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Best Excuse to tell Authorities Of Why You're In Da Hood...

rap producer
looking for a relative who is heavily into drugs (carry picture)
if I didn't have anything on me, Id just say I was going to a friend's house. Fuck you, what are you gonna do about this?
certain areas might have a College or University nearby. You were visiting those and are looking for cheap places to live. Make it very clear you are sure you don't want to live there.
this is where I buy my knockoff shoes at
I'm selling roofs and show them a business card then ask them to call your boss who will lie and cover for you. Tell them you know it's a bad neighborhood, but you get paid very well for doing it and your douchebag boss is making you come to this neighborhood.

Yeah I've used job excuses too. I've worn nice suits and brought briefcases with fake business cards and everything.
So glad I don't have to deal with all that. People in business suits don't look out of place in my cop spot - no one does. I can just pull over and chill in my Jeep waiting for my dude, no one says boo to me.

Yeah I avoid copping like that in shitty areas at all costs. I like dealers who I can call on the phone, who drive, and can meet me anywhere, in nice parts of the city where the cops aren''t suspicious.
Yep. ^ Car to car deals are super chilled. If I'm there before homey, I'll jus be pretending to work on my phone or reading da newspaper with my hazards on(if needed).
^ I always kept an old lottery ticket that I would act like I was scratching off while waiting.
I'm a U.S. citizen who used to score my hard drugs exclusively in Mexico. All I had to do was imply to the guards that I was a sex fiend going to the whores and they'd just wink, smile and wave me across with a rueful shake of their heads. No fucking joke.
The best thing to say is that you were using that road to turn around or that you were a bit lost and if they wanna be dicks evoke the 5th ammendment.
^As much as I enjoy passing out on my keyboard for hours from strong h, my DOC is oxy, does it have that too ?
Norways got the heroin.

Lol I live in Sweden but when I bought heroin the last few times I had it shipped from a friend in Oslo. You guys do have better heroin for sure.
Sorry. Didn't finish the excuse of being glad to be pulled over lost scared in
need of assistance to find way out
"I'm looking for my G/f that has a habit and always winds up down here and I want to get her before she gets in trouble"...believe it or not it has worked a couple of times.

Ha yeah pretty sure I've used that one before. It's even been true a couple times, ha.
I live in "the hood" now, but I do remember being 17 and in NYC, and going to some sketchy place to buy a little weed, and my buddy who lived in the city telling me to put it in my sock because it's "illegal to be white here". I thought that was pretty bizarre at the time, but I was very naïve back then, that was actually the first time I ever smoked.
^ That's a damn good idea. I might borrow that one.

I've been playing on my phone but I'd rather just keep that tucked away after my dealer commented on it being an awesom phone. It's just an iphone 5.
"Just an I-Phone 5"...HUH!? Dude, keep your phone tucked away when you are in the hood!!! I-phones are fucking HOT here in Chi anyway. They even tell you on the news to "conceal your moble devices and keep ear-buds out of your ears in public" (WTF are they for then?)LOL! I've lost my I-phone in ghetto(doesnt help that I nodded off in the alley. Snorted my shit talking to some dude next thing I'm waking up ALLL my shit is gone...surprised my shoes were on)LOL! This girl I know was walking down the street talking on her I-Phone and some dude rode by on the bike snatched it and was like "she'll call you back..." and spun off. LMFAO! It sucks cause all my shit is in my phone. Summary; I-Phone=Hot comodity
Dress up in black face: problem solved. "lawdy lawdy officers, it sho is a fine day"