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best mix for a long plane trip?


Nov 10, 2009
what would be good to keep relaxed and knock out, but not be totally hungover in the morning.

~ 10 hour flight, arriving mid morning.
I would just take 30-40mg of Valium or equivalent and try and knock yourself out, so you'll be ready to go when you arrive
Promethazine (phenergan), Diphenhydramine, and Doxylamine Succinate are OTC sedatives sold here in Australia, that could be investigated.

I just mention them for ideas, not as solid advice as there might be other problems associated with taking them on plane flights.

Sedating anti histamines can be quite good for sleep if you do not have access to benzos.


I have been told by a good pharmacist that if you do 'knock yourself out' for the flight, you could, as a precaution against Deep Vein Thrombosis, take an aspirin or two with your sedatives.

If you stay seated in the one position at high altitude for hours on end you risk doing damage to your body through creating a situation of poor blood circulation to the extremeties.

Aspirin thins the blood and would help in preventing things like clots, cause by the lack of good circulation in a particular area.
mushrooms.. and make sure you get a window seat =D

JK.. benzos or opiates would make it most enjoyable/ make time go by faster. but the mushrooms and the window also sound fun.. i wonder what you'd see out there ha.
mushrooms.. and make sure you get a window seat =D

JK.. benzos or opiates would make it most enjoyable/ make time go by faster. but the mushrooms and the window also sound fun.. i wonder what you'd see out there ha.

ive tripped on acid on top of a mountain 8o

benzos are probably the best. no matter what you do though be careful, too many benzos = acting like an idiot = TSA cavity search.

Trust me, theres no attractive people who work there, and the only action they are getting is from felling up your anal cavity - better believe its thorough
for a ten hour flight i would just bring a short book.

for 18+ hour flight...1.5mg-2mg xanax works well for me. then again i only use benzo's when i fly.
One time about two years ago I ate ~3 grams of mushrooms in the bathroom before the security checkpoint. I was coming up hard while I was walking through the passage way thing to board the plane, and luckily I had a window seat. To be honest, I wouldn't really recommend it... Sitting for 4 hours in a compressed tin can while booming can be somewhat claustrophobic, but it was a trip for sure.
Don't drink booze, instead drink water to stay hydrated.

Benzos/ambien = win...riding in coach sucks if you are any larger than a primordial dwarf.

I've done 20-30 transatlantic flights...no bueno
Opiates are good - constipation means you don't have to queue up for the bathroom. =D Benzos are also great; time kinda passes faster, if you have a nice person sitting next to you it's easier to make conversation, and if not, most benzos will make it easier to sleep. I'd go with clonazepam, for anti-anxiety, relaxation, social qualities, plus long duration, or then a hypnotic like nitrazepam to knock me out for the duration of the flight.

On the whole, I think plane trips are boring and best spent sleeping, so hypnotic benzos are my usual choice.
my favorites on a plane: crystal meth, MDMA, adderall, oxy's & booze, oxy's & benzos, a mix of benzos, LSD
my favorites on a plane: crystal meth, MDMA, adderall, oxy's & booze, oxy's & benzos, a mix of benzos, LSD

hahaa i was just thinking "what if i got twacked out of my mind, then flew"

id say methadone..long lasting opiate be feeling GOOOOOD those 10 hours
or crank, as long as you wont get paranoid about the plane crashing
hahaa i was just thinking "what if i got twacked out of my mind, then flew"

id say methadone..long lasting opiate be feeling GOOOOOD those 10 hours
or crank, as long as you wont get paranoid about the plane crashing

how about MDMA, make friends with the person next to you... ;)

if your with a chick and she took some joining the mile high club would have 2 meanings(sex & being high on a plane). :D
My mother used to be prescribed Lorazepam or Diazepam for flight fear. I'd imagine that a simple dose of Lorazepam would do the trick, as it seems ideal for the duration. Lasts roughly 8 hours so you would feel groggy when you land. I'd say a 3-4mg dose would work. Won't get you high but effective for killing the time and relaxing yourself.

On the other hand, I used to take Clonazepam for flights, not anxiety, just to kick the time and get some sleep. Duration lasts a little longer than Lorazepam and 2mg would be enough. I needed a little more due to tolerance but I imagine someone without one would be fine at that dose.

StaySedated: How in the world would rolling balls on MDMA or tweeking in a small cramped seat on the airplane be any fun? Sounds lame to me, a waste of good drugs IMO, especially ecstasy. You'd end up one of those guys who keeps yapping that nobody wants to talk to.
how about MDMA, make friends with the person next to you... ;)

if your with a chick and she took some joining the mile high club would have 2 meanings(sex & being high on a plane). :D

What if you wind up next to a cop or some fat angry dude with a bladder problem?
how about MDMA, make friends with the person next to you... ;)

if your with a chick and she took some joining the mile high club would have 2 meanings(sex & being high on a plane). :D

dude, i can imagine it now.... 8o 8o 8o
im getting the chills just thinking about it
diazepam (valium) or clonazepam (klonopil/rivotril) would be my suggestion just to relax lormeazepam (noctamide) or temazepam (restoril) or of cour flunitrazepmam (Rohypnol) to knock you out don't know your tolerance so i can't tell you the dosage exactly..... oh and you culd throw in some carisprodol or meprobamate
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