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Benzo withdrawal question


Jan 22, 2023
Hello, my apologies if something similar to this has already been posted or if this is in the wrong section. I have been self-medicating with RC-benzodiazepines due to debilitating social anxiety, specifically bromazolam.

I have consumed ~52mg from 1/7 until today (1/21). My last dosage was roughly 2 hours ago, which was ~2mg with ~1mg in the morning. I have been having terrible body aches, neck cramps, sleep issues, and have not been eating much for about 3-6 days. My best guess for the sleep issues (waking up in the middle of the night), and not eating is mainly due to marijuana withdrawal since I'm quitting and those were the only symptoms I've had from moderate to heavy usage.

At the start (1/7) I binged the ~4mg bars for likely 3-6 days (1 per day, or 1/2 in the morning before work and 1/2 during night. After my little binge, I started to break the 4mg bars into 1/4ths and would take one in the morning and occasionally one at night. I had a terrible panic attack today + awful physical withdrawal symptoms. My guess is the binge doses finally left my system and since I was on a much smaller dosage the withdrawal symptoms worsened.

I cannot tell if I am actually sick (flu/covid) or withdrawing, or possibly both. Also, the only other physical symptom I have been having is diarrhea, which started yesterday/today. My main concern is having a seizure. I can deal with the other physical withdrawals, but I'd prefer to not die from a seizure.

I have an upcoming appointment (Tuesday), with my long-term psychiatrist, and I will most likely be getting a benzo prescription due to them immensely helping me with my anxiety. I don't even want to "abuse" these nasty drugs. I just want to function like a normal human being. I've been on basically every SSRI and they practically seem to do nothing. If I don't get a script, I will not be purchasing more and will have to learn how to deal with anxiety via other methods, especially not involving pressed bromazolam bars.

Thank you for reading this in advance. Replies, and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you once again.

EDIT: It was 100% withdrawal. Wish me luck on getting a script on Tuesday. I took ~1.5mg today and have 2.5mg left to hold me over until Tuesday.
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Umm, as far as I know those sound like withdrawals aside the fact it's an RC which has not been throughly tested to know what's exactly in them. I hope you get a script. Something like klonopin or long acting. Just don't go in there saying I know I need this. Rather say I humbly ask you to please help this anxiety. It's effecting all aspects of my life and I just want to make my life manageable. Cuz to be honest I believe you. I can't say that about everyone but I'm very calculated and pick everything apart. They are nasty but for us who deal with anxiety they at least give us a life. Maybe not the one we truly want but it's better then suffering everyday. I've been on every SSRI there is. Zoloft was the only one that kinda help my anxiety but it was mainly for the bad ruminating thought from Pure O OCD. I'm a Fervent Christian. I don't hide it. I'm not preaching either. I will pray that a door is opened in your favor. Just keep in mind you are to treat them with trembling fear because if you ever go thru 3 mg withdrawal from klonopin cold turkey you have to invent new words to describe that horror.
Umm, as far as I know those sound like withdrawals aside the fact it's an RC which has not been throughly tested to know what's exactly in them. I hope you get a script. Something like klonopin or long acting. Just don't go in there saying I know I need this. Rather say I humbly ask you to please help this anxiety. It's effecting all aspects of my life and I just want to make my life manageable. Cuz to be honest I believe you. I can't say that about everyone but I'm very calculated and pick everything apart. They are nasty but for us who deal with anxiety they at least give us a life. Maybe not the one we truly want but it's better then suffering everyday. I've been on every SSRI there is. Zoloft was the only one that kinda help my anxiety but it was mainly for the bad ruminating thought from Pure O OCD. I'm a Fervent Christian. I don't hide it. I'm not preaching either. I will pray that a door is opened in your favor. Just keep in mind you are to treat them with trembling fear because if you ever go thru 3 mg withdrawal from klonopin cold turkey you have to invent new words to describe that horror.
I appreciate the reply, my friend. It was 100% withdrawal. I fucked myself by choosing an RC with basically an unknown half-life. I've been through every SSRI (I'm on Lexapro right now) and they do nothing for anxiety. He told me last week he was more than willing to give me a low dose benzo script; he just doesn't want me abusing them or giving them out to friends which I truly do not plan on doing. I have an appointment with him on Tuesday, so I hope he gives me Klonopin. I just want to feel normal.
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You will. Just be patient and have a reverent fear of them cuz it gets outta hand. Remember we are stuck in this damn time chamber. You wake up. You go to sleep. Something is born. One day it'll die. As King Soloman said everything under the sun is meaningless cuz you can't take it with when you die. I'm not on a pulpit just trying to get you to understand that in 5 yrs that goes like that they maybe trying to get you off of it. I went through 3mg of klonopin withdrawal that I had been on for 7 yrs cold turkey. It was beyond horrible.
You will. Just be patient and have a reverent fear of them cuz it gets outta hand. Remember we are stuck in this damn time chamber. You wake up. You go to sleep. Something is born. One day it'll die. As King Soloman said everything under the sun is meaningless cuz you can't take it with when you die. I'm not on a pulpit just trying to get you to understand that in 5 yrs that goes like that they maybe trying to get you off of it. I went through 3mg of klonopin withdrawal that I had been on for 7 yrs cold turkey. It was beyond horrible.
Love you my random internet friend. I will let you know what I get prescribed, pray I get kpins. See you on Tuesday brother.
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Love you my random internet friend. I will let you know what I get prescribed, pray I get kpins. See you on Tuesday brother.
You could ask for librium. It's really really good at controlling anxiety. It has an extremely long half life, and it's easy to get off of because it's not a powerful short acting benzo.

I've had it prescribed for me after alcohol detox, and it works amazingly well. I like Librium better than Valium. It's about half as strong as Valium so the normal dose is 10 to 25 mg morning and night, depending on how bad the anxiety is.

It's not really considered a major benzodiazepine of abuse so it's easier to get prescriptions for Librium than it is for Xanax or Klonopin.
You could ask for librium. It's really really good at controlling anxiety. It has an extremely long half life, and it's easy to get off of because it's not a powerful short acting benzo.

I've had it prescribed for me after alcohol detox, and it works amazingly well. I like Librium better than Valium. It's about half as strong as Valium so the normal dose is 10 to 25 mg morning and night, depending on how bad the anxiety is.

It's not really considered a major benzodiazepine of abuse so it's easier to get prescriptions for Librium than it is for Xanax or Klonopin.
I appreciate the advice, it will be noted. I have been to a mental hospital ~2.5 years ago for mental health issues/mild substance abuse issues (the records have been released to him so he knows all about it.) I'm not too sure if asking for a specific medication is possible because of that. Last appointment I was told, that he was more than willing to give them to me since it seems like I'm doing a lot better; he just doesn't want me abusing them/giving them out (I have no plans on doing this.) Cheers again for the advice bro. I'll update you when I get a script.
You too brother.
Ayo my random internet friend. I got prescribed 2 weeks of .5mg kpins. I straight up asked him for them and he gave them to me. I still have no plans on abusing them (I don't drink and it's been awhile since I've consumed illegal substances, cocaine, etc). I'm not a man of God, but I guess your prayers worked. I believe this will be a life-changing medication for me. Take it easy, my friend; best of luck to you in your future endevours.
Ayo my random internet friend. I got prescribed 2 weeks of .5mg kpins. I straight up asked him for them and he gave them to me. I still have no plans on abusing them (I don't drink and it's been awhile since I've consumed illegal substances, cocaine, etc). I'm not a man of God, but I guess your prayers worked. I believe this will be a life-changing medication for me. Take it easy, my friend; best of luck to you in your future endevours.
60 hour half life.
I've tried kpins but thought they were to weak for my anxiety..they were 0.5mg too. But as they say everyone is different
Hey fellas, I got prescribed a 2-week script of .5mg klonopin. I have been taking them as prescribed (1 per day). Yesterday, I flushed the rest of my bromazolam. I am still physically withdrawling, but I think it is getting better. Yesterday, I experienced: sore eyes, nauesea, and lots of anxiety (this was before I took a klonopin). I got home from work and took a .5 kpin along with clonidine which I am prescribed for sleep and the symptoms went away. Today, I am only experiencing body aches along with the chills. So my question is, after this shitty bromazolam finally leaves my system will I feel better, or is my script prolonging it? Thank you in advance any insight & replies will be greatly appreciated.
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I've tried kpins but thought they were to weak for my anxiety..they were 0.5mg too. But as they say everyone is different
Hey, my apologies for the late reply. Klonopin seems to be working incredibly well for my anxiety. I went to the gym today for about an hour while physically withdrawing. I haven't been able to do that since high school, and even then it felt like it was all eyes on me. What medication works well for your anxiety if you don't mind me asking?
I find pregabalin at a dose 300 x twice a day to be very effective for social anxiety
How long did you take pregabalin and the effects do last? In my experience there is fast and strong tolerance development, I too was prescribed with 600mg/d, eventually upped it to 900mg/d but it had no effects at all anymore :(
How long did you take pregabalin and the effects do last? In my experience there is fast and strong tolerance development, I too was prescribed with 600mg/d, eventually upped it to 900mg/d but it had no effects at all anymore :(
For this reason I don't take every day. I'll go a few weeks without so that helps with tollarance
I'm picking up my 3 time a day 1 mg of klonopin. I just ration all mine and try to take .5 2 to 4 times it just depends on my level of anxiety. I'm also prescribed 300 mg 3 times a day of pregabalin. What I'm saying is be careful. It gets outta hand quickly
I'm picking up my 3 time a day 1 mg of klonopin. I just ration all mine and try to take .5 2 to 4 times it just depends on my level of anxiety. I'm also prescribed 300 mg 3 times a day of pregabalin. What I'm saying is be careful. It gets outta hand quickly
Hey man, just wanted to check in and see how you have been. Klonopin works wonders for me; this medication is fantastic. I have been taking it as prescribed (0.5mg in the morning as soon as I wake up). The only downside is, it seems, to wear off during night time. I have an appointment, with my psych next week so I will probably ask if it would be alright to take 0.25mg before bed/during night. I'm in love with this medication. I finally started going to the gym again and have been getting into better habits as well. I am trying my best to tread very carefully with this med, because I know it can get out of hand in the blink of an eye. Much love my internet friend.
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