillreports.com FUCKING AMAZING BOMBS HIGH MDMA/AMPH combo :D soo intense! I took one didn't feel anything took another BOOOOOOOOOOOM hit me like a fucking brick! The whole floor waved in front of my face! Then my whole body started vibrating as the waves of euphoria hit me like fucking omg so intense then double dropped 2 more (BTW WAS AT A RAVE) closed my eye's and saw blue lines dropping in my head to the bass.. the whole room was shaking with lights it was intense :D
2 Purple Stars, was my second time rolling. I was drunk prior to that [not wasted] and it was amazing. Smoked weed too and woo! Woke up tired, chewed up lip but had a blast, don't even remember how I got where I was at! Haha. Great :)
double dropped 2 blue musical notes back in 2001 @ some night club.

Not kidding, back in November there was a bag of 50 of these that a friend of mine got, from somebody he knew who said he had them laying around from (he said about 10) years ago. I checked ecstasydata or pillreports, or something along those lines to figure out that it was true..pretty awesome getting old ones and those were fun.

My best was Pink Superman. I was starting up my good drugs again(hadn't done that much, just some wierd chemicals 9 months prior for about 3 weeks somewhat constant), and my ONE goal for thizzing was to not do any meth. Well I chewed one of these and 15 minutes later was hit by a fucking train- just standing there looking at a friends poster, i drooped over with my legs where they were and above my waste limp, then fell sideways and a minute later my friend walked in to see me in no control laughing on the ground. Fucking fantastic, took one two days in a row, didn't sleep those two and maby a third night. mdma/meth/ketamine apparently, tehe.
I was with my boyfriend's brother's girlfriend and they gave us 2 'orange ladies' (around 1:00pm). We had been drinking vodka and juice all morning.... we grabbed a blanket and lay in the backyard with the dogs in the sun and watched the sky for a bit and talked about all kinds of random shit. Then took a couple more about an hour later and stayed up all night doing cocaine, playing xbox and dancing around. Amazing night...
The original dutch blue Mitsubishis (180 mg), at Q-Base in Germany. This is a party on a deserted military airport, which lasts from 16:00 until 09:00. The whole base became some kind of magical forest, detached from the rest of the world. That night seemed to go on forever... Unforgettable.
2 yellow naked ladies
@ this water park with my girlfriend, best friend, his girlfriend and my former friend..
The water just made everything so perfect.
2 red transformers
@ Six Flags Theme Park on Senior Ditch Day. group of 20 or more of use rolled that day.
I am very lucky to have taken some of the worlds best....

1. Red equals from Mintman (1 1/2) (anything from Mintman)

2. White rolexs (2)

3. Green angry bomb pokeballs (3)

4. Red aliens (2)

5. blue playboys (3)

I Know you guys are jealous <3
The best roll I've ever had was when I took 1 White Knight (Amphetamine, I don't take pills) and snorted 160mg of tested MDMA. I was coming up at my house and decided to go downstairs, and was humbly surprised to see my mom home. She (oddly) didn't suspect anything and went to go show a house, so I did 2 shots then went to my friend's birthday party. Great time.
My best roll was introducing my wife to MDMA. She had the best night of her life. She was kinda of mad that I never suggested it before!!! We took 120mg of molly and chilled at the house
I am very lucky to have taken some of the worlds best....

1. Red equals from Mintman (1 1/2) (anything from Mintman)

2. White rolexs (2)

3. Green angry bomb pokeballs (3)

4. Red aliens (2)

5. blue playboys (3)

I Know you guys are jealous <3

Not really
Pretty childish to brag about the pills you took. I bet you don't even have any clue how much MDMA they contained.
Best roll ive ever had was when I took two and a half green ecko's at my friend alex's house... i couldn't feel minor pain hahah.. has anyone ever tried running full force through a wet field while rolling? hahahah bad idea, fun at first though