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Are psychedelics really a "better" class of drugs than others?

I don't have a specific place or hut or anything. I generally go into some woods I'm somewhat familiar with-- I live in East Tennessee, so there are a LOT of nice wooded/mountainous areas and I've been in most of them. I like streams and lakes, too.
So it's basically taking a hike on a trail or up a mountain stream and just going as far as I feel like. I start in very early morning so there's plenty of time to trip and still get back before dark. I hike/swim/lie down/hug a tree---whatever I feel like. Sometimes it's camping overnight, but I haven't done that in years.
Im all for the nature approach.. We have a pretty isolated nice cabin in northern Wisconsin with some acreage.. has a locking gate on the drive in. Little lake.. covered deck. Great place to trip.. run around naked if we find the desire.. beautiful woods. Hunter S it with some psychedelic target practice.. or not. Always hit the fall leaf color peak with a mushroom chocolate or two. Milky Way was amazing two years ago peak... fucking set on the setting.
Must one need to remind people to take all things in moderation and that too much of a good thing becomes bad? Isn’t the first line in Harm Reduction relating to psychedelics is to not use them if you already suffer from certain serious mental illnesses such as inherited schizophrenia?
When comparing drugs of abuse to psychedelics, the former cannot reasonably expand one’s overall perspective I don’t believe like how psychedelics have the potential to.
By careful, measured, and sporadic use of psychedelics many often are led to question many of the values that we have been encouraged to believe. We have been told that it’s “honourable to serve our country through military service.” Why? What reason or flavour of the month is it “good” for me to fly halfway across the planet to put a bullet in the head of someone I don’t know and who hadn’t done jack shit to me?
If you’re taking psychedelics with the expressed purpose of getting “wrecked tonight” then you have a lot of maturing to do.
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There is no good or bad anything. But there can be a good or bad relationship to an external object.

A computer in the minds of some of the older people is a predator tool. (the big bad computer) In other minds it is a gateway to humanities future. But the computer is neither good nor bad. It is a tool. I think all drugs are tools but people get into their own special relationship with them and it really is an individual thing.
Yeah, people often think of 'medicine' and depth first when talking about psychedelics... but as pure drugs.. I've never taken any other drug that could come even remotely close to the pure fun you can have on a psychedelic.

I hate the ayahuasqueros who go to that place in costa rica going "this isnt fun, theres nothing fun about this, this isnt about taking drugs..." . It depends if you enjoy psyche drugs doesnt it - Ive laughed my tits off on oral dmt
Although LSD is generally regarded as non-addictive - due to both intensity and speed of tolerance setting in - it is still pretty easy to become near dependent on it when you have a lot of it. It’s marvellous for offsetting some of the worst effects of stim abuse, as well as bringing back euphoria when stims have totally destroyed your dopamine-type euphoria.

I’ve had to seriously question whether I’ve been dependent on LSD a few times when it helped sustain binges that should have died a natural death weeks earlier.
I don't have a specific place or hut or anything. I generally go into some woods I'm somewhat familiar with-- I live in East Tennessee, so there are a LOT of nice wooded/mountainous areas and I've been in most of them. I like streams and lakes, too.
So it's basically taking a hike on a trail or up a mountain stream and just going as far as I feel like. I start in very early morning so there's plenty of time to trip and still get back before dark. I hike/swim/lie down/hug a tree---whatever I feel like. Sometimes it's camping overnight, but I haven't done that in years.
I really like going out into the woods and isolating for 24 hours, tripping sometime during the next 24, and spending the next night integrating. Being totally cut off from cell service is nice too because then I don’t have to deal with anything but my own bullshit.
Being totally cut off from cell service is nice too because then I don’t have to deal with anything but my own bullshit.
Even when I go outside just to play with my dog or tend to my garden, I NEVER bring along my cellphone.
It's the most blissful part of my day.
Better for what?

Every tool has it's use. I don't use a screwdriver for a hammer.

I prefer psychedelics, but there is no best drug. Each serves a different purpose for which it is best suited.
when stims have totally destroyed your dopamine-type euphoria.
Do you think that happens unreversibly?
I do think that after my a-php and 3-mmc binges I don't feel dopamine as potently as before, for all the substances, and abstaining of most things..
I will get some 9-me-bc and bromantane, seems the only way to solve that.
I think it's easy to get a bit elitest with psychedelics. Unlike most drugs where exposure can often lead to a fucked up road of addiction and dick sucking, people generally(!) end up as a more mature person who is more compassionate than they were before the drug experience.

I've met cool people who do all sorts of drugs. But for every meth mate I have who has their shit together there's a bunch that are.. Full blown not-got-their-shit-together.

Now don't get me wrong some people get messed up by psychedelics but, it's rare.

I guess it comes down to this. From what I've seen, psychedelics help most people. Stimulants and downers, again from what I've seen, ruin most people. It's basically that simple.
Do you think that happens unreversibly?
I do think that after my a-php and 3-mmc binges I don't feel dopamine as potently as before, for all the substances, and abstaining of most things..
I will get some 9-me-bc and bromantane, seems the only way to solve that.
I don’t know about irreversibly, but after a 30 year on and off again love affair with stimulants I no longer got real euphoria unless I took maybe a 1 year break. And even then I’d only get one or two really mind-blowing euphoric meth sessions (IV) (say volume 11 on a dial only going to 10) when I started again before it devolved quickly to just ‘not-to-bad’ (volume 5). But now, even after a month of daily meth smoking I can hit around 17 on that 1-10 euphoria dial with the calculated use of LSD.

I keep meaning to research it more but I can’t understand where such intense euphoria emerges from in an entirely dopamine depleted brain.
I think it's easy to get a bit elitest with psychedelics. Unlike most drugs where exposure can often lead to a fucked up road of addiction and dick sucking, people generally(!) end up as a more mature person who is more compassionate than they were before the drug experience.
As I matured I became a lot more relaxed about sucking the occasional dick on acid.
where such intense euphoria emerges from in an entirely dopamine depleted brain.
This is completely "bro science" but I guess that what happens with stims is that you're using your normal neural pathways/network. With psychedelics that change to a point so maybe those open gates create some communication among neural networks that normally don't fire together which makes you feel "euphoric" because of the novelty and probably because the neurotransmitters fire into different "directions" so to speak.
I don't know if you can imagine the picture or if it makes sense to you.
Is a bit like the excitement you get when you go to another place instead of going using the same route/road, but topographically-biochemically talking.