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Ativan (lorazepam) -Poll-

#1-3 Is Ativan Recreational for you? #4-6 If you hallucinate off it, is it enjoyable?

  • Definitely recreational, great benzo experience

    Votes: 220 32.9%
  • Meh alright, a little too weak for me, still fun

    Votes: 316 47.3%
  • Didn't like it at all, not recreational

    Votes: 132 19.8%
  • I hallucinate and enjoy that part of it the most.

    Votes: 37 5.5%
  • I hallucinate but ignore it and have fun

    Votes: 35 5.2%
  • I hallucinate and it's the worst experience ever

    Votes: 19 2.8%

  • Total voters
Sorry, but I can eat 12 of them and not feel a thing. Damn, I have a free supply of them and I really wish I could say something different...
Lorazepam works very diffrent with me than other benzos. Normal eating of it doesn't do anything even though I haven't got much of a tolerance to benzos. But when I eat 5 mg (haven't tried more) just before going to bed I wake up in a hugely energetic mood. I mean much more speedier than even with speed but not at all the same. I really feel like running around and doing everything I can think of. I also get a huge craving for beer and I gulp them like crazy (I normally don't like the taste of beer and can't drink them fast). Weed makes me normal again. The next day my muscles are always sore because of all the physical activity.

It gives similar of energy rush when mixed with epherdine, aspirin and guarana (and nice with just coffee). But works like a normal benzo with speed (except again mixed with epherdine...).

With alcohol it is more crazier than any other benzo I've tried. I always lose my memory and always end up eating huge amounts of them and drinking much more than I normally could. It prevents me from passing out (unlike other benzos) and I end up wandering around like a real zombie the whole night until I snap out at some point and can't remember anything that has happened.
Attivan was great when I was on it, but I built up a tolerance rather quickly. The Dr said it was less addicting than valium or Xanax, but I've been on enough harsher things that addiction wasn't really possible. When I first started using it (Iwas getting 2mg pills), if I took 6mgs at once I would "hallucinate" a bit. Not like acid or anything, but you'll see double of everything. Words on the t.v. look like they float out at you a bit. But it's great for anxiety or to help you sleep. have fun.
Ativan works perfect to get rid of my anxiety. Compared to Clonazepam which is just overkill, ativan is meh.
If you eat clonazepam and then go for a poo-poo, there's going to be Ativan tablets dropping from your arse? =D

No, seriously. Any of my pharmaceutical references doesn't state, that any of clonazepam's metabolites would be lorazepam. BUT, if that's true, it doesn't have any clinical importance. The most significant metabolite of clonazepam is 7-aminoclonazepam, which still has only minor anticonvulsive action.
um. i ate 8 mg ativan with no tolerance and didnt even feel placebo. and benzos are recreational for me when i have no tolerance (ie ONE mg kpin or xanax has me in heaven). id have to say this drug is shit for me
I got a script for 30 1mg's before, took about 5 mg's over a couple hours, then woke up in the ER after apperently taking the whole bottle and not remembering any of it. Just the first 5. I do remember euphoria before I blotted out. A 2nd time I almost did the same thing and ended up driving around without remembering. A 3rd time I was doing meth and ate about 20mg's over a 4 or 5 hour period and blacked out again for about 6 hours. Although I was told that I was very active. I've never come close to od on anything except maybe meth a time or two. Although I think the meth problem was just not sleeping or eating for 6 days and not just that I took too much.
I've always loved ativan for its Nice, mellow feel that completly takes away my axiedy and paranoia. I've only abused it a couple times, The first time was a big mistake, i looked at them and was pretty dam sure they were 1mg ones, i took 3 of em and i dont have a benzo tolorance plus im very weak to them ( half of a miligram of Xanax for anxiedy relief, same for kpins. Ativan i will eat 1mg, 5mgs of valium works great for me { my favorite for anxiedy, takes it away without make me forget everything and making my feet weight 10000 pounds ) anyway i ate 3 of em and my girlfriend did the same, we ended up, just sitting on my conrer completly wrecked smoking weed and making assholes out of ourselfs, i dont remember much of it, turns out they were 2mg guys. BIG BIG Mistake. Yes, i like the way the dissolve under your tongue as well. Anyway yeah ativan is awsome, gives me trippy hallucinations at above my normal dose for it. Anything more than 2mgs makes me see shit, i like it to a point but after a while it gets to me. So at the beguinning i love it, but towards the end i just try to ignore it.
It looks like the therapeutic dose of lorazepam, taken at once, would be as high as 5 mg in some cases. According to psychotropics.dk, it seems like 5 mg tablet strenght of lorazepam is approved in some countries. 8)
The most i've taken of lorazepam is 4mg at once. I didn't feel a thing besides a very slight calming effect. Almost negligible.

The pills were expired, but only by 6 months. I don't think this was the cause.

I did feel it when I had a couple beers.

Overall, very weak benzo by itself, atleast IME.
I find Temesta a weak and pretty useless benzo. In normal doses I don't feel a thing, in higher doses I feel only a hint of calmness, in very high doses it just makes me sleepy. IMO it's just valium light, and I don't like valium either since it has a very weak effect on me as well. And I have never had any hallucinations on Temesta, or any other benzo.
sonic said:
I picked choice 2: Meh alright, a little too weak for me, still fun

I think ativan is great for theraputic usage, but it just isn't very recreational for me. It makes me relaxed and takes away all my anxiety, but I don't get the euphoria on ativan that I get while on valium, klonopin, or xanax. I also feel much less affected by lorazepam in comparison to the other benzos. I've never hallucinated on ativan, but I have hallucinated on xanax a couple times. It wasn't exactly fun for me. Nothing like a real psychedelic experience of course.

What he said. Except without the dancing elephants. I don't hallucinate on benzos (zolpidem is a different story). I wouldn't exactly call Ativan "fun", though. It seems to be the drug of choice in for sedating uncooperative patients in the ER.;) I generally find it offensively ineffective for any use beyond anxiety, though, and that takes a bare minimum of 2mg. Ativan is pretty much always a letdown- it really doesn't produce sedation *or* euphoria. I'm sure at some ridiculous dose upwards of 10mg it knocks me out, but there's no precedent for administering that kind of mg/kg dosage prn (the most I've ever been hit with in a hospital is 5mg, usually it's 1-2) and it's not a drug worth wasting my own benzo tolerance (and money) on through self-administration of monster doses at home. If I'm going to waste my money and tolerance, I prefer alprazolam or clonazepam.

BollWeevil said:
Hoe many people on here are voting that they hallucinate, and then give bad votes in the "Do You Like Ativan"questions?


I didn't, because I don't. But if it's anything like zolpidem, I'm glad. I think this is where people make the distinction between psychedelics and deliriants. I do not like deliriants at all. There's a difference (for me, anyway) between tripping and losing your mind. I like to maintain that distinction.

Somebody mentioned that they didn't get any CNS depression from lorazepam. Benzos aren't supposed to depress the CNS. If we allow for a Darwinian exclusion of those who carelessly mix them with alcohol/opiates/barbiturates or administration of IV midazolam without a background in medicine, the LD50 of benzodiazepines is generally several thousand times the size of a therapuetic dosage precisely due to the non CNS-depressant attributes of benzos. That's why they are so widely prescribed today in place of barbiturates whenever possible. CNS depression= bad.
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the only good thing about ativan is that it tends to intensify the visual aspect of some psychedelics at low doses, though this can be inconsistent, even with the same chemical on different days

Definately not a recreational benzo for me, I had Ativan prescribed .5 2x a day and its barely did anything therapeutically nevermind recreationally even at higher doses. Lorazepam seems to be what doctors like to start people complaining of anxiety out on. That's what happened to me, then alprazolam, then clonazepam :D
I took 2.5mg Lorazepam and velt little calmer. Then 7.5mg and nothing. After that I took 10mg and there wa little visual disurbance...that may be that my eye louds maybe hevier and I saw eye corner everything strangly.

Montly unusful benzo, but some may duisagree.

I prefer in order:
1. Xanax
2. Rivotril/Klonopin
3. Valium
4. Bromazepam
5. Nitrazepam
6. Loraepam

Over all, lorazepam is not enjoyale like my listed benzos.
I just wanna add that i enjoy it very much in high doses, like around 6 mg + a tiny amount of some stimulant..
Ativan is baby benzos. for me, I have never hallucinated on them and have never met or heardof a person who has [excepting people on this forum]. I personally used to take alot of them up to the point of developing a nasty physical habit. They do potentiate methadone but when taken in a sober fashion the only effects I could feel were similar to Benadryl.
Iron man: People are not allowed to source substances on this board. It is a huge error on your point. Please read the rules. It protects the site as well as its users.