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Belief system: lackthereof

I have never been able to understand a person that does not have a belief system or rather a belief in God. It just seems like a bland lifestyle that is bathed in a clinical foam-green color. I suppose my ability to not comprehend Atheism explains it to me in a deductive fashion.


On the contrary, I find that not believing in gods frees one up to believe, or at least entertain beliefs in, so many other things.
Check. Was trying to think of a way to say that, very nicely articulated.

And how is one supposed to differentiate ones perception of reality from reality itself?

We are always the observer.. and we are humans bound to viewing and interpreting using our mind and senses.

As they say, the brain does not know the difference between what it senses and what is actually a reality.

Btw, I'm genuinely asking.. I'm not saying that we can't, merely trying to get input.

Maybe I'm considering this in a different way than you are though,.
And how is one supposed to differentiate ones perception of reality from reality itself?

Everything we experience is only through the 3 dimensional 5 senses level. This is a very little part of the full universal experience, expanding even further than what we know as the frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum. What we see is not the full picture, although most would like to think so.

The conscious mind believes it is the experiencer, a driver of external experience, based on the perception we choose, constantly moving from experience to experience. Every person has a different reality from another by the different perceptions. The subconscious is the creator of the reality we experience with the ego, manifesting what we desire from the energy of the Now.

As the Mayans said, "you are my other self."

Change your perception, change the reality you chose to experience.

Whereas the true nature of the universe simply Is, as a form never changing regardless of perception. Where we perceive an experience is but a small slice of the cosmic Now.
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Everything we experience is only through the 3 dimensional 5 senses level. This is a very little part of the full universal experience, expanding even further than what we know as the frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum. What we see is not the full picture, although most would like to think so.

The conscious mind believes it is the experiencer, a driver of external experience, based on the perception we choose, constantly moving from experience to experience. Every person has a different reality from another by the different perceptions. The subconscious is the creator of the reality we experience with the ego, manifesting what we desire from the energy of the Now.

As the Mayans said, "you are my other self."

Change your perception, change the reality you chose to experience.

Whereas the true nature of the universe simply Is, as a form never changing regardless of perception. Where we perceive an experience is but a small slice of the cosmic Now.

Can you provide your reasons for these views?
Can you provide your reasons for these views?

Do you civilly disagree, or desire an expansion on these paraphrases? What is your take, good sir? I don't know if I'm understanding your question in your interpretation. Another example of how we each create our individual realities, all linking together in a larger conscious consensus level, lol.

First, there's science. We only experience with our 5 senses actively a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. And that's just what we know of. Now think of all the various forms of life we see in that sliver. What else do we not experience? Neurological experiments have shown that before we even consciously make a choice of an action, neurons are firing split seconds before that happens. The soul's matrix energy uses the hardware of the brain to manifest reality through the subconscious, and our conscious ego decides what to do with it.

A lot of it is my personal experiences. When I desire a shift in reality, I change my perception of it. All else follows. But True universal reality just IS, placing the energy there for manifestation to happen in the first place.
And how is one supposed to differentiate ones perception of reality from reality itself?
Easy to answer, hard to accomplish. Quite simply one must experience trans-egoic reality. Then in reintegration recognize that one's perspective is inherently limited and finite and any that anything finite is inherently infinitesimal when measure before the infinite whole.

But more practically, it is achieved through recognizing that most of the world around us, that which we observe, engage, and are concerned with, we are so because of our perspectival constructs. In other words, we are manifesting what we experience.
This dude is pretty cool, someone brought him up in another thread, has a lot of things figured out from things he was told by people who work in black ops. Yes, there is a black ops, but that's a side issue. Take the time to watch these vids from David Wilcock, he'll provide many concepts that you can look up for yourself about the true nature of the universe, and our state of our existence, scientifically, historically, that the secret government/continuity of government system is very much aware of. Yes, there's a secret government system, too, lol. He's very good at filling in the blanks, pretty much tying together all the belief systems.

Please watch, you won't regret it or be disappointed, very fascinating:
The 2012 Enigma by David Wilcock
DAVID WILCOCK at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009
Project Camelot interviews David Wilcock - Part 1 of 4
-Follow the links to parts 2, 3, and 4, or just go to http://www.projectcamelot.net/interviews.html for more interviews of what other black op whistleblowers have say about some deeply profound spiritual things.

Love your reality, don't be nihilistic saying nothing is good. Good is Good in itself, don't fear it, embrace it. But you chose to have the belief system perspectives you desire to manifest as your reality, plain and simple. Free your mind, and contribute to the thought energy consciousness to eventually free the world. It all starts with yourself and how you think of yourself and your reality...
I'm apprehensive about anyone speaking seriously on the 2012 topic, or crop circles...


Oh man, I'm watching some of this willcock guy or whatever... its pretty entertaining, I'll give it that.

So many funny quotes.

The part where he references Stargate Sg1 in his lecture is just too good.
Oh man, haha.
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I'm apprehensive about anyone speaking seriously on the 2012 topic, or crop circles...

Oh man, I'm watching some of this willcock guy or whatever... its pretty entertaining, I'll give it that.

So many funny quotes.

The part where he references Stargate Sg1 in his lecture is just too good.
Oh man, haha.

Just be open to the fact that black ops would find it beneficial to layer real concepts into tv shows for plausible deniablity purposes. There's even a Stargate Sg-1 episode with this storyline, something like the show within a show called "Wormhole X-Treme." Most who watch that show can see there's a bit more to it than entertainment, if you catch all the references. Be open to the possibility of a black op world. All I say is give it a chance, and see what comes of it.

I find what he has to say on the pineal gland, the third eye, very interesting. But he, and I don't want you to just be a good slave and believe everything you hear, start pulling this knowledge to you, and it'll come in torrents.

Watch whats said in the interviews here:

Much love and peace.
I'm open to anything :)

But making wild allegations without substantial evidence is another thing.

I feel like this Willcock guy often just shows a bunch of images, talks about their similarity, and then states a conclusion... that just doesn't follow for me.
I'm open to anything :)

But making wild allegations without substantial evidence is another thing.

I feel like this Willcock guy often just shows a bunch of images, talks about their similarity, and then states a conclusion... that just doesn't follow for me.

Did you watch the others, by any chance? He actually gets into the science of consciousness in the Awake and Aware Conference. But there are more people saying what he's saying, as well. Check out the other link in the last post.
Oh my god can we please have a rule that conspiracy theories are banned from P&S before all the interesting topics get turned into bullshit circlejerks? 8)
Did you watch the others, by any chance? He actually gets into the science of consciousness in the Awake and Aware Conference. But there are more people saying what he's saying, as well. Check out the other link in the last post.

No, I haven't.

I have no problem with people discussing the science behind consciousness, I actually enjoy reading about things of that nature.

However, this Willock guy touches on many things besides human consciousness.
Pine comb? pineal gland?
Crop circles.

I mean... I find it funny that when someone is of the mindset of secret government organizations, conspiracy theories, etc... why do all of them EMBRACE EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF IT?

I think its funny that more often than not, conspiracy theorists, and people who generally believe in crop circles, blah blah, etc embrace everything..
Its not just a secret government organization that runs the world.. but they also have trips to mars, proof of life and communication with distant galaxies...
Etc etc etc.. Atlantis..

*edit* I just finished watching the rest of the willcock's video..
I won't be entertaining this guy anymore, he uses hollywood movies way too often throughout his presentation.. I think he does this so as to relate as much as possible to idiots...
What he says about minority report.. dear god... its not even funny anymore. The stargate ref was, but now its just crap.

I'm all for discussing consciousness, but I'll stick with the proper researchers when it comes to this category.. i.e doctors, scientists, etc.

Check out Bruce H Lipton for a good discussion on the matter... hes very informative, uses hard scientific data, and presents it in such a way that most people can still follow it, I highly recommend him.
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Most people believe what they need to believe in order to feel better about life and their place in it.

Fact is, most religious or political belief systems are just plain bullshit, invented my men to control mankind.
I don't really believe in anything either. I can believe one thing one day and something different the next. The universe is just a grand stage upon which possibilities play out. Anything is possible. I think some people have a much greater tendency to latch onto simplistic beliefs, without really thinking about it deeply. It satisfies the emotional yearning to have symbols for things. But the some of us, we don't latch on to anything. We keep our minds open.
In person (when not on drugs), I have typically been able to dissuade most close people of their beliefs. In fact, I can often re-indoctrinate them with beliefs that I don't have actually have, but pretend to have.

You should start a cult :D

Seriously, though. I've had many of the same issues with not really believing in anything. I think it stems more from fear of commitment than anything else: I was afraid to "commit" to any one belief for fear of being wrong. I have since decided that yes, I am an atheist. Though I still don't vote ;)
I am among the poster who condones believing as little as possible. Life is about action, what you are doing at the moment, not constructing systems in your head to tie together this or that phenomenon. I always try to remember to doubt my senses and not to get to caught up in believing what i see it real, or posing unnatural questions to myself about reality to feel smarter. Language is one of the most basic systems, although there are many, that makes chaotic reality seem just that much more reasonable. BTW I love the Hawthorn (the painter) quote that goes "a philosopher would make a terrible painter." As a painter myself i tend to agree
this Willock guy touches on many things besides human consciousness.
Pine comb? pineal gland?
Crop circles.

I mean... I find it funny that when someone is of the mindset of secret government organizations, conspiracy theories, etc... why do all of them EMBRACE EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF IT?

I think its funny that more often than not, conspiracy theorists, and people who generally believe in crop circles, blah blah, etc embrace everything..
Its not just a secret government organization that runs the world.. but they also have trips to mars, proof of life and communication with distant galaxies...
Etc etc etc.. Atlantis..

"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity" (Hanlon's Razor)

Perhaps the phrasing could be toned down a little, but the idea behind it is that people will always tend to identify the patterns with which they are most familiar. If they spend all their time thinking about conspiracy theories then that's the first thing that will spring to mind when something bad happens. Unfortunately for the skeptics among us, this is compounded by the all-too-human tendency to identify agents where there are none. Such misattributed agenticity is likely to be at the root of most modern conspiracy theories, and quite possibly religion as well.
That is a good point regarding the tendency to identify agents where there are none. I think this is the defining feature of conspiracy theories. They critique various power relations, but always attribute them to some final organising agent or set of agents which is supposed to be coordinating a series of (often irrational and seemingly useless) actions to subjugate people. Thus they lose any capacity for systemic criticism in favour of some finger pointing with no political potential attached (ie: all power is bad, get rid of it, and start with the illuminati, moving on to every single political institution). The outcome, ironically, is often quite conservative, with a total emphasis on negative freedom and a deep suspicion of institutions of any kind.