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Been Robbed in a Drug Deal? Post story

i do that...
the first time
i got dicked

the next time
i was tryin to get an oz of weed and he wanted 100
so i go up to the car and he says
alright give me the money
and i just said
fuck that lets see the kill\

and he says i hafta give him the money and he'll be back in 30 min
so he gave me his driver's liscense and drove off

i had a horrible feeling about it cuz hes the kinda guy that i would see later and hed be like
give me my id
kick my ass and just leave me there
after 4.5 hours he came through
and its like that everytime now
its cool as long as you dont get dicked
a general rule of thumb i go by is don't buy drugs from strangers. you don't know them and you dont know what they are selling. powder can be cut with anything and fry/wet is nasty stuff especially if you aren't expecting it. sure you can get lucky but is that a risk worth taking?
Morrison's Lament said:
Drug Culture material :)

--- G.

Hey! I resent that!

Okay, there's a big-ass thread about how you got ripped off in a drug deal. I'm closing this and bumping that sucker...

And you should really wait until you're 18 and 21 to drink and smoke, respectively. Because after you've reached those ages it's no longer harmful.

5-HT2 said:
Obsidian, your revenge is worse than the offenses of the people that jacked you.

Isn't that the point?? If someone tries to rob me I know whatever I do back to them will most probably not be fair, but think about the sort of person that you are beating up / stealing from.... Someone that wanted to do it to you.
oliphill said:
.....Also ive bought origami, a stone and some bark in camdem before :)

I hope you mean oregano...oh you bought stone and bark aswell ;), maybe you do actually mean you mistook 100 tabs (acid) for a coloured piece of paper folded into an elaborate Japanese crane.

I have never been robbed in a drug deal...I always maximise total caution and approach every situation suspiciously. Although I've bought dud/bunk drugs before and also under-weight drugs (I just dont go back, certainly dont burn down their house), I've never been robbed or had my money taken. Why people would give a dealer/friend money before recieving the drugs or buy drugs from crack-heads is beyond me.
^^If you don't know many dealers then most people will let their dealers have the upper hand. All you need to do is pretend you can go elsewhere where you don't have to hand over cash and it's a great excuse.
*CrystalMeth Bunny* said:
Okay, there's a big-ass thread about how you got ripped off in a drug deal.

indeed, and it's a quality thread. if you want to continue a discussion of how giving money to strangers is actually a good idea 8) , please do it in that thread. you'll be able to read a lot of different stories that prove this method unwise.

if fronting money is working for you, you're one of the lucky minority.

--> merging
notneo said:
Isn't that the point?? If someone tries to rob me I know whatever I do back to them will most probably not be fair, but think about the sort of person that you are beating up / stealing from.... Someone that wanted to do it to you.

Ive never sold drugs and even I know thats wrong. You dont get anyone back, you dont burn their car, beat the shit out of them or rob them whatever. Its stupid. It brings the police on you and shows you as a violent drug dealer. If the cops come, they are gonna want to know what the fight was about, and the guy you beat up might just let them know about the drugs you are into, or if they find drugs on the guy he might give you or a friend up for a lighter sentence. Yea, maybe the asshole who screwed you over deserved it, but its not worth it. People who scam and are into drugs typically dont have many morals. Its not beyond a lot of people to pick up a knife and come looking for you for revenge. The smartest thing to do is not front to shady people, and dont associate with shady people or anyone who doesnt know people you know, or have reliability, references, stuff like that. If you get screwed over or scammed, the majority of the time it could have been avoided by using common sense. And if you do get scammed some other way, like by a friend (which does happen), chalk it up as a loss and move on. Dont waste your time or energy on bringing someone else down because it will drag you down too.
I see your point and you've some what changed my stance on revenge. It is definately smarter to move on and cut your loses.
the only thing is if people keep stealing from you and you never retaliate then u might get known as soft or a sucker and then people will try to get over on you even more often
Helpful hint: If you have to think about battery, arson and murder over a drug deal gone bad, you shouldn't do it. If you're already a violent sociopath of a drug dealer you'd already be beating up the guy's mother and setting fire to his dog instead of reading this.
Yo some of you guys have some real piece of shit friends...I'd say one out of every three stories starts off with "I was gonna buy from a friend..." and then justify trusting him by saying "he had always pulled through in previous dealings"
I find it quite amusing I had always assumed living in a "big rich western city" meant reliable dealers and grade A product...seems like a lot of dealers are actually pieces of shit and product turns out to be fake...
I guess it must be because of the size of the deal that I have never gotten fucked, I am relatively low on the drug-scale, none of my purchases have ever succeeded US$50 and of that money the most that was ever actually mine was US$30...I would understand how supposed 'friends' would turn on you if the amount in question was, say 1000bucks.
My friend gave this guy 200 bucks plus my 130 digi scale and the guy took off. hehe I shouldn't have bought the scale in the first place though. Shoulda bought one of those mg scales.
i remember it was a cold night my sophmore year. my friend and i just smoked a bowl and we were pretty stoned. (yes i wish i bowl would get me stoned now :( ) we walk to the market down the street and see if someone can buy me some 40 oz. and him some cigerette's. we wait and ask. everyone says no your too young.

then we see this guy in back of some pizza place standing by the car. we go over to him and ask him to buy some stuff for us. he says yea so we tell him what we want. i shouldve known what was up when he didnt really care what we wanted but my mind was bent on getting a 40. i shouldve also known when he said he has to go through the drive threw down the street instead of the market 20 yards away.

we wait and wait. some fat bitch comes out going please leave it looks bad for business. so i say " no, some guy is bringing me a 40." then she says "that guy is a crack head and he owes me 1,000's of dollars. if i see him here i am calling the cops on him" so i am like fuck. maybe he might come back and drop it off we wait a hr and he doesnt show.

the only thing that mad me mad was i got ripped off and this guy is smoking crack with MY money
i tend to end up buying stuff that does nothing to me but everyone else is tripping on the same shit. pisses me off.
I always hate buying coke from people I dont know too well, you're just putting out too much money to get fucked. On the bright side, you got ripped off with at least more drugs instead of fillers or something.

Sorry you had to revisit E due to someones stupidity, but good luck, it will be another 6 weeks in no time.