Assisted Suicide - How Is It Not A Common Thing?


Feb 21, 2024
They’re never going to solve the issue of people wanting to kill themselves, so why not make the easy pain free methods available to everyone?

It would solve so many problems. Think about how many people get traumatized when they witness someone jump in front of a train or find a body splattered on the ground. Someone has to clean up the mess too. Relatives may have to I.D the body etc.

If it was simple as going to the hospital and signing some papers then all you do is take a pill or something it would solve all the dilemmas of suicide.
They’re never going to solve the issue of people wanting to kill themselves, so why not make the easy pain free methods available to everyone?

It would solve so many problems. Think about how many people get traumatized when they witness someone jump in front of a train or find a body splattered on the ground. Someone has to clean up the mess too. Relatives may have to I.D the body etc.

If it was simple as going to the hospital and signing some papers then all you do is take a pill or something it would solve all the dilemmas of suicide.

California allows this option for terminally ill adults.
I would wager you don't see that expanded because there are clear ethical issues for other cases.
Because they don't respect prolonged mental health struggles or even remotely understand how torturous it actually is. Like, on a fundamental level, they're pretty much just thinking that you would have to be suffering from some kind of delusion to ever want to kill yourself. That you could never want that if you were in a state of mind where you can actually consent to something so serious.
I thought it is more common and legal than it was not like everywhere common but it does seem more humane a very hot topic I wonder why I would fantasize about throwing myself off a bridge now the height is 1000ft hopefully the river would make it less of a mess to clean up but honestly after looking over some high ledges I am like what a barbaric method I also know suicide is not the answer to my issues who knows the issue is what if you change your mind at the last minute after it's too late for regret

I thought I read though some of the legal methods were being challenged as not "harmless" like morphine is thought to be painless but I guess that isn't the case

Anyways I since decided I guess running away in the Backcountry and trying to live off the land would be a solution to escape this life without causing oneself further pain

Suicide to me defies all logic and reasoning it just seems like an ill-thought out plan regardless of the situation causing the ideation change is possible changing environment and everything isn't an easy copout necessarily but life isn't all a walk in the park doesn't mean I need to jump off a thousand foot bridge funny I wouldn't want assisted suicide rather do that totally illogical and from an insane mindset out of all methods

This bridge I was looking at a couple states away had a jumper in recent times seemed to strange to me younger beautiful woman no note left but getting way off-topic

You are talking logical saying it is a better option than having messy traumatizing suicide run rampant
I think that there are better options to change the law in other ways so that people wouldn't have to feel that way.

Also, kind of like what the above user said, it's not just the one person that suffers when someone offs themselves, it's also their family and friends, the people who have to see the result of it, and society at large basically. It's really hard to have perspective like this, but it's very true.

There are better ways of helping people out. Don't think it's something that we should just allow.
I think that there are better options to change the law in other ways so that people wouldn't have to feel that way.

Also, kind of like what the above user said, it's not just the one person that suffers when someone offs themselves, it's also their family and friends, the people who have to see the result of it, and society at large basically. It's really hard to have perspective like this, but it's very true.

There are better ways of helping people out. Don't think it's something that we should just allow.

Are there better ways of helping people out, though? Are there really? I've been depressed for all 31 years I've lived on this planet. I don't get the kind of enjoyment from life or human connections that so many seem to. I've spent tons of time with therapists, I've tried tons of different medications, even to the point of throwing $3000 straight into the trash to try ketamine in a clinical setting for TRD. I suffer in life more time than I spend even being just "fine" with life. My physical health prospects are also pretty bleak, since I have a genetic disorder that totally messes up collagen production and is often disabling (not to mention it comes with a lifetime of chronic pain, very lovely). I see my mother rapidly deteriorating right now, and every single thing she complains about, I already have developed, it's just more minor than hers because she's got 25 years on me.

At some point, YOU'RE the ones being selfish by insisting everyone stay here even when the person wants no part in it and has felt that way for a long time. I wouldn't allow my family members to override my great grandfather's explicitly-stated desire to be allowed to die when his body was failing him, and people respect it when that kind of choice is made with elderly, physically sick people. So why is it suddenly the worst offense to suggest that someone like me should be able to choose a merciful death?

It's very, very strange to me. We actually do have good treatments for physical ailments, or at least the symptoms they can cause. Mental health has never been so lucky, but that's the one thing we won't allow people to end their lives over, no matter what.
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Easy in Canada especially if you're a drug addict or depressed
I am very against assisted suicide in most cares. If you have cancer why not dope them to the gills so they can live without pain. And i flat out refuse to believe in medically assister death for depression is the only option
Remember when they passed the law you couldn't if you had a mental illness? Now they have even offered it to injured veterans and seniors going to food banks.
Remember when they passed the law you couldn't if you had a mental illness? Now they have even offered it to injured veterans and seniors going to food banks.

It''s a fucking disgrace. I had this country
Are there better ways of helping people out, though? Are there really? I've been depressed for all 31 years I've lived on this planet. I don't get the kind of enjoyment from life or human connections that so many seem to. I've spent tons of time with therapists, I've tried tons of different medications, even to the point of throwing $3000 straight into the trash to try ketamine in a clinical setting for TRD. I suffer in life more time than I spend even being just "fine" with life. My physical health prospects are also pretty bleak, since I have a genetic disorder that totally messes up collagen production and is often disabling (not to mention it comes with a lifetime of chronic pain, very lovely). I see my mother rapidly deteriorating right now, and every single thing she complains about, I already have developed, it's just more minor than hers because she's got 25 years on me.

At some point, YOU'RE the ones being selfish by insisting everyone stay here even when the person wants no part in it and has felt that way for a long time. I wouldn't allow my family members to override my great grandfather's explicitly-stated desire to be allowed to die when his body was failing him, and people respect it when that kind of choice is made with elderly, physically sick people. So why is it suddenly the worst offense to suggest that someone like me should be able to choose a merciful death?

It's very, very strange to me. We actually do have good treatments for physical ailments, or at least the symptoms they can cause. Mental health has never been so lucky, but that's the one thing we won't allow people to end their lives over, no matter what.

Definitely felt like an attack. Anger doesn't solve anything.

I guess you're going to do what you want to do, and I can't stop that.

The big part I don't see in your case is socializing. People don't recover fully until they have a team of friends and loved ones to be with frequently.
I have people who care about me a lot, and who share interests with me. The problem is that I don't get much out of spending time with them. Being around people is just a drain. And that's not just a thing where I've tricked myself into thinking I'd prefer not being around people. I have actually tried to force myself to do it regularly (suggestion of one of my many therapists over the years), and it never took long before it became something I actively dreaded. It is just fundamentally not fulfilling to me. It's a time wasting activity that has fun parts but is mostly an energy drain.

And there was anger in that post. I feel like I have the right to be angry about people who don't want to let others make this choice because they personally just can't handle the idea that there isn't always hope for people to get better. Nobody sat me down before I was born, told me about what kind of place the world was, and asked me if I wanted to give it a try. I was forced here and I've never liked it, and got treated inhumanely the few times I've been brave enough to try to escape.
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I have people who care about me a lot, and who share interests with me. The problem is that I don't get much out of spending time with them. Being around people is just a drain. And that's not just a thing where I've tricked myself into thinking I'd prefer not being around people. I have actually tried to force myself to do it regularly (suggestion of one of my many therapists over the years), and it never took long before it became something I actively dreaded. It is just fundamentally not fulfilling to me. It's a time wasting activity that has fun parts but is mostly an energy drain.

And there was anger in that post. I feel like I have the right to be angry about people who don't want to let others make this choice because they personally just can't handle the idea that there isn't always hope for people to get better. Nobody sat me down before I was born, told me about what kind of place the world was, and asked me if I wanted to give it a try. I was forced here and I've never liked it, and got treated inhumanely the few times I've been brave enough to try to escape.

What about psychedelics? Or fuckit amphetamines or even IV coke if your that depressed
Psychedelic effects are fun, but every now and then can be really difficult. Basically always exhausting on a sensory level at some point too. Admittedly I have no experience with strong stimulants, because weak ones already make me feel like such shit I miraculously prefer being sober, but I don't see how that could work as a long term solution even if I tried them and decided it was great. I'm still going to end up in the same shitty place all the coke and meth addicts here eventually wind up at, no?
They’re never going to solve the issue of people wanting to kill themselves, so why not make the easy pain free methods available to everyone?

It would solve so many problems. Think about how many people get traumatized when they witness someone jump in front of a train or find a body splattered on the ground. Someone has to clean up the mess too. Relatives may have to I.D the body etc.

If it was simple as going to the hospital and signing some papers then all you do is take a pill or something it would solve all the dilemmas of suicide.

Because often wanting to die is a temporary sensation that has solutions other than killing yourself. Making suicide easier still does not make it a better option.
Psychedelic effects are fun, but every now and then can be really difficult. Basically always exhausting on a sensory level at some point too. Admittedly I have no experience with strong stimulants, because weak ones already make me feel like such shit I miraculously prefer being sober, but I don't see how that could work as a long term solution even if I tried them and decided it was great. I'm still going to end up in the same shitty place all the coke and meth addicts here eventually wind up at, no?

What psych's have you tried? Shrooms basically helped me out of my teenage depressed state immensly
Shrooms and a lot of LSD. But I was depressed long before teenage years. Was put on an antidepressant for the first time when I was 8. Our situations are probably not the same.
I have people who care about me a lot, and who share interests with me. The problem is that I don't get much out of spending time with them. Being around people is just a drain. And that's not just a thing where I've tricked myself into thinking I'd prefer not being around people. I have actually tried to force myself to do it regularly (suggestion of one of my many therapists over the years), and it never took long before it became something I actively dreaded. It is just fundamentally not fulfilling to me. It's a time wasting activity that has fun parts but is mostly an energy drain.

And there was anger in that post. I feel like I have the right to be angry about people who don't want to let others make this choice because they personally just can't handle the idea that there isn't always hope for people to get better. Nobody sat me down before I was born, told me about what kind of place the world was, and asked me if I wanted to give it a try. I was forced here and I've never liked it, and got treated inhumanely the few times I've been brave enough to try to escape.
It's hard work, very hard. Few people get a good life by sheer chance. I at one time was kind of like that, but living is so much better when in concert with others. The work paid off for me because I never stopped trying.

You're judging me just like you didn't want me to judge you. Next, you're contorting my words. We call that a red herring. Never said there is always hope. That's why they have these programs in various countries, but even these programs require a lot of documentation.

No one chooses to get born. There isn't any use in getting self-righteous about this, again. Your experience is unique in some ways, but otherwise this is honestly a pretty funny statement imo.

It's your life.
Because often wanting to die is a temporary sensation that has solutions other than killing yourself. Making suicide easier still does not make it a better option.
This is spot-on.
It's hard work, very hard. Few people get a good life by sheer chance. I at one time was kind of like that, but living is so much better when in concert with others. The work paid off for me because I never stopped trying.

You're judging me just like you didn't want me to judge you. Next, you're contorting my words. We call that a red herring. Never said there is always hope. That's why they have these programs in various countries, but even these programs require a lot of documentation.

No one chooses to get born. There isn't any use in getting self-righteous about this, again. Your experience is unique in some ways, but otherwise this is honestly a pretty funny statement imo.

It's your life.

This is spot-on.

There were other people in this thread who did effectively say that. I'm sorry you got caught up in some thoughts that were more suited for them.

I'm glad you found a socially acceptable solution to your problems with life. Medically assisted suicide isn't an option where I live, not even for people with terminal physical illness, and I somehow I doubt Canada would do physician assisted suicide for a medical tourist. I asked the question about if there really was a better solution because there are so many who are convinced there's always another thing to try. But we really do have limited options for mental health. At some point, if it's been that long, and there's documented attempts of trying all kinds of things, with no success, it no longer makes sense to keep doing the same things over and over again. I've been at this for 31 years. I've tried all kinds of things. It's true, I haven't tried meth addiction or a lobotomy, so I haven't truly exhausted all of my options. But come on...

I understand the idea that people who want to commit suicide are selfish, but I want people who are staunchly against it to understand that they are also selfish. Their stance forces people to either continue suffering what is sometimes a pretty torturous existence until something else kills them, or to take things into their own hands and cause particularly traumatic (and sometimes dangerous) scenes for all sorts of people.

Thanks for finding me funny, too. Never thought I'd meet a fellow person whose favourite hobby is also pouring liquid shit on the heads of sad strangers.
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