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Aust Social Confessional Thread

^^^ telling customers that u dont mind cleaning up their vomit. Or when they bump u when u are carrying a tray of drinks and almost spilling them on people.

Nah its cool... continue being the arrogant asshole that u must be
hoptis said:
Once I got back to my car and thought the car next to me had parked way too close and I thought... what a wanker so I keyed the entire left side.

Then I realised that they parked as close as possible because they couldn't have exited the car had they parked any closer to the wall.

Then I felt bad.

Then I got over it and drove off.

:eek: :eek: :eek: You'll burn in hell!!!


As for me... apart from the calling in "sick" thing (I think we've all done that, haven't we?)....

I often fart and don't own up to it.

I buy more pills than I say I'm going to, so I've got extras my boyfriend doesn't know about (I need more than him these days but don't really want to make an issue of it)

I can sometimes spend a whole day at work and do no work whatsoever.

I sometimes think I'm a borderline alcoholic

I steal cashews from the supermarket :)
hoptis said:
Once I got back to my car and thought the car next to me had parked way too close and I thought... what a wanker so I keyed the entire left side.

Then I realised that they parked as close as possible because they couldn't have exited the car had they parked any closer to the wall.

Then I felt bad.

Then I got over it and drove off.

You are a fucking arsehole!!!
Re: I like

Energizer said:
I like this thread.

I spit in the milk at work.
I piss on the toilet paper.
I turn off the lights in the toilet when I know someone is taking a shit.
I unplug people keyboards and mice at random.
I delete files off the file server, just to inconvenience people, then they have me restore them because I am the administrator.
I install keyloggers on people's pc and log in as them and rifle through all there personal stuff, like www.netbank.com.au
I scratch peoples cars, old or new it doesnt matter to me.
I steal other peoples mail, even there junk mail, it doesnt matter to me.
I ruin clothes in clothes shops just in the hope the stores takes a loss.
I break things in shops that arent noticable by floor staff.
I spit on hand rails. Big green plegm slag too.

I dont know why I do half the stuff I do. I dont enjoy it, yet I feel compelled to do it.


You're nasty, but damn you made me laugh at work today :D

~Kat Confession #2

When I was 13, my penpal in Hong Kong sent me some cash to buy her some things that weren't available in Hong Kong. She said I could keep what was left over for my troubles. In the end there was $60 left and my mum told me I had to send it back.

I sent back $10 and the next time we went to the markets, I pretended I found the $50 note on the ground.

miss slingshot said:
I lie to clients on an hourly basis; how much media love them, how great their book is (toilet paper worthy would be a more apt description), how great they are as speakers, how fit they're looking blah blah blah. Its actually started to bother me as its become just so damn easy to lie.

And to my boss, I wasn't really sick with food poisening, yes i did spend the day in bed, but in no way was i sick...... =D

Hey Miss...lookin fit...yes, very toight!! :D :D :D
1: On a regular basis I use the phones at work to make mobile calls and interstate calls, good thing I found out the new code for mobiles. ;)

2: I used to like snooping through the big desk at home to see what documents of my parents I could find that later on I could blackmail them with.

3: I take great joy in opening mail that is not mine. The idiots should have changed their mailing address when they moved out of the place 9 months ago. =D

4: I also take great joy in ruining bad music, what I mean is that if someone continuously plays a cassete tape or a cd I don't like then I will ruin it so they'll never be able to play it again. To this day I have never been accused of doing it, or been caught.
hoptis said:
Once I got back to my car and thought the car next to me had parked way too close and I thought... what a wanker so I keyed the entire left side.

Then I realised that they parked as close as possible because they couldn't have exited the car had they parked any closer to the wall.

Then I felt bad.

Then I got over it and drove off.
its bastards like you that are gonna leave me with a 25 year+ prison sentence :p
so truly evil
I know who I'll blame when i first get keyed :p
Used the phone and fax at work to make some calls, though it is local calls and fax only...

sometimes intentionally burning the milk so the coffee's bad for some annoying customers but that's very rare.

so far that's it.
hoptis said:
Once I got back to my car and thought the car next to me had parked way too close and I thought... what a wanker so I keyed the entire left side.

Then I realised that they parked as close as possible because they couldn't have exited the car had they parked any closer to the wall.

Then I felt bad.

Then I got over it and drove off.

Hoptis, you and I should party dude. You sound like a man after my own heart.

I would PM you, but I cant be fucked.
I was booked in to play a few corporate gigs earlier this year. Due to the desire to stay in melbourne and party I had to cancel the gigs (they were out of town), I kinda didn't want to do them anyway. They got someone else to play and I forgot about it totally. A few weeks ago I got a cheque in the mail for $150 for one of the gigs 8o Anyway, needless to say I cashed the cheque without any questions asked :\

I too steal nuts from the supermarket, usually macadamias (sic)
agree with russ and moebro. are you totally insane ??

3. I told mum the most pills I've ever done in one night is one and a half. "And that's a massive night mum!"

loved that one !!!
I sold $10 worth of "MDMA POWDER" (Which was really sugar...) to a friend of my b/f's because we wanted to see if he was really a pathological liar.... it was quite hard to keep a straight face that night when he yelled

"i'm tripping hardcore man.....FUCK im fucked!!!!"
It's supposed to be a confessional thread... what sort of confession is it when the priest gets out of the box, tell's the entire church what you did and then gets the whole parish to come down and kick your sorry ass?

I lost my temper and I was really sorry afterwards... *sob* :(
Hoptis: What you did will sure teach everyone a lesson who didn't do anything wrong. They'll think twice before following the straight and narrow.
kryalkastleE said:
I sold $10 worth of "MDMA POWDER" (Which was really sugar...) to a friend of my b/f's because we wanted to see if he was really a pathological liar.... it was quite hard to keep a straight face that night when he yelled

"i'm tripping hardcore man.....FUCK im fucked!!!!"

Now that is pure genious.

Love it.
I don't wear clothes while in the shower

I like poking fun of sand eaters (vegetarians)

I never gave a kazoo back to my music teacher in high school that she bought for my kazoo quartet

I dont' just watch but I actively enjoy Star Trek, Buffy/Angel and Arnie movies

I have a tendency to use I/I've/My/I'd a whole lot when I'm writing

I have a serious problem cleaning pots/pans

I've been writing music on my computer since I was in yr 8 and *none* of it is any good whatsoever

Teen girl squad!

For teenage girls between the ages of sixteen and nineteen
kryalkastleE said:
I sold $10 worth of "MDMA POWDER" (Which was really sugar...) to a friend of my b/f's because we wanted to see if he was really a pathological liar.... it was quite hard to keep a straight face that night when he yelled

"i'm tripping hardcore man.....FUCK im fucked!!!!"
great night that was too ;)
used to steal these caramel fudge rectangles from work
omg have one and it was rich as hell and then the sugar rush

woooooo who needs speed =)
mother natures GOODNESS!

appart from that i cant remember anything =S