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Benzo + Adderall Combo Q's

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good point never tried it scared i would lose the adderall effect, i usually take a light dose of benzo 1hr before i dose adderall, and i lose all negative effects, i just hate taking benzos after adderall cuz it kills the high, or when im crashing i have to take more benzo then usual to get to feeling back to normal, well 5mg xanax gets me relief, but if im crashing i need 10mg to feel the relief...it sucks u waste ur benzos

wow ^ ten MGs of xanax?? what kinda xanax are you taking? .... I just take 2mg of klonopin... 30 mg of hydrocodone, or 1mg of suboxone ... w/ some weed and im on cloud nine with the comedown.

come to think of it I don't even experience much of a comedown anymore.

I guess I don't feel the "euphoric high" as much either. Whatever goes up must come down.
i guess 2yrs of benzo use has caused me to sky rocket a xanax tolerance, i would wake up and eat 4-5 bars just to WAKE UP and function once upon a time, now im stuck at a mid-level 5mg gives me relief, but if im stimulated hard on adderall, i need alot more then 5mg to feel like "normal" and alot more to feel the benzo "relief"

-2yrs everyday benzo use, on and off user 10yrs
^you should try cutting back on the xanax... use something like valium, lorazepam, or klonopin.... and then ween yourself off benzo's while using adderall.

i've used adderall to quit sooo many drugs.... it basically pushes it all through much quicker and gives a little relief of its own
belief it or not, im prescribed Suboxone because im a former Heroin Addict, i have NO DESIRE to use any opiates or to get high, when when i do use opiates and take a break from Suboxone , the feeling isn't even enjoyable at all except Methadone which i like, bu tim starting to get sick of it, i lost my touch to opiates thank god

As For cocaine, since i been on Adderall/Dexedrine, i LOST ALL cravings for Crack/Cocaine

Since i been on Klonopin 3x a day .5mg, i lost my desire to use Xanax,even though i need to dose atleast 5mg of klonopin to feel nice, i still lost my touch for xanax

i use all these drugs as maintence; to get off of street drugs, and thank god it helps, especially Dexedrine killing my cravings to smoke crack, suboxone to use opiates, klonopin to abuse xanax
Adderall + Valium

I'm prescribed Adderall 20mg/IR/3 times a day to be taken with 20-30mg (my choice) of Valium for Adult ADD/ADHD, anxiety & depression. Tried different combos before this (Ritalin/Oxazepam, Xanax, Staterra stimulant/benzo combos) but the addy/valium is the best for me. Get all my studying & work done but I'm not anxious or worried I should be doing something else and just feeling relaxed AND alert ;) Just experiment with the right combos and please don't make the mistake that once you're feeling in the "zone", that you think you might should take just one more addy or valium--show some discipline! Let it ride. If you start down that road, you'll scarf down your month's scripts in a week!:!:!
%) Note: I'm not taking a stance on or saying how I take the addys and the valium to maximize (potentiate) each's strengths, but suffice it to say that I do everything I know to max each drug's effects--no waste!!. Parachuting, plugging, IV, railing, chemical potentiators/processes, etc. are all extolled elsewhere8o So, no need for me to give my trade secrets.
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Do they potentiate each other like he said though? Or is 1mg of klonopin and 30 or 40mg of addy a relatively safe dose for someone with no benzo tolerance and a light addy tolerance. Should I reduce what I would normally take of addy?

Your dose seems perfect. Give it a try. Let us know how it goes
The trick with this combo is getting the doses right! You can figure the dosage out for yourself, I'd say try a 20mg Adderall with a 1mg Xanax or Klonopin and see how that feels. Valiums good too, but theres somethin bout Xanax and Kpinz with uppers that make me love life.
I'll blow 60mgs of Adderall, and pop a 4mg Xanax and it feels great!! I have problems with anxiety, and Adderall paradoxically is anxiolytic for me. It blows away all my cloudy thoughts and I can think clearly... I was watching a movie a few minutes ago and it was like one of those closing scenes that has the sun shining bright and these two lovers re-unite, and I thought "Damn... Life is fucking beautiful".
I'm currently very spun out if you can't tell hahahaha
I like mixing vyvanse with xanax, it's obviously not a strong amphetamine but it keeps me energetic through the benzo high. I feel the loose and anxiety-free buzz from the xanax and the energy from the vyvanse keeps me awake, good for parties. I found it to be very euphoric
xanax seems to shut down the happy

klonopin leaves my happy be! when mixed with amphetaMINE!
If I were to take 30mg of Adderall I wouldn't take anymore than 1mg of Klonopin. Benzodiazepines calm the negative side effects of amphetamines and keeps you from becoming over stimulated. It feels good but if you take too much benzodiazepines it will begin to lessen the effects of Adderall so I think 1mg of Klonopin is perfect for that much Adderall.
^ Ya... I usually do 40mgs and 1-2 mgs of klonopin. Then like three to four hits of marijuana during the day
i can't take stims without klonopin.... i love this combo btw...its one of my favorites behind opiates + benzos
Im rx'd 60mg adderall IR, 16mg suboxone, 75mg hydroxyzine, and 2mg klonopin daily. When i'm looking for euphoria I usually take 90-130mg amphetamine over the course of the day, I used to refrain from any benzos till night/crash but nowadays I find .5mg-1mg kpin along with the amp does seem to synergize the positive effects I desire, and another half or 1mg kpin around bedtime as well as sniff 2-4mg suboxone over the course of the day. I've had the good fortune to mix etizolam and flunitrazepam into my amp/benzos mixes and I rly gotta say etizolam and adderall is truly a beautiful combination. Flunitrazepam along with the ammps and subs I take dailyregardless of other combo variants can at first feel faintly like a speedball, I feel the tweak but seem to have genuine nodding sessions. As I got a little more tolerant I've found flunitrazepam to be an excellency muscle relaxer and anxiolytic, ironically I have the lowest tolerance to my own Rx benzos, kpin, which rly can put me to sleep if I take full dose. In conclusion, adderall/amphetamines and benzos are a fantastic combination IMO, they provide the therapeutic and recreational effects and synergies that really just make an excellency experience--- I wouldn't recommend taking amps without having benzos at ur disposal (as long as nothing is overdone and taken too far, then u may find yourself up shits creek, and the pharmacy will be fresh out of paddles)
Benzodiazepines don't increase the effects of amphetamine but it does increase the high because it relieves all of the negative effects of amphetamine like anxiety, paranoia and over stimulation. I prefer my Adderall with benzodiazepines, particularly clonazepam.
Benzodiazepines don't increase the effects of amphetamine but it does increase the high because it relieves all of the negative effects of amphetamine like anxiety, paranoia and over stimulation. I prefer my Adderall with benzodiazepines, particularly clonazepam.

Benzodiazepines don't increase the effects of amphetamine but it does increase the high because it relieves all of the negative effects of amphetamine like anxiety, paranoia and over stimulation. I prefer my Adderall with benzodiazepines, particularly clonazepam.
anymore I agree that although klonopin can cause some nasty effects atleast it does FEEL like it takes away anxiety. I just lost my doctor possibly? I'm not sure, guy started me on 2mgs of klonopin and told me 1 klonopin equals 2 diazepam, and goes ok 3 diazepam. Guys an idiot. Got mad that I ran out early, anyway off topic, fucking hate doctors. Any benzo that you can get is dandy. Doctors are starting to really annoy me. US health care is annoying me.

atm Ativan. It works well on spot kills anxiety and makes you sleepy. A little disorienting at times but whatever. Anything but a seizure and hallucinations. :)

oh hi kdoutnaz wanna get kdoutwifme? I thought you were my boo lol
so far I've notices

Diazepam and amphetamine is great but needs a beer.

Xanax and amphetamine is Great. But if you're tolerant it is a real disaster by the next morning.

Klonopin and amphetamine is OK. It works but it also takes awhile. No different really then a Xanax in terms of relief, but some people have nasty reactions to it every once in awhile which sometimes isn't worth a penny.

Ativan and amphetamine at first let me down. Now I would say its number 1 for killing anxiety.

Temazepam and amphetamine isn't really that comfortable

I think that covers what I have used as far as medication goes?
This night i ate 21 mg bromazepam (3 and a half, 6 mg pills). While drinking. Had probably drinked 30 cl. vodka with redbulls (Ive drinked 8 over this day, before all this.. An i had taken a decent amount of speed the previous night. About 0.6-0.7 gr. So i allready felt quite a little synergi from the speed last night and the caffeine from the redbulls.) and 4 rum shots i think. Might have been 5. In the middle of all this we got our hands on some very nice hashish. So there was also smoked a couple of joints to. Probably around 1.5-2 gram for 4 people. From this point it is around five hours since i ate the bromazepam and started drinking. I started on the hashish around 2 hours after the bromazepam. At this point, my motoric skills and balance where pretty much gone. Took very much efford to smoke a cigaret without burning myself or dropping it. I felt extremely dumb/retarded and couldnt make sense of any of the conversations going on between people. But it was still pretty amazing, very chilled, nice euphoria but really drunk, stoned and a little drowsy. A friend of mine and i got the awesome idea to get some speed. So we got hold of our sober friend, and whe drove a little tour. 10 minutes after, we were back with 2 grams of very nice speed in crystals. (not meth)
We chopped some up. Made a couple of lines. And snorted as good as we had learned. I snorted around 100-120 mg, splitted up in two lines over 30 minutes. And wow. What a feeling. Extreme euphoria, still a little drunk in a very strange way, high from the hash, not stoned, but like really high (everything is funny and pretty weird :D), still pretty benzo-retarded, still some problems walking but now it feels more smooth, more like.. i dont know.. gliding maybe? And much more focused, freshed and energized. Not that i ran around and stuff.. just energized.. like.. have to do something all the time.. Writting stupid long posts on bluelight, stuffed with typos (But hey, im pretty wasted and from denmark. So its not like im pretty fucking hardcore at english anyways.), smoking cigarettes, playing with my butterfly knife (short enyoy. cutted my self after a couple of minutes) or play games or something.
Its know 9 hours since i ingested the bromazepam, and have just arrived home for half an hour ago. Still feeling amazing. Fresh, relaxed, but still wanna do something all the time. I also feel a little subtle alcohol and cannabis buzz, also the euphoria is still veeeeeeeeery nice.
So now im gonna snort a line or two and smoke my beloved "alcohol-cooled-tjubang" (dont know the english word for tjubang. A tube with holes in bothes ends, and a bowl atached to the side of the tube. Suck trough one end, hold hand for the other, light bowl, suck, remove hand from the end, and inhale. Icecold smoke, very mild :D Maybe a "steamroller"?)
Well.. Actually, the only thing i intended to say is... I think benzo's and amphetamine (levo+dextro) is a perfekt match. I can use benzo's to fall a sleep after a night on speed. i can use speed if i get to tired in my benzo stoner, just so i can keep awake. Or i can use it simoustaniesly (i have no fucking idea have to spell that, i hope u get the idea :)) to get a speedy, fresh, muscle relaxed high, without any paranoia or aggressiveness, but with a lot of loooove and with a shitload of euphoria and a hint of retard stumbling around... Well.. Goodnight. And happy fucking sunday!
Ohh well by the way. I never heard that it should be a bad toxic combo or anything bad about it. But i am not sure if it is a dangerous combo. I guess not, as asfare as i know, u get thraeted with benzo's on the hospital for speed or other stimulant overdoses. I think they use diazepam. And by the way again, i have only done bromazepam with speed at the same time. So its only that i have any experiences of. But i have used diazepam and oaxepam alot of time after a little to much speed or to fall asleep after a long night.. sometimes weekend ;)
And yes. I know its bad hr to take speed for days in row and not sleep 2-3 days, like its not smart to mix benzo's and alcohol. But i always make sure to eat some good meals, alot of water.... and sugar.. i always crave sugar when on speed. And i try to keep good track on my doses. most time i write them down. Dose, time and substance. And as reserve i always have a sober friend or two with me to keep an eye on me and the other amazing people we party and chill with.
Okay. Gonna stop writing shit now. Goodnight. Or morning. Or whatever. Its probably not morning, where most of ur guys are from. Or maybe it is.. I dont know.. But here it is! Oh yeah! Nice fucking sunday by the way.Ap
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