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Attention those who live in north county san diego: Glass is gone

If anything, California has the potential to have the most busts of this kind because of their formerly laid-back attitude towards pot. The state is just itching to have some drug czar/DEA asshole make an example out of it because of all the medical pot clinics, grow ops, and recreational use that goes on there. The feds are watching the place like hawks as they openly defy national law every day, not only with pot, but with the majority of liberal, anti-war, anti-pollution, attitudes that exist there. California probably has more protests going on at any given time than any other state in the union, and the government HATES protestors. They even call opposition to war "The Vietnam Syndrome".

Fuck the bastards. It's a war they'll never win.
niice ^

This thread is such a great example of how ridicules this whole "drug war" concept really is.

Stoners tend to be nifty, pumpkins & most other fruits make great bongs as well.

& ason, that is undenyable doosch baggery.
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ignore this judgemental shit-you got a bowl someone else lost theirs, a shrewd thief got free money. you are what you do and what you did was buy what you wanted.

your friend however is a turd
Thank god I already bought my bong. The other day I walked into a smoke shop in I guess what you would call East County San Diego, and they were still selling pieces, but they used to have a bunch of clothing apparell, posters and such that had pot leaf designs on em, but they were gone when I went this time... I wonder if they were threatened at all
Thank god I already bought my bong. The other day I walked into a smoke shop in I guess what you would call East County San Diego, and they were still selling pieces, but they used to have a bunch of clothing apparell, posters and such that had pot leaf designs on em, but they were gone when I went this time... I wonder if they were threatened at all

They wouldn't have gotten away with this type of stuff even when anti-cannabis was a more popular attitude. There used to be a time when people actually cared about having the government not pry their fingers into people's personal business.
WHat a buncha bullshit, I hope that doesnt happen here. I'm on the west coast this shit aint funny. If the headshops go under out here I'm gonna be pissed
Plus pipes can easily be ordered online, I bought mine off a friend who stole it out of some car that was parked, doors were unlocked lol.

Yea, your friend has the karma that is coming to him indeed. Sad sap he is.
Yeah well there's no stores like that around here, I can't order online, so I bought one off a friend who had one, and now I have a bowl, its still a hard ass bowl. I think he cleaned it, I cleaned all the res out when I first got it, was a whole bowl full of resin, got me really high along with a bowl of weed.
Wow. i cant believe we're still going backwards. & in fuckin' California??The assholes stole those shop owners product , fined them , & slandered them by calling their shops " dives "

I am transmitting rage


its not about $ its about keepin the kids safe
I heard they were going to crack down on the head shops in San Diego last year but I guess that fell through because they are still plentiful in the Ocean Beach and El Cajon strips. That sucks for North County, but I think online is better anyhow, they usually have a better selection with less overhead and shipping is usually free if you are buying a nice sized piece. This raid does one thing and one thing only, cut revenue for the county. It is not going to effect the cannabis consumption rates what-so-ever.
what makes the least sense of all of this to me is that it is in california. i could understand some hick, back-assed, county in the bible belt pulling this shit off, but california has always been so tolerant towards cannabis use.

Even if it were possible to prove that these pipes are not used for tobacco, aren't these shops servicing people with legal cannabis prescriptions?
North San Diego county is hick towns, I've been here all of my life and have hated it since 26 years old. If anyone sees this and lives in North San Diego county, please DM me.
^I can see you're still trying to justify that.

Karma is very, very real and whether you believe it or not, it'll come back around and bite you in the ass. And guys, I appreciate the efforts, but there's no reason to bitch at the kid because he's just not going listen until he gets fucked over in the same way one of these days. Let it be.

Anyway, I went to Vishions here in Escondido and the entire shop is bare except for the hookahs, wraps, and papers. What a sad, sad sight... They have to make a court appearance soon and will be told then if they can have their pieces back.
Love that Karma thing, for sake off i might even believe it.

One guess what the .... did i do to deserve 25 years of struggle.
When i was a kid sure Karma may lick my ass.
As dr s abandoned Hippocrates and Human integrity.
Cop s don t abide to the law anymore. Politician s are plain crazy.
As long as that gets carried on.

And anything in between from privacy till protocol,
are mere meaningless words. The coldness loss of Placebo.
The Earth, rights of Children our flora and fauna.

It will cost. Maybe not necessary the ones doing it, but the casualties.
Is that Karma too, suffering of the innocent ?
Yeah but I didn't steal it so I don't care, lol. Anyways best investment I ever made, allows me to conserve weed, healthier than other methods besides vaping.
Whatever but the real owner might have died from ....
lung cancer, wouldn t your friend haven t stole that pipe.
That s a good scenario & saved his live.

As at that moment he might hypothetically have decided to stop smoking.
And living a long and healthy life after. There are of course other make ups.
Possible like .... well might just as well saved that guy/ girls live.