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Aus Social's periods of crapness

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wHiTeBoY said:
i shall go check out thought and awareness then!

i have never actually been in there i dont think

(but i do like the idea of a place where us aussies can speak coz other people from other countries are different and smell and talk funny like especially poland)

nothing wrong with polaks!

i've found aus social to be quite interesting over the last week or two.. i've made several 'essay' replies :)
Aus Social has been going downhill for quite a while now. I've noticed the standard of threads slipping, and more and more people just seem to want to get their voice heard without anyone listening to anyone else. There are hardly any good discussions anymore, and all the threads revolve around one word answers that require no thought or effort.

But on the other hand, who gives a fuck really? Complaining about Aus Social is like complaining about the weather. Whinging and bitching isn't going to make it stop raining, so either buy an umbrella and make the most of it, or move somewhere else. :)
Just More Of The Same UnSquare Inane

wHiTeBoY said:
i personally wish that bluelight aus social was more in depth.... like went really deep into people's thoughts and aspirations and stuff.....


How's THIS!

We have the same name 8o =D
meh...this topic comes around all the time (as alot of people have said already) don't like what is here or don't find it interesting enough? make a new thread for discussion or don't post ...simple :)
Originally posted by Killing_time
I blame not Haste or Raz for this but Anna!
She is always responsible for closing threads... even if she isn't, SHE IS
Next thing you know the 'what was the last thing you ate?' thread will be closed.

Now, I'm sure you're being sarcastic or at least attempting to be, but your inane post whoring is getting really old. I've closed lame threads in some attempt to help Aus Social be less "crap". I don't care what anyone tells you - renaming the bluelighter above you is crap. So it's closed.

This thread is also crap, and I hope it falls nicely back to the third or fourth page like it should. Like all the other incarnations of it have done.
haste said:
^^ are you saying people are discouraged because their thread will be closed? Sorry I don't get how it has any bearing on quality of threads?

Not all threads get closed - there is also the option of merging - just PM a mod if you feel this is the action that should have been taken. We are here to help.

It's not really anything to do with the moderators - more to do with what Jimity said in response that people have the whole 'This has been done 2 years ago' attitude and so therefore kinda discourage fresh postings on the same topic from a whole new crop of people that don't know the old schoolers - but it seems the merge function is being used more and it's been really handy...

Now if only some evil mods didn't go around closing word association threads because the power went to their heads the world would be a better place ;)

I thought Word association was an interesting thread as initially every reference had to have something to do with sex - and then maybe because whiteboy stopped posting :) or i don't know what but it then went to drug references as much as possible and now it had gotten to a much more cryptic style of association.. the thread had finally grown up.. [/end tired ramble]
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The best thing about this thread is watching some of the older bluelighters whinge about how these threads are 'like sooooo yesterday'. So fucking what.

The people that are posting in these threads weren't around yesterday to read them. Why does everyone have to act so high and mighty?

I've probably said this before, but I think the reason people get jaded when it comes to Bluelight is because their own little cliques break up and the new wave of people come with their own 'in-jokes' and their own opinions. Suddenly the people you know aren't posting and instead you open a thread in which all the posters registered post 2004.

That being said, I think the moderators are doing a lovely job at the moment and I think there have been some really interesting threads in here lately. So yeah...can't exactly agree with killing_time at the moment. :)
lol nice.
I like how you covered your arse there up all night. =D
wHiTeBoY said:
and USA fucken hell, i don't think i could post in any forums where dpuerto is

That's only because you're a heterosexual male. dpuerto has appeal, believe me. ;)

On another note....sheesh people, take a breath. Inhale....now, exhale....isn't that nice?

So much drama....

Let's not hate on Killing_time so much...as was pointed out so ably by up all night, of course these threads are gonna come up every now and then. Those of us who have been here a million years are gonna be all like "oh this again", but there's always someone who hasn't been here a million years and for whom this is going to be a new, fresh and relevant complaint.

And Killing_time, don't be hating on any of my fellow mods or I'll have to kick your ass.

Now....I think this thread has another couple of days life left in it to prove it can come up with something relevant before someone shuts its ass down.

I strongly suggest that if anyone wants to really complain, feel free to send one of us mods a pm. We don't bite unless we're paid well. Even better, if someone wants to be all proactive, go and post a thread that actually has some meaning behind it. We'll love you forever, or at least for a little while...

already it seems that some people have been proactive and started some new, interesting threads, so congrats to them.

this forum is only what *you* make of it :)
Raz said:
And Killing_time, don't be hating on any of my fellow mods or I'll have to kick your ass.

Twas only a wee debate... now lets go my little friend

onetwothreefour said:
already it seems that some people have been proactive and started some new, interesting threads, so congrats to them.

this forum is only what *you* make of it :)

And thus i've tried.
Please don't hate me my Bluelight friends... I come in peace.\
*Please excuse anything out of the ordinary Killing_time says.
He is drunk and has had a good night out.
This may be influential in the unusual 'lovely-doveyness' expressed in his posts.*
Love y'all.
ozbreaker said:
Isn't part of the problem that whenever anything is posted people will say 'This has been done before - use the search function'??. :)

Not only that, but some of the best threads ever on Bluelight were pointless threads.

I can only imagine how long the Can you fax acid thread would stick around if posted these days. That is even in the 'Best of Bluelight' forums.

No wonder poor Oceanboy is too scared to come out and play again.
Ok, this thread has run its course so I'm closing it - remember...

If you don't like the topics in Social, start your own,

If you can't be bothered starting some topics and you still think the topics suck, I suggest you find something else to do with your time,

If a thread of yours has been closed, pm a mod and discuss the issue,

If a thread of yours was closed but you feel it could have been merged with an older thread, pm a mod,

If you have a cool idea for a poll, pm a mod,

In other words, be more interactive with the forum and hopefully you'll get more out of it. The mods try to guide the forum in the best possible way, but we're not magicians and/or mind readers - if you have issues please feel to contact us. We want to improve the forum as much as anyone and ongoing feedback is much more useful than quartely bitch sessions.

thank you :)
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