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Lysergamides Awkward Acid Moments Youve had

once i was tripping with my friend, Door, and his friend, Bass (who was tripping for the first time). we were standing outside the side door to his dorm and they were smoking. and another girl was there waiting for her sister to let her in and the girl asks Bass for a cigarette. he kinda gives us a look like she is overstepping her bounds and gives her one and we all stand in silence for a minute while she expects him to hand her a lighter so she has to ask for one.

he gives her one and we all stand there for a couple minutes in horrible awkward silence not making eye contact. then Bass walks away and stands around the corner, literally four feet from us all ... then Door goes ... then i go stand by them. Bass was talking about her and i'm pretty sure she could hear the whole thing. and i'm 90% percent sure she heard us have a long debate about whether we should get baked before we order pizza, after ordering and before delivery, or after delivery and how hard it would be to pay a delivery guy baked and tripping 8) =D
psychedelicate said:
jumping out of a friends ute at a traffic light, candyflipping, walking through the traffic wearing a hotel bath robe and holding a book 'the who's who of star trek'

btw, this made me crack up!
Meeting my friend's mom for the first time, tripping my face off, while hitting a bowl. She's really chill, but it still was soooo awkward. I was mad confused.
Some buddies and I were sitting on a bench in Central Park. We are talking about cigarettes and how many we've bummed from each other. So one dude pulls out a calculator to do some math when a toddler walks up and looks at the calculator. One dude with a menacing look on his face jumps and yells "YO DECK HIM IN THE FACE"

Not a second too late, a woman comes running, picks him up and walks away.
funkee said:
Some buddies and I were sitting on a bench in Central Park. We are talking about cigarettes and how many we've bummed from each other. So one dude pulls out a calculator to do some math when a toddler walks up and looks at the calculator. One dude with a menacing look on his face jumps and yells "YO DECK HIM IN THE FACE"

Not a second too late, a woman comes running, picks him up and walks away.

Holy hell 8o poor kid! He probably scared the crap out of him LOL :\
on the comedown on shrooms a friend awkwardly nudged over and asked if i wanted to make out with him

he gay
Cloudy said:
We all were chilling in the kitchen and suddenly i felt like something happened to my foot. Like I just sensed it. I looked down and my friends dog spit up all over my shoe. I felt like I had a connection with the dog, but maybe not.

Also that same night when we were going to hit the sack because I had a plane to catch in 5 hours, I set up a awesome sleeping spot, then went to the bathroom to take out my contacts. When I came back the dog was in my spot. We ended up getting him out after much trouble. I realized I need my jacket for something so I got up to go get it. I turned around and the dog was in my spot again. Once again we had trouble getting him off my spot. A few minutes later I sat up and the dog just ran and sat were my feet went. It basically just became a crazy night of the dog stealing my spot.

I LOVE this story! LOL!!!
tripping balls with four kids in my room.
things start to get wierd and we are realizing how fucked up we are. one kid freaks out and slaps other kid in the face. i then proceed to freak kick them out and bad trip by myself for next 10 hours.
Ahh acid bad moments..... I have had quite a couple but there is one in particular that takes the punch...

Me and a mate (it was his first time on anything, full drug virgin). Drop some cid on college. Our college is in the australian bush, like full bush everywhere nothing like a university campus you would expect. Anyway, we drop and end up just walking around the flats on campus and through the bush etc. When we run into one of our mates drunk as shit, vomiting with one of those beer hats on, the ones with the two beer holders and the straws. So we're cruising along with him peaking, past a row of parked cars, when we see this guy slash a car tire with a knife and kicking in the door and the front pannels. About 100m infront of us. We're like wtf, and start yelling and he runs. He walk up to the car its pretty fucked.

We decide to walk to the securtiy office on campus and tell the fat security guards about it. I was tripping hard trying to be strait, we walk them back to the car, WTF ITS GONE. But there is glass everywhere so it CLEARLY was there. The guards are like fairenough and walk off. But we keep cruising around just bugging out.. and we see the car again, but its moved and hes crashed into a wall cause the other side is all fucked up. By now a RA from college has come to us (a mate of ours but not a tripper) and we're like explain the situation. We go back to security, they come back to the car with the RA. Then they say they catch the guy. and say he owns the car, but it wasnt the same guy, no cap. We're like wtf thats not him. The security guards say it was some drunken shit happening from the uni pub just down the road...

Full strange experience, kinda awkwould when the car had moved, and when they caught the wrong guy... i think it was the wrong guy cause of insurence and drunken issues and him not willing to lay charges on his mate, the one who did it....

or maybe that was the acid :)
Sex on LSD is fucking incredible.

I dropped a lot of LSD at a festival. I had been doing medic work the day prior, but I wasn't on duty. A call came over the radio I had with me and there was an emergency so I decide to run up to the area where it was.

So I get up there and the person who was orchestrating the rangers and medics looks at me and says, "Can you help us? We really need help with this person."

I replied, "Yeah, uh, sure. I can't do anything terribly technical though."


"I'm totally faced on LSD."

"How much?"

"I dunno, a lot. Lots of drops."

"Nevermind... have fun."

I ended up helping them lift this guy up and then I went and wandered off. I felt pretty silly with the look the guy shot me when I said, "lots of drops."
hahahah thats great.
the funny thing is he asked "how much" hahahaha
oh festival.. nvm. if it wasnt a festival it woulda been funnier

one time i was walkin around this shopping plaza waiting for some acid to kick in. i had brought a couple hundred mgs of dmt with me.
a friend i was with sees some hippy lookin dude with some hindu lookin gods on his shoulder sac and waves.
so were sitting on some benches for a while ... and this dude walks over to us from around the corner, just totaly silent. just stands next to us for a few seconds. dude was tall as shit. we started talkin to him like dude cool sac you look baked. and then were just chillin a second longer and he walked off.
so then we go to the subway around the corner and see him and two other people chillin in front of the subway.

so im like ok these guys look like hippies but their at the fucking town center (known for its prepubescent teens undergoing identity crisis, some of them grow into their twenties still totaly fucking not knowing shit about what they rep)... so im like hey you im gonna take you on an adventure. hes like alright and we start walking off. then im just like wait.. theres no where good around here to do this. would you prefer a more chiilll spot. and hes like what are you going to do. im like blow your mind.
so next thing i know were going back to their place and talkin about how were all comming up on some acid. theres guys whip out this giant bong and smoke us out on some FLAME crippy. and i whip out the dmt and smoke em out on that :D.

hours pass and were just chillin on acid listning to radiohead. they buy a 30sheet of the acid we are on and decide to go down to G-spot to buy some nitrous. my freind decides to stay in the house. when we get back theres like 20 thugs buying POUNDS AND POUNDS of the weed we were just smoking. rollin dirty blunts and doin business.

from there on were just siting smokin some nitrous.. then it starts to get real late its like 2 in the morning and just AWKWARD as fuck because everyone starts to realize we dont realy know them at all and were trippin balls at their house all night and cant even remember how we got there. lol
euphoricnod said:
Sex on LSD is fucking incredible.

Amen. :D

And most awkward thing... definitely when my mother picked me up from my BF's house a few hours after I'd taken two hits and for some reason thought I'd be fine to drive home later that night. I spent my entire trip with my MOTHER. I kept accusing her of staring at me while I was tripping out in her bedroom completely fucked outta my mind. talk about weeeeird.:eek:
Awkward moments waiting in queue for toilets at a festival, getting lost in thought loops and opening the door on a guy still using the porta-loo and who had not locked the door. =D

Seriously, I could have sworn someone walked out the door a moment before...
I would definitely have to say hugging a security guy at a party......

It was what felt like a 10 minute akward silence then he tells me its ok cause hes tripping to lol.
Well this was mushrooms, but same idea.

I was walking down the street with some friends in the winter, when i noticed that someone had thrown out a christmas tree with several strands of perfectly good lights on it. I began loudly ranting about how wasteful and irresponsible whoever had thrown it out was. I began to pull the lights from the tree, with the idea of taking them home. In mid-rant i looked up and realised that the owner of the house had stepped out onto his front porch and was listening to my rant. I awkwardly asked him "uh....can i have these lights?" he responded that i could. I continued taking the lights off, btu they were very tangled in the branches of the tree, and the man kept watching me. After a few minutes i became very uncomfortable, and ran off down the street.