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AUstralian Government = Nanny State.

The masses in this country don't need chemicals in the water supply to make them easily manipulated by the government; they are seemingly without minds of their own in the first place and see no need to make themselves more educated about certain issues, including drug prohibition.

I could go on and on and on about the injustices in the world and our society but is there really any point?? Im really starting to wonder if everyone in our country is just happy to be trampled on by our government.
happy to be trampled on, in the false belief that the government is trampling on somebody else on their behalf. somebody not like them.
fooled into not realising that the "war on drugs" is a war on the populous, on them/us/everyone not some mysterious evil enemy that we should all hate and fear.

^^^ great post Buzzy7.

there are too many problems and hypocrisies to list, but i don't really see the point if people are just going to stir shit.
i'd rather talk about what the hell we're going to do to change things!

we either face up to the bullshit or we toe the line and support the status quo because we're too unimaginative or too comfortable to question it.
we can complain about the flood of bullshit, or do what our "democracy" so desperately needs and have some dialogue with one another about about how to move forward from here when not even a trace of doubt is ever cast in the media about the effectiveness and worth of prohibition.

they've won the propaganda battle - the average australian (even some who partake, as busty has demonstrated) think the idea of drugs not being illegal is too radical to ever work. the fact is, in all of human history, only the last 80 years has made folk devils and criminals out of psychoactive substances. humans existed and survived for millions of years without being "protected" by drug laws, and we all made it to where we are today. hell, people take drugs regardless of the law, just in riskier ways than if they were regulated or accepted as a part of life - which they are, like it or not.
in recent years some european countries have effectively legalised the use and possession of what we know as "illegal drugs", and their societies haven't erupted into drug-crazed anarchy. use rates are reportedly stable.
hell, imagine if some of the multi-billions of dollars tied up in the drug trade were put into the european (and american) economies, rather than in an underground, laundered, black-market, zero tax economy.

basically the people get nothing from prohibition except more surveillance, more fear, and a harder road if you happen to fuck up. the idea that we shouldn't be compassionate with addicts because they're criminals makes me sick and i realise how successful the propaganda really is.
imagine what governments could do with tax revenues (education, health, science, infrastructure) without the enormous expense of the prohibition industry. a better world is possible, we just all need to switch off the tv, talk to each other and question the bullshit scare campaigns we are always being fed. the only way most of us stand up and say "fuck you" to the propaganda machine is to laugh at it as we neck more pills or whatever.

it is time we got past this illusion that because prohibition is all we know, it is the only (and best) option. the more we question, the more we spread the word and the more we make the mainstream media and its compromised messages irrelevant, the more we will break through it's zombifying grip on people's minds.
Not my own words, but what a way to hit the nail on the head...

Is it any wonder that the laws prohibiting the use of psychoactive drugs have been traditionally ignored? The monstrous ego (or stupidity!) of a person or group of persons to believe that they or any one else have the right--or the jurisdiction--to police the *inside* of my body or my mind! It is, in fact, so monstrous of a wrong that--were it not so serious--indeed, tragic!--it might be humorous!
All societies must, it seems, have a structure of laws, of orderly rules and regulations. Only the most hard-core, fanatical anarchist would argue that point. But I, as a responsible, adult human being, will *never* concede the power, to ANYONE, to regulate my choice of what I put into my body, or where I go with my mind!

From the skin inward is MY jurisdiction, is it not? *I* choose what may or may not cross that border. Here, *I* am the Customs Agent. *I* am the Coast Guard. I am the sole legal and spiritual Government of this territory, and ONLY the laws I choose to enact within myself are applicable!!! Now, were I to invade or sabotage that same territory in others, then the external Law of the nation has every right--indeed, the responsibility--to prosecute me in the agreed-upon manner of law. But what I think? Where I focus my awareness? What biochemical reactions *I* choose to cause WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL BOUNDARIES OF MY OWN SKIN, are NOT subject to the beliefs, morals, laws, or preferences of ANY other person!!!

I am a sovereign state, and I feel that my borders are far more sacred than the politically-drawn boundaries of ANY country...

I guess I can't complain about our right's and freedom's if there are none...
From the skin inward is MY jurisdiction, is it not? *I* choose what may or may not cross that border. Here, *I* am the Customs Agent. *I* am the Coast Guard. I am the sole legal and spiritual Government of this territory, and ONLY the laws I choose to enact within myself are applicable!!! Now, were I to invade or sabotage that same territory in others, then the external Law of the nation has every right--indeed, the responsibility--to prosecute me in the agreed-upon manner of law. But what I think? Where I focus my awareness? What biochemical reactions *I* choose to cause WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL BOUNDARIES OF MY OWN SKIN, are NOT subject to the beliefs, morals, laws, or preferences of ANY other person!!!

There has been a lot of great comments in this thread but personally I love that paragraph, without even needing to highlight the vast majority of the many other problems with current drug legislation, that really sums up the personal freedom issue greatly and it really is disturbing how most people don't realise this.