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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

BDD Social and Info Booth Vs 28 - my dealer told me that this was the last time

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I'm talking about this bloody social thread, I had to fight hard to get it approved, against one of the most stubborn mods there ever had been, who since stepped down and seems to have disappeared from the site altogether now, which is a shame as he was a fountain of benzo knowledge. This social thread is my baby though. If I hadn't became a mod and fought for it then we wouldn't be having this discussion now.

The fact quiz was a good idea, I left before I had a chance to get it going though and Tripman wasn't overly enthusiastic at keeping it going the way I started it.

Anyway, how is everyone today. I'm excited about Thursday, I'm taking a trip to another country to visit the one and only Debaser!!
Mugzer, who are you referring to when you say fountain of benzo knowledge? Kokaino?

I'm feelin' relaxed off a schoolbus/yellow 2mg xanax bar. I try not to overdo the benzos or I start to get a lil weird and outta control, too high of a dose leaves me feeling like there's something missing, like I need to shoot way too much dope or smoke my whole sack of loud trees. I'm going to score my last .3 of raw east coast rocky dope for awhile because my ass is broke, I'm excited to nod the fuck out. My dad found out I was stealing mass money from him, he finally set me up and caught me last night. Made me feel like a shitbag...

I love you guize in the BDD Social, the realest thread eva' bra haha
eh, whatev's. bdd is what it is, social goes through phases of awesomeness and slowness.

im thinking of doing some oxy, but got some weird chest pain shit going on. its like upper left next to my nipple. weird.
Mugzer, who are you referring to when you say fountain of benzo knowledge? Kokaino?

I love you guize in the BDD Social, the realest thread eva' bra haha

Yeah, I was referring to kokaino, are you an alt, because you are relatively new and were not around when it all went down.

Glad you love the BDD Social. I've neglected it of late and left it to grow on it's own, hoping it wouldn't need the creator to keep it going and it has continued well :)

I'm going to meet Debaser very soon, excited about that :)
Mugzer, who are you referring to when you say fountain of benzo knowledge? Kokaino?

I'm feelin' relaxed off a schoolbus/yellow 2mg xanax bar. I try not to overdo the benzos or I start to get a lil weird and outta control, too high of a dose leaves me feeling like there's something missing, like I need to shoot way too much dope or smoke my whole sack of loud trees. I'm going to score my last .3 of raw east coast rocky dope for awhile because my ass is broke, I'm excited to nod the fuck out. My dad found out I was stealing mass money from him, he finally set me up and caught me last night. Made me feel like a shitbag...

I love you guize in the BDD Social, the realest thread eva' bra haha
I plugged 15mg of hydrocodone about an hour or so ago.... Feeling goooooooood. I have a really low tolerance. Sucks they were 5s though, was annoying trying to get it all to dissolve with 5mL of water.

Just took a couple mg of phenazepam but I'm not so sure about this batch. Might not do anything. Not really worried about CNS depression with these doses.
Yeah, I was referring to kokaino, are you an alt, because you are relatively new and were not around when it all went down.

Glad you love the BDD Social. I've neglected it of late and left it to grow on it's own, hoping it wouldn't need the creator to keep it going and it has continued well :)

I'm going to meet Debaser very soon, excited about that :)

Well i lost my old account password, I used to be Escapedysphoria. I was around during that time. I like my new one better and Im not on as often.

Injected 50-100mg of Methylone/bk-MDMA. Was pleasantly suprised by the intensely euphoric, long lasting rush. I puked from the rush. Got ringing/vibrating ear feeling similar to shooting cocaine. Carrys on into a smooth MD roll. Did not ever imagine this ROA could improve Methylone this much
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^are you having an identity crisis? your username is escapedysphoria.
Oh shit haha! It's still signed on my phone though, I saved the password to Escapedysphoria on it! I feel like a dummy, sorry Tentram :( That made me look out of my damn mind! haha
Lmao, I remember you escaped from a way back! And that post was hilarious, at first I thought you'd come back and had a a mental breakdown, or you were just going a little crazy from the drugs.
ALT USER! BAN HIM! lol...j/k...

Been a while. Dunno if you remember me; it's been a while since I've posted a bit in the BDD social, but I'm doug.

Anyway, welcome back ED.
I do remember you jktm, it's nice to see some of the old bdd social crew back.
DOUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! moobs man :D

How you doing? Not spoken in a while. Hope things are all good in the hood.

I'm really excited about going to Paris :), still need to buy a camera though.
Oh I'm soaring. Chewed up an oc120, 20mg of dexedine, ready to go sit though les misrables with my beautiful girl tonight.
Lmao synth, your funny....

I'm thinking about ordering some kratom to potentiate my "sub" mg doses of bupre and vyvanse.
Hopefully the bupre won't block the kratom because I take such a low dose! I am kind of worried about my liver because last time I went on a kratom binge/escapade , I developed hepatitis shortly after. I blanmmes that on a nasty virus though ;)

Feeling bored and in withdrawal, its been 48hrs since my last bupre dosage, I feel fatigued and achey, about to go force my self to do like 30mins of cardio though
No really - I am going to see that movie. And oh boy am I ready! I have another oc120 in my pocket ready to be chewed up. I actually like the taste of them now, they're lovely.

Right I've made up my mind. It's time to end this opiate bullshit and turn a new chapter in my life. I want to get off opiates, but I can't do it cold turkey. I'm opting into a methadone programme tomorrow and handing in all my oxy. This is it for me. Today is the last day of oxy I hope. I pray that methadone will help me get my life back together.
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Lol I wasn't referring to seeing the movie, but rather that you drug yourself to put up with the movie and your girl LMAO

I can't say that I don't do the same ;) mostly with my family-relatives . They really know how to get under my skins
Oh. Yeah. Lol. Today is my last day on the oxy, I'm sick of it controlling my life. See, this is what I mean. I have to dose up on fucking oxy to watch a movie with the love of my life. I want this to fucking end man so bad.
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