• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Beer Snobs Unite! 100+ IBU or GTFO

Poetess - It's "Spaten." Their Oktoberfest is an amazing beer, perfect for the season. Their regular lager is alright, a bit light for my taste. The Optomater is absolutely awful, on draught or in bottles. It's VERY dark (I do like dark, btw) and just... umm... gross. Sorry, can't really describe it.

Krazy - Pyramids are excellent! Particularly their Apricot Ale, perfect for the summer.
labatt blue

i was drinking mich ultra for a bit .. but unfortunately i was reading a book at the same time that i was having an ultra and the book described the beer taste as "beef flavored apple juice that had gone bad" and now i cant taste Ultra the way I used to.. LOL

It tastes like beef flavored apple juice!
I drink entirely too much beer, so i usually try to stick to the light stuff (the taste of Coors Light appeals to me most in that department).

But otherwise, I'm a huge fan of Sam Adams Winter lager and alot of the Magic hat beers (No. 9 & Hocus Pocus, in particular). Killian's isn't so bad either.
phactor said:
2. Sierra Nevada

change that to #1 and all will be right with the world ;)

sierra nevada pale ale is the greatest beer ever brewed. behold:
>>yours truly enjoying a gift from the heavens<<

i also love the following beers:

bass ale
red hook IPA
pyramid DPA
fat tire

if i'm in a super european mood, i go for kronenbourg, stella, or chimay. for mexican moments, i prefer pacifico but dos equis lager (not amber, yuck) is also tasty.

when i'm feeling cheap i drink either rolling cock or the 20-packs of bud light.

mmm, beer...

Pasilda Nacera said:
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

I will not post trade marks cause nobody will know them.
But the best beer for me is the cold beer in a hot day(with a joint in the other hand). :)
The only thing I will drink is beer. I just can't drink mixed drinks..

I like Sam Adams, Killians, Newcastle, and Sierra Nevada.

Beer good.
I prefer hard liqour but if im drinking beer it is usually

I let my ponies run free...

Colt foty five

<--- poor highschool/college kid
I dont really mind what beer i drink... used absolutely *hate* the stuff tho. However lately its become one of my preferred beverages coz basically i find that i can drink quite a lot of it and not be at all hung over the next day:) So yeah, ill drink any but i guess Stellas are my favorite=D