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Belief system: lackthereof

And no one knows what happens after that (after we die).. do we exist after we die here? Does our self or mind go somewhere after this?
Who knows, I certainly don't, and anyone who claims to know is a fucking liar.

Jesus Christ was seen Bodily Ressurected by about 500 people at one time 1 Corinthians Chapter 15
The proff that He Died is that He was Buried The proff that he rose from the dead is that he was seen.. These are historical Facts, Now do you believe??? 1 Corinthians Chapter 15

When I look at the cross, I don't just see a symbol.... I see a word and the word is
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Is it terribly unusual to have no belief system? By no belief system, I mean, no strong or concrete beliefs, no religion, no belief in a soul or the metaphysical, no political beliefs? I suppose I have hard time believing that I am little more than a primate.

I am educated, well-read and informed, but I can't seem to convince myself that I believe anything. Furthermore, I tend to heavily discount the beliefs of others. It seems unlike nihilism.

In person (when not on drugs), I have typically been able to dissuade most close people of their beliefs. In fact, I can often re-indoctrinate them with beliefs that I don't have actually have, but pretend to have. But, I don't want to get into my manipulative behaviors (i'm trying to be better about it).

Again, I'm asking if others feel similarly. I'm guessing not but I thought i'd ask. Still, I realize I am not that unique.

It's grace that you aren't caught up in deeply held rigid beliefs! Nothing is 100% absolutely true... Check this out for yourself: any belief you have, the opposite can be just as true if not truer. The mind is slick and cunning like that; it can justify ANYTHING. Ultimately, it's not a good thing to hold onto rigid beliefs because those very beliefs are what blocks people from getting in touch with the ONLY thing that's true.
The proff that He Died is that He was Buried The proff that he rose from the dead is that he was seen.. These are historical Facts, Now do you believe??? 1 Corinthians Chapter 15

When I look at the cross, I don't just see a symbol.... I see a word and the word is

Just because someone wrote it down does NOT make it historical fact 8)
throw you're history books away somebody wrote them.. Everything we do is by faith, I don't have my next breath but by faith,,,,I have to weight the Evidence and make a choice wether to believe or not
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That is a good point regarding the tendency to identify agents where there are none. I think this is the defining feature of conspiracy theories. They critique various power relations, but always attribute them to some final organising agent or set of agents which is supposed to be coordinating a series of (often irrational and seemingly useless) actions to subjugate people. Thus they lose any capacity for systemic criticism in favour of some finger pointing with no political potential attached (ie: all power is bad, get rid of it, and start with the illuminati, moving on to every single political institution). The outcome, ironically, is often quite conservative, with a total emphasis on negative freedom and a deep suspicion of institutions of any kind.

I agree. I also think it has a fair amount to do with projection of repressed power seeking desires within the theorist.

It's grace that you aren't caught up in deeply held rigid beliefs! Nothing is 100% absolutely true...

Including this.
One basic Fact holds true,, Law and Grace are mutually exclucive....Illistration of how to get two kids to cut a pie perfectly in half .
One kid cuts the pie the other kid gets the FIRST peice.

The Law came by Moses,, Grace and trurh came by Jesus Christ {John Chapter 1 Verse 17
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Sounds like you are an Atheist to me.

I am an Atheist and your words could almost have come from my mouth as it sounds very similar to my thoughts.

Not believing in others beliefs to me makes sense simply because they usually have no grounded evidence for them.
Why should you believe anything on hearsay? You shouldn't.
That's not Nihilism, its just being an intelligent skeptical human being that prefers reasoning and logic to mysticism.