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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

best mix for a long plane trip?

My mother used to be prescribed Lorazepam or Diazepam for flight fear. I'd imagine that a simple dose of Lorazepam would do the trick, as it seems ideal for the duration. Lasts roughly 8 hours so you would feel groggy when you land. I'd say a 3-4mg dose would work. Won't get you high but effective for killing the time and relaxing yourself.

On the other hand, I used to take Clonazepam for flights, not anxiety, just to kick the time and get some sleep. Duration lasts a little longer than Lorazepam and 2mg would be enough. I needed a little more due to tolerance but I imagine someone without one would be fine at that dose.

StaySedated: How in the world would rolling balls on MDMA or tweeking in a small cramped seat on the airplane be any fun? Sounds lame to me, a waste of good drugs IMO, especially ecstasy. You'd end up one of those guys who keeps yapping that nobody wants to talk to.

I agree thats just a very stupid idea and everyone would know pretty quick how fast you were on drugs, plus you'd probably be annoying others who just want the flight to end LOL
plus coming down while still on the plane or at the airport?

That sounds like a nightmare